Bashmakov, Alksandar Alexandrovich (Odessa, 1858 -?, 1943) – Russian Slavophile, publicist, editor and publisher of newspapers (in Russian and French). Secondary education ends in Geneva, and the Faculty of Law in S.-Petersburg and Odessa (1881). Immediately sent to the Russian representative in a newly liberal Bulgaria P. A. Matvevev. In 1882 Eight months is a librarian in Plovdiv and basically the National Library of Eastern Rumelia. Often crosses the Rhodope Mountains, it observes the end and write folk songs. Later, it visits Macedonia and (most often under the pseudonym Weigh Oleg) publishes books, articles and maps with bush trends. As a vice president and later chairman of the Council of the SPBSBD contacted K. Misirkov (1901 -1903), and at the Slavic gatherings and the press (“Petersburg Gazeta”, 1913) polemized with D. Chupovski and other Macedonians, Bra-noting the Bulgarian view of the Macedonian question. Lit.: Blaze Ristovski, Dimitrija Chupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, and, Skopje, 1978, 291; The same, Macedonian Chronicle. Gains of literary and national themes, and, Skopje, 1993, 300-307; The same, Dimitrija Cupovski and the Macedonian Nation awareness, Skopje, 1996, 140-145. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАШМАКОВ, Алксандар Александрович