Batovski, Henrik.

Batovski, Henrik (Henrd Batonski) (L’Vov, 12. 1907 – Krakow, 28. ⅲ 1999) – Historian, MANU member outside the working composition. He studied orientalism, Slavics and history, and then Ph.D. (1929). He was a correspondent from Prague and Belgrade (1930), and then became an assistant professor at the Jagellon University – Department of Political Science in Krakow (1936). Habilitated on the topic “The basics of the Balkan Union in 1912”. He was one of the founders of the Balkani studies at the Jagellonian University. The fascists deported him to the concentration camp Saxzenhausen (Sashenhausen, 1. IX 1939), and then in Dachau (Dazhau), where he remained until victory over fascism. After the liberation, he was elected Associate (1956) and for a full professor at the Jagellon University (1966). Since 1977 he was a member of the Polish Academy of Arts based in Krakow, and since 1981. and a member of the MANU outside of the working composition. He is author of more than 800 bibliographic units of diplomatic history, the Balkanistic and Slavistics. BIB.: Balkan countries and the Macedonian question before and after the Ilinden Uprising, ZB. Ilinden 1903. Skopje, 1970; History of the political borders and the territorial form of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, “Magic” of Ini, 1, Skopje, 1972; Diplomatic struggle around the Balkans at the beginning of the ⅹⅹ century, articles for Ilinden 1979, Skopje, 1983; Plans for the division of Macedonia in the past, a Proceedings dedicated to the academician Mihailo Apostolski on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of life, Skopje, 1986. V. V.-v.


Bats (CHirapter) – Red small animals of class suck £ and (mummalia), adapted for long-term flight. Grouped in two subordinate: large bats (Megazhiropter), body length up to 40 cm and wings span to 170 cm, spread in the tropical and subtropical small bat and small bats (microshiropter), with body length up to 16 cm and The wingspan of up to 75 cm, prevalent in the moderate and tropics of the old and the new world. Two families from the subordinate small bats with a total of 24 types are present in Macedonia. Lit.: S. Petkovski -B. Cricfk, mammals of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998; B. Tsstick, V. Vehold, J. Flossus, S. Petkovski, Bats (Mummalia: CHiraptera) off Mac Eddonia, Zugoslavia, in: I. Horacec, V. Vehold, (EDS.), Prague studies in mamologist, Praha, 1992, 93-111; B. Tsstick – S. Petkovski, Annotatad CchekkList of the Mammals of the Republic of Macedonia, “Bonner Zlologists Beytragna”, 51 (4), Bonn, 2002, 229-254; Ibid., Mammals off MACODONIA – CLRENT STATE OF KNONELEDGE, ANNIVES. Percycle., EIIGHTS SEARS OF AZHIEVEN BS TEH MACID. Mousse. off Nat. HSST., Skopje, 2006, 95-104; A. J. Mitt-CHELL-Ion, Mr. Amori, N. Bogdanzz, B. Tsstaffk, P. J. H. Reinders, F. Spitzenberger, M. Stubba, J. B. M. Tihasen, V. Vehold, J. Winter, pla Atlas Off European Mammals, London-San Diego, 1999. St. P. – V. Sid.

Battle of Goten, Maleshevo

The Battle of Goten, Maleshevo (6. 1903) – one of the biggest battles before the Ilinden Uprising in the eastern part of Macedonia of the Joint Chei (250-270 Committees) of TMORO of Hristo Chernopev (for Strumica), Costa Mazekov (Radovish) , Delcho Kocov (Kocani), K. Kondov (Prilep), Nikola Dechev (Veles), Pitu Guli (Krusevo), Vanco Serbac (Kicevo), Timo Angelov (for Tikvesh), etc. with the Ottoman forces. It happened on Easter (6th Iv) on top of Goten of Maleshevo Mountains in unfavorable weather conditions. The help of the besieged troops joined the Duke Nikola Lefterov. In the evening, they dragged with the juris. The chats had 25 dead, and the losses of the Ottoman side were about 200 victims (killed and wounded). Lit.: The movement of Vardara and the fight with the vigorists. After memories of Jane Sandanski, Chernjio Peeev, Sava Mihailov, Hr. The kag, Iv. Anastasov Greek, Five Hr. Aruckov and Nikola Potrovir, Sofia, 1927. V. F. Macedonians, partisans from Kostur Region

Battle of Gramos.

