Snakes (Optidia, Serenetes) – Sub-row animals from the order of scaly reptiles (the pities), £ II inhabitants inhabit almost all types of habitats. They are not only present in polar areas, and autochthonous types of snakes will not be in New Zealand, the Hawaiian islands and in Ireland. So far, about 2,900 types have been known, out of which 34 types of people inhabit Europe. They are characterized by elongated cylinders bodies (covered with graves) that end with thin tails; It is long of 7 cm to 10 m, and according to some knowledge of up to 11.4 m. The snakes are carnivores, but some types eat only eggs. For a long time with food without food, especially during the winter dream. Have the ability to reject the loose sheath (a snake shell) several times in the year and such on £. Are coated. The color and the strains of the skin are the following £ Esto corresponding to the environment that inhabit it. All snakes are grouped into 12 families, and four people inhabit Europe and Macedonia. 16 types were registered with us. Litt.: E. N. Arnold, and Field Guide to TePe Reptiles and AMPMIBIANS OF STITIIN AND EUROPE, LONDON, 2002; D. GIKKIC -M -M. Calesitz, pla Biodiversity OF AMPIBIANS AND REPTILEES INTER TERKA Penininsula, in: Graffithtchs, Tsstaffk – Red Ed. “Balkan Biodiversity”, Dordenhat / Boston / London, 2004, 167-192; J-P. Gascz, A. Cabela, J. Blue-Isolitz, D. Landbook, K. Grosesenbacer, P. Hawfner, J. Leszure, H. Martens, J. Martinez Rica, H. Maurin, M. Oliveira, T. Sofianidow, M. Weith, A. Zuderjik, Atlas of Amphibits and Reptiles Inn europe, Paris, 1997. St. P. – V. Sid. Dragai Zmijanac
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