“Swollen” (Thessaloniki, 21. ⅱ – 1909) – a newspaper, a body of the Union of Bulgarian Constitutional Clubs, with a supreme political commitment. Edited Matthew Gerov, Tomo Karajovov, Dane Krapchev, Ilija Monchev and Eftim Impaired (editor-in-chief). He went out three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday), and was printed in the prices of K. Samardziev and Karagov. Released 87 numbers released. Among other things, publishes news about the establishment of a Macedonian telegraph agency (7. ⅲ 1909). He stopped coming after the ban on the activity of the constitutional clubs. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokovv, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980, 238240; Dr. Boro Mokrov – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 90-91. S. Ml. “Openition” (OTMђën) (Geneva, Switzerland, 1898) – A body of Macedonian revolutionaries terrorists. Second in a row, a single number of the Geneva group anarchists from the Macedonian Secret Revolutionary Committee, which before (July 1898) also announced the first and only number of the newspaper “Voice” in Macedonian Македовниí Rollyvination Committee “. The newspaper has a motto on both sides of the title: “One of the two: or to punish and go nap-order, or to migrate and stand on a polclath (A. Herzen)” and “eye for the eye, tooth for tooth (Bible). ” The newspaper was published in Bulgarian (only the first motto is in Russian) and advocates an impunity for the release of Macedonia and the Balkan Federation. Lit.: Danco Zografski, Macedonian Secret Revolutionary Committee and Objective, “Skopje, 1954, 63-76. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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