Baseski, Zarko (Prilep, 11. ⅶ 1957) – Sculptor, university professor. He graduated in the class of Peter Hadzi Boskov (1988) and mastered in the class of Dragan Popovski-Dada (1998) at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. He had studied stay in London (1979-1982). He is a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. He is a member of DLUM (since 1988). He had seven independent exhibitions in the Republic of Macedonia: Prilep (1984 and 1993), Bitola (1993) and Skopje (1994, 1997, 1998 and 2004). He participated in group exhibitions in the country and abroad (Skopje, Templates – Arizona, USA, Istanbul Turkey, Feithfield Arkansas, USA and Gorna Milanovac – Serbia), public performances (Skopje and Vodoca) and in art colonies (Marathi in Slovenia and in Prilep). His works are also in private collections in the country and abroad. Lit.: Zarko Baseski / Zarko Bascheski, (Catalog), Preface Koncha Pirkoska, Skopje, 1997; Zarko Baseski / Zarko Bascheski, sculpture – Temple / Shutaluur – Template, Skopje, 1998; Zarko Baseski / Zorka Bascheski, Sculptures / Sculptures, Skopje, 2004. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАШЕСКИ, Жарко