The Battle of Gramos (1949) – a decisive battle between the DAG forces and the Greek government army at the time of the civil war in Greece. At 24. ⅷ 1949 The government army attacked the last stronghold of DAG on Mount Gramos. DAG forces were reinforced by 6,000 fighters, which from Vicho retreated to Albania. After severe struggles and suffered great losses on August 29, the units of DAG (OK 18,000 fighters) retreated from Gramos and crossed into Albania. The Civil mainly Macedonian population was withdrawn with the DAG units. Lit.: Dr. R. Kiryazovski, the National Liberation Front and other organizations of the Macedonians from Aegean Macedonia 1945-1949, Skopje, 1985. St. KIS. Battle of a good field

Bauer, Stevan Franjov

Bauer, Stevan Franjov (Presevo, Serbia 9. ⅰ 1934) – Pharmacist, Full Professor of Farm. f. and verdated after its inception. Head of the Institute after toxicological chemistry and one of the first teachers of the faculty. Previously he was the head of the toxicological laboratory at the Institute of Labor Medicine in Mines and Ironnica-Skopje. He has published numerous scientific and professional papers. L. P.-


Boya – Type of archaic remnant of the Roma magic that the Roma inherited, according to belief, from India. And today it is bounced to heal the child, against charms, demons, epilepsy, dizziness, etc. TR. P. Georgi Bazdararov

Bayals, Risto

Bayal, Risto (Stoyakovo, Gevgelija, 1926 – Moscow, 20. Xi 1998) – A journalist who full affirmation achieved writing for many years for “Fight” and “Politics”, weekly Nin and Yugoslav television. He began in Skopje sports newspapers “Faddy Voice”, “Sport Voice” and “Sport” (1947-1951). In “Nova Makedonija”, he was a contributor in the internal political box (1952) and a correspondent from Belgrade, reported from the hectic days in Hungary (1956). In 1960 I was in the “Fight”, as a correspondent in Moscow, for three years to find himself there as a correspondent of “Politics” – until retirement. He enjoyed a high reputation as a remarkable connoisseur of Soviet occasions and the situation with the Socialist community. B. P. F. Dimitar Bayalziev

Bayalziev, Dimitar

Bayaldziev, Dimitar (village Laguans, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1944) – University professor, lawyer. Primary education and high school finished in Gevgelija. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1968), where he was a Master’s degree (1977) and his doctorate, defending the topic “The moral basis of the category Right” (1985). Elected as an assistant on the subject theory of the state and law (1965), and then for a full professor of the case Introduction to the law (1995). He was a member of the Secretariat of the CCM of SCM (1970-1973), Minister of Education and Physical Education (1992-1994) and Dean of the Faculty of Law in Skopje (2000-2004). He published a number of scientific papers and textbooks from the theory of law and political science. BIB.: Introduction right, book first – state and book second – right, Kocani, 1999; Politology, Skopje, 2000. Litus: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years 1951 – 2001, Skopje, 2001. St. w.

Bayazid I.

Bayazid and (Orban, 1354/1360 – Ahshir 8. ⅲ 1403) – Fourth Ottoman Sultan, known as “Ildirim” (“Lightning”). He ruled Macedonia 13 years (28. ⅵ 1389 – 28. ⅶ 1402). In his time, Thessaloniki was conquered (April 1394, the second time), Kratovo (1390), Voden, Skopje (Kr. At 1391 or 1, 1392), Serfidze (1393) and other smaller places in southern Macedonia. Lit.: A. Stojanovski, cities in Macedonia from the end of ⅹⅳ to ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century, Skopje, 1981; H. J. CORRUMPF, Bioogruphiszhees Lexikon Zur Geschchts Sudostereuropas, “Tomposteuropaiszhe Arbeitite”, 75 / LEEF. 2 u. 3. Münzhen, 1973. J. Yan.

Bayazid ⅱ.

Bajazid ⅱ (dimeter, 1447/1448 / 1452/1453 – 26. ⅴ 1512) – Ottoman Sultan. He ruled Macedonia for 30 years (5 ⅴ 1481 – 25. ⅳ 1512). Devoted to the internal regulation of the state. He was ousted by the Janissarians (1512), and his son Selim ⅰ.Javus came to power, who poisoned him. Lit.: H. J. CORRUMPF, biodegrad, Lexikon Zur Geszchitzchthe Titzheuropas, “Tomposteueropaoszhe Arbeitite”, 75 / LEEF. 2 U 3., Münzhen, 1973; Sultan Bajazid ⅱ H. Ganem, Etudes Dzhehyhe oriental. Les Sultans Ottotot, I., Paris, 1901. J. Yan.

Bayram, Amdi.

Bajram, Amdi (Skopje, 30. ⅷ 1956) – Businessman and politician. Owner of confection “Shuteks”. One of the founders and president is PCER and founder and president of the Roma Party of Roma from Macedonia (since 1996). MP in three mandates in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia (1996-2002 and 2008). R. Gazanfer Bayram.

