Goten – Secondary Mountain in Eastern Macedonia that belongs to the Rhodopian zone. It is located between the mountains Ograzden to the east and Plachkovica in the west. From Plachkovica is separated with the valley of the Smilian Reka, and from the Ogrenus with the deep gorge of the Nivichan River. Among these two river valleys extend the gentle of Goten, on which the tops are allocated: the gramard (1,420 m), as the highest, Agri knocks (1,299 m) and Crybak Dashi (1,178 m). The south is gradually descending into the bottom of the Radovis valley. At the foot of the southern slope there are villages: Yugoslavo, In addition, and Zleovo. T. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ГОТЕН