Banashevic, Nicholas.

Banashevic, Nikola (Zavala, Romaniist, Slavist, Comparatist, UNIV. Professor, a researcher of the Macedonian epic. For some time, he worked as a gymnasium professor in various cities, and then he received his doctorate on the topic “Ronsir Poetry School and the beginnings of the French classical tragedy” (Paris, 1923). Soon afterwards he was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1924-1941). In the endeavor to study the ties of South Slavic literatures with the literary literary, special attention was paid to the Mark and Kosovo cycle of folk songs. He advocated the opinion that for These links were decisive contacts through the Adriatic coarse and made a comparative analysis of various motives in folk songs. Especially significant and its research on historical sources for the past of the Balkan peoples in the Middle Ages. BIB .: Expansive Moћ Frenzke, Skopje, 1924; Cycle Mark Kraljeva and Steps Franco-Tallanske Viteshke Knowings, Skopje Scientific Society, Skopje, 1935; Ostuals and Reason Kosovgog and Markogue Tsulation, Belgrade, 1936; Chronicles Popa Dukjjanina and People’s Predictions, Belgrade, 1971.Lith. 4, St. 2 (for 1945-55), Belgrade, 1959; Bibliography, “Analy Philonical Engineer”, Kne. 1 (for 1956-60) and 1966 (for 1961-65), Belgrade, 1961. S. Ml.


Bandera. (With. Dolni Kozjak) – Castrum with a sanctuary from Roman times (ⅱ-ⅲ c.). It represents a hill with an elongated plateau that rises above the village. In 1967/68 The National Museum of Stip discovered the residues of the grounds of a turret wide 2 m, which surrounded the plateau, and in his s-end the foundations of the fourth facility with Dim. 4 x 4 m, featuring waters of marble with relief performances of Zeus and Zeus and Hera, Thracian Horseman, Heracles and Askpyus. They have engraved the names of Dedican names, which are Thracian and Tracized Latin names. It is believed that the sanctuary was used by soldiers from the interior of Thrace, stationed in the caustue for the protection of the city of Bargala, whose remains are located in the locality Besh Tepe. Lit.: Aleksandar Panev – Marianne Ritzl, Nouwelles Insertibles Vitievs de Mac Thazène Oriental, L, 101, 1994, 139-149. C. S.


Bang -. Roma naming the devil. It has Indian origin (Bengal Gulf in India). And according to Roma beliefs, the Devil has a face of a man, with little rates on his head, with bloody eyes and hairy body. The person is black, with a spiny beard, and the nose curved. There is a tail, and his ears are like a goat. There are long fingers on the hands. TR. P.


Banjiste – Debar bath – is located 4 km northwest of Debar, at the foot of Mount Krchin, at an altitude of 870 m. Debar is associated with an asphalt road. Thermomineral sources that have three, Preis2007 is M. H. Polenakovic. M. Paul. Banja Bansko Banjište, Debar bath ponned with deep depth. They are located in the field covered with fluvacious sediments and thermal desk. The total amount of water from the three sources is 90 l / SEC with a temperature between 36 ° and 39 ° C and radioactivity from 17 to 27 m. After chemical composition, the water belongs to the group of sulfur-carbonate, earthly-alkaline and muryatical waters. It contains dissolved gases, especially sulfurwood and carbon dioxide. They, together with high temperature and radioactivity, through bathing and drinking successfully treated several types of diseases such as rheumatic, gynecological and skin diseases, and inflammation of the respiratory organs. The two pools, which are now used, are built in the distant 1797, and the first contemporary hotel in 1925. Today, there are two hotels and 6 villas with a total capacity of 400 beds. Annually, about 10,000 visitors, who earn average 80,000 nights. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, Debar baths, Banjiste and Kosovare bath, “Geographic reviews”, kn. 8-9, Skopje, 1971. Al. ST.

