
Tiberius – Roman emperor (14-37), the first king of the Julii-Claudi Dynasty (14-68), experienced military leader and diplomat. Performed brutal murders in the empire. After the death of the son Drues, 23, the government left him to Preoporian A. Sian (later kills it). Retreated to the island of Capri (26) from where he reigned. Lit.: D. C. A. Szhotter, Tiberius Casear. London, 1992; B. Levitzk, Tiberius pla Politics, London, 1976; T. NEYDEMAN, TSH JUSTO-CLAUDIAN EMPERORS, AD 14-70, DUCCNNORH, 1989. B. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ТИБЕРИЈ

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