Bayazid I.

Bayazid and (Orban, 1354/1360 – Ahshir 8. ⅲ 1403) – Fourth Ottoman Sultan, known as “Ildirim” (“Lightning”). He ruled Macedonia 13 years (28. ⅵ 1389 – 28. ⅶ 1402). In his time, Thessaloniki was conquered (April 1394, the second time), Kratovo (1390), Voden, Skopje (Kr. At 1391 or 1, 1392), Serfidze (1393) and other smaller places in southern Macedonia. Lit.: A. Stojanovski, cities in Macedonia from the end of ⅹⅳ to ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century, Skopje, 1981; H. J. CORRUMPF, Bioogruphiszhees Lexikon Zur Geschchts Sudostereuropas, “Tomposteuropaiszhe Arbeitite”, 75 / LEEF. 2 u. 3. Münzhen, 1973. J. Yan.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЈАЗИД И

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