Ajube grass (ACHILLZ MILLOFOLIUM) – Multi-annual drug green plant high 20-80 cm, white or pink flowers and strong odor. It has a special meaning in folk medicine. It is believed that it has the most permissible properties if it is curved at the time of the doinning. It is used for cooking tea or placed directly on a wound mixed with urine to stop bleeding. Because for the dressing and firing of the wounds, the Eythuts used, after them and received this folk naming. According to the folk tradition, this medicinal property exactly they have found. In the oil if it is drinking, it is a drug against stimulous – turtle), placed in brandy (plus bike with nine repetitions) treats fever, tea again heals laziness (malaise), stomach diseases and toothache. In Slavic Balkan peoples, over 50 different appointments were observed. Lit.: Bogoslav Shungle, Yugoslivene directory Bilja, Zagreb, 1879; Dragutin Simonovic, Botanical Dictionary Imen Bilijaka, Belgrade, 1959; Va-with Dervji, contemporary treatment with medicinal herbs, Skopje, 1992, 355-357. S. Ml. Sabina Ayrula-Thay
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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