Bayram, Esad

Bajram, Esad (Esad Barkam) (Ohrid, 1934) – poet, short story writer, translator of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He was a socio-political worker, director in elementary school, correspondent and journalist in c. “Birik” in Skopje. He writes in Turkish and Macedonian. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1987. Congress of the National Federal Party (Thessaloniki, 1909) and one of the founders of the Democratic Club and Head of the Communist Club of SRPJ (K) in Skopje. The municipal elections was elected deputy and first vice-president (Ket) of “Red Municipal Administration” in Skopje (1920) and Communist Ferid F. Bajram MP in the Constitent Assembly of the Kingdom of SCS. Was editor of c. “Socialist Dawn” (Skopje) in Turkish. In the later years he was an active member of the CPY. Following the fascist occupation of Macedonia (April 1941) lived in Kosovska Mitrovica. BIB.: The first red flag of the Skopje municipality, “Nova Makedonija”, ⅹⅴ, 4735, Skopje, 1959, 5. Lit.: Ninety days of the Skopje Red Municipality, Skopje, 1970; Dusko Constantinov – Milos Constantinov – Kuzman Georgievski, trade unions in Skopje (1900-1908 to 1971), Skopje, 1971; Dr. Orde Ivanoski, Red communes in Macedonia in 1920, Skopje, 1980; The working union movement in Macedonia until 1918. Documents for Revolutionary and Unique Trade Unions of Macedonia, and Skopje, 1985. S. Ml.

Bayram, Ferid F

Bayram, Ferid F. (Skopje, 1. ⅲ 1880 – Skopje, 23. 1965) – Enlightened Dice, Socialist and Reporter; by nationality Turk. He graduated from Turkish gymnasium in Skopje, and then he was a teacher in the Turkish primary school in Veles (2 ⅷ 1902 – 1907), where he established links with Macedonian Socialists Elijah and Lazar Plauveev. For some time, there was a school inspector of the Kosovo vilayet in Skopje (1907). He was a member of the Young Turk movement, one of the founders of the Social Democratic Organization in Skopje (1909), a participant at the founding Gazanfer Bayram, Mosaic in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

Bayram, Gazanpher

Bajram, Gazanfer (Gazanfer Barkam) (Skopje, 17. 1943) – Academic painter, mosacian and professor of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He finished postgraduate studies at the monumental painting department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Specializing fresco painting and mosaic. Two years he worked at the Mosaic Department of the Academy of Nice Arts in Ravenna. The mosaics are exposed in museums and in private collections in Macedonia, Italy, Turkey, Canada, USA, Australia, Bulgaria and many cities of the former Yugoslavia. He is the author of the MNT moza in Skopje, in the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia, in the VIP hall at the airport “Alexander the Great”. He participated in many group and independent exhibitions. A. De Esad Bajram Bib.: Poetic works: braids, 1978; Primer in heart, 1979; Daily walks, 1981; Bizdarnina, 1982; Child in years, 1982; Evening walks, 1986; Palace of the soul, 1989; Cheerful children, 2001; He is also author of the collection of short stories pulped in the kitchen 1996. Lit.: Abdulkadir Hazber, Macedonia Korulinin Edens, Istanbul, 2001. A. Ag.


Bags-Mosque (Prilep, 1475) – raised by Hadzi Hussein, the son of Abdullah. It has a rectangular basis with dimensions 20.25 x 11.30 m, modest interior decoration and minaret high 25 m, built in several stages. The porch was built in the middle. on ⅹⅰⅹ c. It is found in a ruined state. Lit.: Arch. K. Jovanoski, for Bazai – Mosque – Prilep, Institute for Protection of Cultural Monuments, Natural Rarities, Museum and Gallery, Proceedings, no. 10-11, Bitola, 1992. Dr. F.

Bazdarov, Georgi

Bizdarov, Georgi (village of Gornodi, Sisco, Aegean part of Macedonia, 8. ⅱ 1881 – Varna, 19. IX 1919) – Reporter, publicist, historian, revolutionary and socialist. He completed a history of the Sofia University. As a student in the Bitola gymnasium entered the ranks of TMORO. As a secretary of the company of Ilija Krchwalia (1901- 1903) he participated in the Ilinden Uprising. After the murder of Aleksandar Protogerov, he became one of the leaders of his wing and an indignant opponent of the VancoMyhailists. He was editor-in-chief of the newspaperMacedonia”, one of the founders of “Macedonian Review” and the Macedonian Scientific Institute in Sofia and His vice president (1927). C. Tot.