Banjo, Naum SPasev

Banjo, Nauma Spasev (Posses. Spas, Banjov, Banjovich) (Ohrid, 1904 – Ohrid, 15. 1942) – A trade union and party DECE in Romania, Cuba, France, Belgium and Macedonia. In 1928, as a French worker, union was activated, and in 1931. He became a member of the CPF. He was haunted, closed and expelled in Belgium, where a family is based. In 1937, as a Macedonian volunteer, he fought in the Civil War in Spain for Defense of the Republic. He pointed out in the fighting and became a lieutenant of the Spanish republican army. After defeating his brigade retreated to France, and he returned to Belgium, in the family. After the fascist occupation of Macedonia, he returned to Ohrid and was connected with the party organization. Litt: in the heart of Spain. Memories of interbrigadists from Macedonia, Skopje, 1975. O. Iv.

Bank Restoration Agency

Agency for Restoration of the Bank – a specialized institution established for the implementation of the rehabilitation process of the banking system of the Republic of Macedonia. It was established in early 1994. By the Macedonian government, with initial capital provided by the budget. The main task of the Agency is to manage bad placements removed from the banks’ balance sheets. Its portfolio includes two types of claims of over 300 trading companies and public enterprises: claims in the amount of $ 336 million on the basis of used foreign loans from some international creditors (the Paris Club of Creditors, the London Club of Creditors, the World Bank, etc.) and uncollectible Denar claims in the amount of 12.7 billion denars ($ 317.5 million). For the amount of uncollected claims undertaken by Stopanska Banka AD Skopje, since 1995, the Agency issues bonds for remediation and reconstruction of the Bank. Bonds are voice of the bearer, they are emitted with a repayment period of 15 years, with a monthly payment of interest and annual payment of the principal. For collection of claims from end users of loans, the Agency applies different forms of regulation of claims, such as: collection of loans under the concluded contracts, premature collection of loans with discount, reprogramming loans, sales of third party receivables, converting claims in deposits In enterprises, activating mortgages and initiating liquidation and bankruptcy procedures. The management bodies of the Agency, appointed by the Government, are the Board of Directors, composed of seven members, and director. Since 2001, the name of the Agency has been changed to the Agency of the Republic of Macedonia for asset management. During 2003 The agency has stopped its work. Litt: Ljupco Trpeski, money and banking, Economic Press, Skopje, 2003, 560-563; Kiki Mangova Ponjvic, Vanco Kargov, 60 years Central Banking in the Republic of Macedonia, National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2006, 141-145. D. P.

Bankov, Nicholas.

BANKOV, Nikola (village Belica, District, 27. 1924 – Raven, Raven, 16. ⅴ 1944) – Youth activist and Partizan of the Discussion Partisan Squad “Nikola Parapunov”. He died in a struggle with the gendarmerie and with the controllers in M. Raven on Rila. Lit.: Yella Communion of communeme in Pirinski Kraya, a cushion of articles, memories and treatment, Sofia, 1967; Georgi T. Mabbev, the Vr; Nd.


Bansko – city in the Pirin part of Macedonia, Republic of Bulgaria with 9,384 h. (1992). It is located in the northern foot of Mount Pirin, on the southwest side of the r. Glaze. Through B. It passes the regional road Blagoevgrad-Razlog-Goce Delchev. After the valley of places to B. touches the impact of the changed Mediterranean climate. As a settlement was formed in IX and ⅹ c. by attaching several neighborhoods. In written documents for the first time mentioned in 1576. The city quickly develops in the second half of ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ and the beginning of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Then it becomes an important trade-craft center in Northeast Macedonia. As a result of economic progress, original buildings were built, some and today they were preserved. In 1838 Within the church, a wholesale cell school was built, and an artistic school, in which known iconomics from the Debar region worked. The population of B. He actively participated in the Ilinden Uprising, however, after the suppression of the uprising, many families were forced to leave the city and move to Sofia and other cities of Bulgaria. Then his population decreases from 6,500 h., As counted in 1900. to 4,532 h. In 1920 In recent years it begins to stagnate, and it is reduced. So, while in 1985 In B. lived 10,015 h., in 1992 That number decreases at 9,384 h. By industrial buildings in B. There is an office for telephone, factory for chairs “Pirin”, a children’s toy factory, has a well-developed commercial network and modern catering facilities. The city is a famous winter-sports center with more skillifts that lead to the ski slopes of North Pirin. LIT. : Ivan Batacliev, City of Bansko, Slavyani, 1972. Al. ST.


