Kicevo valley

Kicevo valley – represents Neotectone creation Qi-the framework make the mountain massifs of Bistra and Stogovo from the west, Busheva Mountain, Baba Sac, Babe and Plake Mountain in the east. The bottom of the valley – the field is at an altitude of 680 m to 570 m. The lowest point is located in the eastern part of the village. Atisu (570 m). In the southern part, the valley is broken with traverse disadvantaged and there is a form of inverted letter T. The Kicevo valley via a shipping gorge in the east is associated with Porec, in the southwest through the translation of the Debarca valley, and north through the Preval guard and Bukovic with the Polog valley. The total area is 1.059 km², and the bottom has 88 km². In the northern part, the low mountain Vardino (950 m), which divides this part on two morphological units: Zajas to the west and Oslomej in the east. The geological composition is quite complex and is represented by Paleozoic shales and trigs of the frame, and the plidents and quarten sediments along the bottom of the valley. Major coal reserves were discovered in the pligorous sediments, on the basis of which the Oslomej thermal power plant was built. The city settlement Kicevo has been developed. Lit.: T. Andonovski, abrasions and fluvial elements in the Kicevo valley, “Annual Proceedings of the PMF”, REC. 27, Skopje, 1984. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КИЧЕВСКА КОТЛИНА

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