Ajube grass (ACHILLZ MILLOFOLIUM) – Multi-annual drug green plant high 20-80 cm, white or pink flowers and strong odor. It has a special meaning in folk medicine. It is believed that it has the most permissible properties if it is curved at the time of the doinning. It is used for cooking tea or placed directly on a wound mixed with urine to stop bleeding. Because for the dressing and firing of the wounds, the Eythuts used, after them and received this folk naming. According to the folk tradition, this medicinal property exactly they have found. In the oil if it is drinking, it is a drug against stimulous – turtle), placed in brandy (plus bike with nine repetitions) treats fever, tea again heals laziness (malaise), stomach diseases and toothache. In Slavic Balkan peoples, over 50 different appointments were observed. Lit.: Bogoslav Shungle, Yugoslivene directory Bilja, Zagreb, 1879; Dragutin Simonovic, Botanical Dictionary Imen Bilijaka, Belgrade, 1959; Va-with Dervji, contemporary treatment with medicinal herbs, Skopje, 1992, 355-357. S. Ml. Sabina Ayrula-Thay
Archives: Glossary
Aytija – Macedonian goddess of light; According to legends, Macedon is the son of Iyya (Aitria) and Dion; According to another version, Don’s son is the son of Zems and Tia – Daughter of Devivillion; The name of the goddess is associated with the Macedonian glossa Audaly, with the meaning “light, clear sky”. Lit.: N. Proceed, history of Argian, Skopje, 2004. A. Shook. Statute and Rulebook of the Political Society “Macedonia of Macedonians” in Zurich (1919)
Ayrula-Tozia, Sabina
Ayrula-Tasy, Sabina (Skopje, 17. ⅳ 1946) – Actress in the Drama Theater (from 1967). Roles: Olga (“Chekhov”); Gertrude (“Hamlet”); Fatima (“Thessaloniki Patdori”); Lysienne (“flea in-ear”); Kostadninka (“Jane Cooper”); Jesse (“Good Night Maco”); Laura (“Father”); Lenny (“Heart of Heart”) and others. As a guest, he participated in projects of Turkish drama and the drama of the MNT. R. ST. Eiskhin
Azbia. – The abuser, Zulumar at the time of the Ottoman rule in Macedonia. Their number was particularly grown in the time of the Russian-Turkish War (1877/1978), when they took part as volunteers in the Ottoman army and the Macedonian settlements were porn. The Debar Ibia also plundered the city of Krushevo. The folk singer cursed them: “God to kill Debranes … / What did Jizbias / after that river Radika, / after those villages of Rizjanski, / Old and young colors …”. Lit.: Collection of Macedonian folk songs. Redect Blaze Koneski, Skopje, 1945, 324; Macedonian folk songs, collected from festivals in Bitola and Stip on 11 October 1947. Redect Vasil Iljoski, Skopje, 1948, 37; Traian Nikodinoski, folk songs from Ohrid, Ohrid, 1974, 142. S. Ml.
Baba Sach – a male mountain that rises between the Kicevo valley in the north and karst cervic field in the south. With the highest peak large Sac (1,698 m), located in the central – central part, extends across the East-West direction. In the west with the switch of Turtles (1,099 m), it is separated from the mountain base (1,220 m), while in the east through shallow saddle continues in the higher bush mountain (1,780 m). It covers a small area of 35 km. The geological composition is dominated by Paleozoic massive marbles with a thickness of up to 1,000 m, which allowed their exploitation and intensive karstification. On the southern footer there are two village settlements, CE and Krsko. T. And. Vasil Babamov
Baba Sach
Baba Sach – a male mountain that rises between the Kicevo valley in the north and karst cervic field in the south. With the highest peak large Sac (1,698 m), located in the central – central part, extends across the East-West direction. In the west with the switch of Turtles (1,099 m), it is separated from the mountain base (1,220 m), while in the east through shallow saddle continues in the higher bush mountain (1,780 m). It covers a small area of 35 km. The geological composition is dominated by Paleozoic massive marbles with a thickness of up to 1,000 m, which allowed their exploitation and intensive karstification. On the southern footer there are two village settlements, CE and Krsko. T. And. Vasil Babamov
Babamov, Lazarus
Babamov, Lazarus (Kocani, 21. 1906 – Skopje, 10. IX 1976) – Agronomus, full professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje. Faculty of Agriculture finished in Zemun – a white city. He then works as an environmental agricultural officer and manager of the nursery in Kocani, Veles and Gevgelija (1933-1938). After the liberation, he becomes director and head of department at the agricultural institute in Skopje (1944-1956). He published more scientific and professional papers, such as an Austrian or co-author, in the field of selection and agrotechnics of cereal crops. The specialization for the production of rice was in Italy. He was a member of several commissions and boards at the Agricultural Institute and the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje. He participated in several seminars and symposiums in the field of rice and corn. P. Iv.
