Conference on Yugoslavia – convened on the basis of the Declaration of Yugoslavia (27. 1991), open to 7. IX 1991. In The Hague in the presence of representatives from all Yugoslav republics, the European Council, EU State and European Commission. The plenary session held at 26-27. Ⅷ 1992 In London, in the presence of representatives of more than 30 countries and (Lee) organizations, 12 principles, action plan and special decisions were adopted. The constant committee was established with Cyrus Vance (UN) and David Owen (EU) as co-presidents, 6 working groups for dealing with the crisis in the SFRY and the Secretariat as administrative-technical infrastructure. IM: Dam Markovic, SUHLAV CRISIS AND TEE NURD: Crohnologist Owents January 1990 – October 1995, Belgrade, 1996. T. Petr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet