Baba Sach – a male mountain that rises between the Kicevo valley in the north and karst cervic field in the south. With the highest peak large Sac (1,698 m), located in the central – central part, extends across the East-West direction. In the west with the switch of Turtles (1,099 m), it is separated from the mountain base (1,220 m), while in the east through shallow saddle continues in the higher bush mountain (1,780 m). It covers a small area of 35 km. The geological composition is dominated by Paleozoic massive marbles with a thickness of up to 1,000 m, which allowed their exploitation and intensive karstification. On the southern footer there are two village settlements, CE and Krsko. T. And. Vasil Babamov
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАБА САЧ