Babamov, Neofit.
Babamov, Neophyt (OF) (Kocani, 2. ⅱ 1909 – Kocani, 19. 1994) – A trade union and communist Dian, fighter. As a member of the 1929) and the CPY (from 1938), he was interned in the Ivanjica camps and then in Tanasko Raic in Kragujevac (5. ⅴ 1940 – 6. 1941). As Head of the Meat Military Headquarters in Kocani (from April 1942), he was arrested (27. Xi 1942 – 8. ⅱ 1943), and then preparation for the detection of NOOP “Goce Delcev”. He was interned in the “Visible” camp (in Vidin, Bulgaria, March-September 1944), and after returning he was a political commissioner to the third military district, party head of folk defense, commander of the military area for Eastern Macedonia (from October 1944), Commander At the garrison in Pehcevo (1945), director of rice Mlay factories in Kocani, after which he was retired as a military disability (1963). Lit.: Kocani and Kocani in New 1941-1945, Kocani, 1985; Stip and Stip at the National Liberation War 1941-1945. Attachments from the scientific gathering held on 17, 18 and 19 May 1990 in Stip, REC. 1-4, Skopje, 2001-2002. S. Ml.
Babamov, Peter.
Babamov, Peter (Skopje, 13. ⅵ 1937) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (from 1982 to retirement in 2002), the subjects technology of concrete and concrete and reinforced constructs. Master degree in Iziis (1968), He was at the Study in the United States (1974). It is mainly oriented towards experimental research, he was a consultant in the construction of several facilities in the country, including HPP “Kozjak”. It actively worked in scientific associations and was chairman of the covenant of construction engineers of the Republic of Macedonia. L. T.
Babamov, Vasil.
Babamov, Vasil (Skopje, 1942) – Theoretical chemist and editor of the magazine “CHICAL ABSTRACTS”, Tolumbus, Ohio, USA. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Skopje and was assistant (1968). He received his doctorate at the University of Urban, Illinois, the United States, where he was an assistant and researcher (from 1971). Collaborator of the Nobel laureate R. A. Marcus. He was a postdoctoral of the California Institute of Technology (Casififornia Istitue Oh Tochanologist) and lecturer at the State University of California (Califormai, Statifornia), a professor of chemistry in Tijuana, Mexico. He was an analyst in the CHICAL ABSTRAZTS Service (since 1986). President is the Macedonian Society and the Board of the MOC “ST. Martages “in Columbus. St. H. J. Baba Mountain
Babencostov, Wangel Ristov
Babenkostov, Vangel Ristov (village German, Lerin, Greece, 5.ⅶ 1938) – Mathematician. Graduated (1962) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Order. Prof. The PMF since 1998 (assistant from 1967). Masters Degree (1974) of the PMF in a white city, and received a PhD in Skopje in Skopje with the topic of attachment to the numerical solution of differential equations and published scientific papers from that Obest. N. C.
Babes (illuminated forty martyrs) – a Christian Orthodox holiday of spring in honor of the memory of the “Forty Martyrs”, the detail, gallery of icons, Ohrid (ⅺ c. ). It is celebrated as a day of youth, love and beauty. In Macedonian customs and beliefs, the number 40 is often present as a memorial of these martyrs, and 40 methanies were made before the Lord, 40 snails gathered 40 Sarmans, the lunch was drinking 40 cups of wine or brandy, and somewhere were carried 40 rods Out of the field, 40 herbs were harvested, 40 pebbles were made in the river, etc., etc. The day of spring equinox is considered a real start of spring, with an incremented day, stronger sun, the appearance of birds migrated, the return of vegetation, etc. In that sense, most customs and beliefs associated with birds and plants are. The customs with the snakes in the village are interesting. Ormani (Skopje). From a recent date is the custom to go to guests in those who got married between the two feet and wear gifts. Lit.: Spreadí íí Bílagar People’s venerable, Charen, Passí and and ⅱ, bílgarian customs, ripples, superstitions and custy, book ⅶ. Síbal and issuing K. A. Sapkarev, Sofia, 1891; Serbian folk customs U-Creatiali Kazi. Premovio and Opisshaoo Stefan Tans ¢, Teacher, Belgrade, 1927; Lepa Spirovska, the cult of the snakes in the village of Ormani, “Macedonian Folklore”, ⅳ, 7-8, Skopje, 1981, 141. M. Keith.
