Bayaldziev, Dimitar (village Laguans, Aegean part of Macedonia, 1944) – University professor, lawyer. Primary education and high school finished in Gevgelija. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1968), where he was a Master’s degree (1977) and his doctorate, defending the topic “The moral basis of the category Right” (1985). Elected as an assistant on the subject theory of the state and law (1965), and then for a full professor of the case Introduction to the law (1995). He was a member of the Secretariat of the CCM of SCM (1970-1973), Minister of Education and Physical Education (1992-1994) and Dean of the Faculty of Law in Skopje (2000-2004). He published a number of scientific papers and textbooks from the theory of law and political science. BIB.: Introduction right, book first – state and book second – right, Kocani, 1999; Politology, Skopje, 2000. Litus: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years 1951 – 2001, Skopje, 2001. St. w.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАЈАЛЏИЕВ, Димитар