Bazdarov, Georgi

Bizdarov, Georgi (village of Gornodi, Sisco, Aegean part of Macedonia, 8. ⅱ 1881 – Varna, 19. IX 1919) – Reporter, publicist, historian, revolutionary and socialist. He completed a history of the Sofia University. As a student in the Bitola gymnasium entered the ranks of TMORO. As a secretary of the company of Ilija Krchwalia (1901- 1903) he participated in the Ilinden Uprising. After the murder of Aleksandar Protogerov, he became one of the leaders of his wing and an indignant opponent of the VancoMyhailists. He was editor-in-chief of the newspaperMacedonia”, one of the founders of “Macedonian Review” and the Macedonian Scientific Institute in Sofia and His vice president (1927). C. Tot.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЖДАРОВ, Георги

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