Babic-Djordjevic, Gordana
Babic-Djordjevic, Gordana (Valevo, Serbia, 22. ⅱ 1932 – Bell-city, 25. ⅻ 1993) – A historian of art, academician. Co-author of the book icon, where he is processing medieval icons from Macedonia. BIB.: Icon of iconostasima U Serbian Arts, ZLU, 11, Novi Sad. Cv. Gr.
Babic, Anto
Babic, Anto (s. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb (1923), and then he was a gymnasium professor in Sarajevo. As a participant in the NOB, he was a member of the presidency of Zebbich and a member of Awnoj. After the liberation, Minister of Education in the First Government of NRBiH and Vice President of the Presidium of the National Assembly of NRBiH, a full professor (1950-1970) and the first Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo, a regular member of the establishment of the Scientific Society of BiH and Anubich and First President of the Society of Historians of BiH. His scientific specialty was the history of medieval Bosnia. BIB.: History People FNRJ – Medium Vijeck, Sarajevo, 1946; Bosnian Heretics, Sarayevo, 1963; Ishevjoveusa Bosnaya, Sarajevo, 1973. S. Ml. Bosko Babic
Babjak, glancedozed
Babjak, sweetened (Lonin) (Verbasmum Adenantum Bomb.) – Local Macedonian florical endemite from FAM. Schrotherlariacae, known only for the environment of Prilep – Markovski Kuli, Treskavec, Section Mountain and Mariovo. VL. M. Lesnovo Babjak (Lopin)
Babjak, Herzogov
Babjak, Herzogov. (Lein) (Verbaszum Herzogi Bomb.) – Local Macedonian florical endemite from the family of Schropperariacea. It develops in the Gorge of Black River through Mariovo and in the wider surroundings of Prilep (Pletvar, Kozjak and Sivec). VL. M.
Babuna – Medium Mountain located in the central part of the Republic of Macedonia, and rises between the valley of the Babuna and Prilep field. In the middle part, Kani is known in shielded sords, and the mountain Babuna Ko Mucos Mountain with the highest peak streak (1,499 m). The highest peak is Kozjak (1,746 m). In the West Babuna continues in the mountain of Clerk with the eponymous peak (1,422 m). Anyone has a dinar direction of stretching SZ-Yi. The geological composition is represented by gneisses, michasmists, granodoirites, and in the south, Segovo, Kozjak and Pletvar there is a thick series of marbles. Among the Prevali is the most important thing, through which the regional road Veles-Prilep passes. The Babuna of the cultural and historical monuments stands out the monastery Treskavec. Lit.: A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2003. T. And.
Babuna Planina.
Babuna – Medium Mountain located in the central part of the Republic of Macedonia, and rises between the valley of the Babuna and Prilep field. In the middle part, Kani is known in shielded sords, and the mountain Babuna Ko Mucos Mountain with the highest peak streak (1,499 m). The highest peak is Kozjak (1,746 m). In the West Babuna continues in the mountain of Clerk with the eponymous peak (1,422 m). Anyone has a dinar direction of stretching SZ-Yi. The geological composition is represented by gneisses, michasmists, granodoirites, and in the south, Segovo, Kozjak and Pletvar there is a thick series of marbles. Among the Prevali is the most important thing, through which the regional road Veles-Prilep passes. The Babuna of the cultural and historical monuments stands out the monastery Treskavec. Lit.: A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2003. T. And.
Babuna River
Babuna – River, right tributary of Vardar. It springs on the eastern side of the Jakupica Mountain, under the top Thessalonian Chapter (2,540 m), from a strong karen source, located under non-government rocks, at a height of 1,720 m, and are also following Vardar in the Veles Gorge, at a height of 155 m. In the source part, he first flows in the direction of the northwest-southeast, then to the village of Bogomila, during the village of the village, and from the village of Omanan, she lactor turns in the direction of the southwest-northeast and is unlikely. Vardar after the short gorge Paya. It is 65 km long, has a total decline of 1,565 m and an average drop of 24.0%. The basin covers an area of 612 km 2. On the course of two sides receiving more tributaries, among which are more significant: Nonjilovska, Otorak, British, Church River and River White Water. Lit.: Golden Gashevski, basic hydrographic properties of the main tributaries of Vardar in SR Macedonia, “Geographic reviews”, REC. 17, Skopje, 1979; Aleksandar Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2002. Dr. C.