BANTAO (Balkan Association for Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Bodies) – Association formed by nephrologists and other experts dealing with problems of kidney diseases and artificial organs, from the cities of the Balkan Peninsula (Ohrid, 9. 1993). The initiator for the formation of Banta was MZZ. Eight Congresses were held: In Varna (1995), Struga (1997), Belgrade (1998), Izmir (1999), Thessaloniki (2001), Varna (2003), Ohrid (2005), Bel-city (2007). Issues magazine “Bantao Journal”. BANTA PRESIDENT IN THE PERIOD 2005 – SPASEL SPASEL BANGIO

Baptists in Macedonia

Baptists in Macedonia. – supporters of Baptistism (reformist movement from ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c.), in Macedonia expanded in 1892. by missionaries came from England. Baptists are the advocates of the Bible and the right to her personal interpretation. The Christian Baptist Church “Radosna Vest” (HBC) based in Skopje has about 100 members, organized in local communities in Skopje and Radovis. Lit.: Nuallis, Ros (Ed.), Salvathion and Protest: Studys of Social and Religion Molemius, St. Martin ‘Press, Nane Strak, 1979; Address Book of Religious Communities in the Republic of Macedonia, MCIC, Skopje, 2006. M. Tash.

Bar Association of Macedonia

Bar Association of Macedonia. – established by a decision of the Government of the DFM from 13. ⅵ 1945. The Law on Advocacy Since 2002, the acry is determined as an independent and independent institution. The highest body of the Chamber is the Assembly, and the Management Board is the Steering Committee. Acts of the Chamber are: Statute of the ACG, the Rulebook on disciplinary responsibility of lawyers and the Code of Professional Ethics of Lawyers. Since 1995, the Bar Association is a full member of the International Union of Lawyers since 2001. It was received for a member-observer in the Council of Law Chambers and Legal Companies at the European Union, and since 2002. He is a full member of the Association of Law Chambers of the States of the Black Sea region. The first president of the Bar Association is Georgi Hadzi Manev, a lawyer from Veles (1951-1955), and the current president is Nenad Janiqić, a lawyer from Skopje (since 2000). Act.: Publicure in the Republic of Macedonia (1945-2005), acre, Skopje, 2005. St. w. and Gore. L.-B.

Barakov, Dimitar

Barakov, Dimitar (Bansko, 5. ⅹ 1888 – Bansko, 9. 1931) – Communist, one of the founders of the BCP organization (TS) in Bansko. Bill Ket of Bansko (1921- 1923). He participated in the September Uprising (1923), was constantly striked by VMRO of Ivan Mihailov and the police, was closed and subjected to torture. Died by tortures. Lit.: Svoboda and Swollen. Articles, documents, taxi and literary material for Pirins Kray, Sofia, 1972; Unlival 1922/1944, Smote: Died in Fighting Capitalism and Fascism His Blagoevgrad Art, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd.

Barbarovski, Georgi

Barbarovski, Georgi (village Dabile, Strumica, 6. 1949) – But-Georgi Barbarovski Vinar and writer. He started his career as an associate of the agricultural newspaper “Tribune” (1974). Since 1986 It was affirmed in the political and economic rubric of “Nova Makedonija”. He was a member of the first editorial composition of “Dnevnik”, and from February 2004, along with Aleksandar Damovski, is the founder and main editor of the daily c. “Time”. He writes poetry, short stories and publicist papers. He published four poetic books “eye and sword”, “ZGROM”, “Golden Rain” and “perfect hunting”. B. P. F. Mile Barbarovski.

Barbarovski, Mile

Barbarovski, Mile (village Dabile, Strumica, 1. IX 1952) – Composer of popular music. He graduated from the FMU in Skopje, the department of impact instruments in the Emil Clan class. Austric is over 300 newly created songs and dances in the spirit of folk art. Participant of all festivals held in Macedonia and who won many awards. Among the songs that are already part of the anthology of newly created songs in the popular spirit are: if I mistake let me burn, prayer, are you waiting for old materte, the song can, go, Goce’s message IDR. M. Cole. Henry Barbis.

