Batovski, Henrik (Henrd Batonski) (L’Vov, 12. 1907 – Krakow, 28. ⅲ 1999) – Historian, MANU member outside the working composition. He studied orientalism, Slavics and history, and then Ph.D. (1929). He was a correspondent from Prague and Belgrade (1930), and then became an assistant professor at the Jagellon University – Department of Political Science in Krakow (1936). Habilitated on the topic “The basics of the Balkan Union in 1912”. He was one of the founders of the Balkani studies at the Jagellonian University. The fascists deported him to the concentration camp Saxzenhausen (Sashenhausen, 1. IX 1939), and then in Dachau (Dazhau), where he remained until victory over fascism. After the liberation, he was elected Associate (1956) and for a full professor at the Jagellon University (1966). Since 1977 he was a member of the Polish Academy of Arts based in Krakow, and since 1981. and a member of the MANU outside of the working composition. He is author of more than 800 bibliographic units of diplomatic history, the Balkanistic and Slavistics. BIB.: Balkan countries and the Macedonian question before and after the Ilinden Uprising, ZB. Ilinden 1903. Skopje, 1970; History of the political borders and the territorial form of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia, “Magic” of Ini, 1, Skopje, 1972; Diplomatic struggle around the Balkans at the beginning of the ⅹⅹ century, articles for Ilinden 1979, Skopje, 1983; Plans for the division of Macedonia in the past, a Proceedings dedicated to the academician Mihailo Apostolski on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of life, Skopje, 1986. V. V.-v.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАТОВСКИ, Хенрик