Babunski, Vera Gosheva
Babunski, Vera Gosheva (Veles, 21. 1920 – Skopje, 2. XI 1999) – Revolutionary, participant in the workers’ and women’s movement in Veles (from 1935) and a member of the CPY (from 1940). After the occupation worked with women from Veles for their inclusion in the NOD. In 1942 She was twice closed, and then in December interned in Beldecic, Bulgaria. In the same year he was again sentenced to 15 years strict dark imprisonment. He supports the sentence in the prison in Stara Zagora. Since September 1944 is a fighter of the “Goce Delcev” brigade. After the war works as a bank officer. The holder of the Partisan Monument 1941. Lit: Women of Macedonia in New 1941-1945, Skopje, 1976. F. Malc. John Babunski
Bacic, Franjo
Bacic, Franjo (Senj, Croatia, 12. ⅰ 1923) – University professor, lawyer. Elementary school and high school finished in the birthplace. Faculty of Law ended in Zagreb, and received a PhD at the Faculty of Law in Belgrade, on the topic “The beginning of the commission of the crime and punitive preparatory actions” (1954). Elected for assistant on the case criminal law of the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1957), and then for an associate and full professor. He published a number of scientific papers and several textbooks in the field of criminal law. He was Dean of Franjo Bacic Law Faculty in Skopje (1971/72 and 1972/73). He went to the Faculty of Law in Zagreb for a full-time professor of criminal law (1974). BIB.: Franjo Bacic, Yugoslav criminal law, first and second book, Skopje, 1961; Penal law – Posts Deo, Zagreb, 1998. Lit.: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years, 1951 – 2001, Skopje, 2001. St. w.
Badenter, Robber.
Badenter, Robert (Robert Badinter) (Paris, 30. ⅲ 1928) – French attorney and politician. He graduated from literature and right in Paris. Masters Degree at Columbia University (USA, 1949). He received a doctorate comparative right in Paris (1951). He was a lawyer at the Paris Court of Appeal (1951-1981), Minister of Justice of France (1981-1986) and chairman of the Constitutional Council of France (1986-1995). He was also chairman of the Arbitration Committee at the Conference on Yugoslavia (established in 1991), which, under his presidency, concluded that the Republic of Macedonia meets all general and special conditions for international recognition. Therefore it was declared an honorary doctor of legal sciences at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje (1996). At the time of the conflict in the Republic of Macedonia (2001) he visited the Republic of Macedonia twice. On 26-27. Ⅵ 2001 He rejected the Albanian demand for transformation of the Republic of Macedonia in a multiethnic state, while at 28-29. Ⅷ 2006 He said that in BIB: Robert Badinter R., UNAPPPPPROCHE Trop Etchnjee Riliuliith D’Ggriver Le Small Aztuel, Le Monde, Le 28 Jun, 2001. Lit: Svetomir Scarz, de l”s L’emato-demos A L’Tat Plourtychnik Versa: Le Cza Macedonian, Melanges Ophers D. Slobodan Milacitz, Brazent, Brungelles, 2007. St. w. and T. Petr.
Badev, Atanas
Badev, Atanas (Prilep, 14. 1860 – Kyustendil, 21. IX 1908) – Composer and musical teacher. Primary school ends in his hometown. The schooling shuffles in Thessaloniki, then in Bulgaria, where he graduated with great success in ⅰ.Mat high school in Sofia. In summer vacation (1879) he formed a church-school choir in his hometown. At the desire of the family, two years study physics and mathematics in Odessa. After returning from Russia, he is employed as a teacher in Thessaloniki, firmly determined to study music after gathering funds for this purpose. During the second stay in Russia, he completed the Moscow Synodral School for two years, continuing his studies in the apartment chapel of St. Petersburg, under the care of prominent professors (M. Balakirjev, N. Roman-Corsakov). After completed studies, B. It becomes music teacher in the Thessaloniki high school, where there are numerous future musical activists in several cities in Macedonia. After the rebellion of the students from the Thessaloniki high school (1896), B. He was moved to Rousse, then in Samokov and Kyustendil. During the stay in Rousse, he formed his “Zlasthow Liturgy”, printed in Leipzig (1898) – one of the professionally most preserved works among compositions of this genus in South Slavic countries towards the end of the ⅹⅰⅹ century. It performs with its own Brief of the Music Union in Sofia (1904), where the basic elements of the theory of mixed types are placed for the first time. The paper is not printed, as well as its collection of harmonized folk songs, whose manuscripts to date have not been found. Lit.: L. VEANOVA, Atanas Badev, reports of Ban music music, REC. Ⅱ-ⅲ, Sofia, 1956; D. Ortakov, “Atanas Badev and his gold Liturgy,” Revisions for the Byzantine-Slavic music in Macedonia, Skopje, 2001. Dr. O.
Badev, Elijah
Badev, Elijah (Kavadarci 17. ⅶ 1923 – Skopje, 10. 1997) – A member of the first generation of Macedonian journalists. In 1945 Correspondent by Tanjug agency. In the next year it goes into “Nova Makedonija” and from 1950 to retirement in 1985. In Radio Skopje and Macedonian Television, as a reporter and commentator. The holder of the Partisan Monument 1941. B. P. F.