Babamov, Lazarus (Kocani, 21. 1906 – Skopje, 10. IX 1976) – Agronomus, full professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food in Skopje. Faculty of Agriculture finished in Zemun – a white city. He then works as an environmental agricultural officer and manager of the nursery in Kocani, Veles and Gevgelija (1933-1938). After the liberation, he becomes director and head of department at the agricultural institute in Skopje (1944-1956). He published more scientific and professional papers, such as an Austrian or co-author, in the field of selection and agrotechnics of cereal crops. The specialization for the production of rice was in Italy. He was a member of several commissions and boards at the Agricultural Institute and the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje. He participated in several seminars and symposiums in the field of rice and corn. P. Iv.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАБАМОВ, Лазар