Barbeldo, Jani

Barbarsoka, Jani (Kostur,? – Neurs, the first days of April 1822) – one of the Charters of Kostur and a participant in the neutobost uprising. He participated in a meeting of Neurush Provene held in the monastery St. The Virgin Good close to Ber at the beginning of 1822, on which was decided on the time and place of lifting the uprising. He died in the struggling of builds with the ascer before the church “St. Dimitri “in Neurush. Lit.: Dr. Risto Podrazarov, the neurmutty uprising of 1822 and the participation of Macedonians in the Greek uprising, “articles”, 34-35, Bitola, 1981. M. Zdr.

Barbis, anry

Barbis, Henry (Henry Barbesse) (Paris, 17. 1873 – Moscow, 30. ⅷ 1935) – French writer and socialist, who advocated protection against terrorizing the Macedonian population. He was born in the First World War and the Macedonian (Thessaloniki) Front. He is the author of the Anti-war novel “Fire” (1916). As a member of the Communist Party of France (1923), he was president of the World Committee against Fascism and the War and Chairman of the Defense Committee of White Terror in the Balkans, based in Paris. He showed up as a great friend of the Macedonian people. Among other things, he participated in the Survey on Terrorist from the Vanchamyhailists and, together with other intellectuals, sent a protest telegram to the Bulgarian government (1925). In his book “Les Borauge” (“Pallers”, Paris, 1926) condemned the terror of the Bulgarian government of Aleksandar Tsankov in the Pirin part of Macedonia. As an editor of c. “Mond, among other things, wrote:” Macedonians, who have their authentic special language and their undeniable ethnic originality, do not even have the right to call Macedonians. We belong to the right clear and highly protest against enslavement and oppression of a nation. “(June 1930). Lit.: Tosho Popovski, Svca Fiftist Communist, “Communist”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ, 89, Belgrade, 8. ⅰ 1959, 7; Djuring Donevska-Trentevska, in the service of White Terror, “Macedonian Time”, ⅱ, 14, Skopje, October 1995, 17-18. S. Ml.


Bargala (Upper Kozjak) – Determined settlement from late antique time and episcopal center. The city grew up by Roman military fortification (castrum), which testifies the inscription on the stone plate of 371 years., Accidentally found in the village. Karbinci. According to him, the city was in the province of Mediterranean Dakia. The HieroClot Sinegdem lists Bishop Dardanius as a participant of the Halanced Council in 451, when the city was in the province of Macedonia Salutaris. The determination has an irregular rectangular shape (280 x 185 m), with the fourth defense towers and wall wide 2.20 m. On the west side is the main dual entrance in the city. The civilian will also be developed towards the military character of the city. Over the ⅳ- ⅵ c. The city grows into a powerful episcopal center of Central Bregalnica, scoring the biggest rise in the time of Justinian. He suffered in the campaign of the barbarians in the late ⅵ and early ⅶ century. In 1966-1970 A three-nave basilica is discovered with floor of stone slabs, and in the northern Korab Puzzle of major teasers. The presbytery is under in Opus Sectile. The interior was with rich architectural stone plastic. The bishop Jeremiah is the name of the Bishop Jeremiah. On the northern perimeter wall (on the outside) there is a baptisterium with two construction phases. In the complex of the Episcopal Basilica, the city pull and residential complex for the episcopal residence. The basilica was built towards the end of ⅳ c., And built in ⅵ c. The research was discovered a depot of 277 eurozanic coins from Anastasij and Justin and Justinian and Justin ⅱ, Tiberius and Maurice. The locality explored I. Venedikov, B. Aleksova, S. Mango and Z. Beldedovski. Lit.: I. Venadikov, Bargala. Scales and Studies, and, Sofia, 1948, 82-97; B. Aleksova – C. A. Mango, and Prelimination Raport, “Dop”, 25, Nasashington, 1971, 263-277; B. Aleksova, the bishopric of Bregalnica, Prilep, 1989, 41-69. D. Z.


Baric – One of the four canyons in the distinct Radika valley of Radika, who is predisposed with a disadvantaged line. It stretches from the Foreign River to the watershed of the Ukrainian river in the length of 9 km. The bottom of the canyon is closely, and the vertical cuts that rise from both valleys are high between 300 and 350 m, while the depth of the canyon gorge ranges between 1,200 and 1,300 m. T. And. He was the Serbian army in time Bargala, late anticopic episcopal center of the Balkan Wars (1912-1913), Ladislav Barisic

Barisic, Ladislav

Barisic, Ladislav (Chakovec, 6. 1941 – Skopje, 2. ⅵ 1991) – Art critic. He studied at the University of Zagreb. Water Fine rubrics in the Macedonian and Croatian press (“Nova Makedonija”, “screen”, “Osten”, “Eye”). She avoided the ideological traps and through controversy advocated overcoming provincialism in fine art and criticism. M. B.-P. Marin Barletets, History of life and activity of the epilitary prince Skenderbeg

Barkovska-Rose, Vesa

Barakovska-Rose, Vesa (Blagoevgrad, 18. 1922 – p. Lysia, Gornodumajo, 29. ⅰ 1944) – Vesakovska -STOKOKOKSKSKA – Article and secretary of the Workers’ Youth Union (1938), Partizanka in the Gornoduma Partisan Squad “Nikola Kalapchiev” (ⅶ 1943). On this occasion, Nikola Parapunov sent a direct letter to all partisan units and party organizations titled “First”. LIT. : Georgi T. Mabbev, the Vreorgan Struggle in Pirinski Kraj 1941-1944, Sofia, 1966; Unlival 1922/1944, CB.: You were killed in the fight against capitalization and fascism from Blagoevgrad, Sofia, 1971; Hristo Dinev, Pirins Falcons, Sofia, 1970. V. Nd.

Barlets, Marin

Barletets, Marin (Shkodra, OK 1450 – Rome, 1512) – Catholic priest and historian, basic historical source for the biography of Georgi Kastriot Skenderbeg. He survived the siege of his hometown and later departed in Italy (1479). He is the author of the Siege of the Siege of Shkodra (De Residual Procency, Venice, 1504) and the book: Historia de Viti Et the Gestone Scanderbaches Epiroturum Princess (Rome, between 1506 and 1510); De Vita, Moribus AC Rubbus, Pricedo AD-Verzus Turzas, gestis Georgians Castrioti, Tharmascimus epirotum Principus, Ljuja Propper Celerberrima Facinerbugus, Hos Est Este Alajander Magnus, Tsognitus Fuite, Liri Tradzim, Liri Marinum Barletium Skervansim aedite. Argentators, Aus The book was translated into many European languages, even Albanian (Pristina, 1967). On its basis, the cult of Skenderbeg was built, with a significant role in the process of establishing Albanian national awareness in the ⅹⅰⅹ century. He is also author of a collection of the life of the popes and kings (Tspentium Vitumum Smmumum Popification, Job, J. Marcellolum ⅱ Emperatrumuljuje Romanoror …), preserved from the second edition (from 1555). S. Ml.

Barnabas, Bishop.

Barnabas, Bishop (Peter Rossy) (Plevlja, Montenegro, 29. 1880 – Belgrade, Serbia, 23. ⅶ 1937) – Graduated in Prizren and Spiritual Academy and degree candidate per seminary in S.-Petersburg – Russia (1905) . In 1910 The Synod of the Constantinople Patriarchate chose for the Bishop of the Veles-Diocese, with the title head, the first bishop of this diocese. Participant in the Balkan and World War I. He was Metropolitan Skopje (1920) and Patriarch of Serbian (from 10. ⅳ 1930). In Macedonia he spread Serbian propaganda and conducted Serbian politics. Lit.: Sava, EP. Shuadiian, Serbian Jersegie from the ninety to twelve centuries, Belgrade-Podgorica-Kragujevac, 1996. Rat. Gr.