Banjiste – Debar bath – is located 4 km northwest of Debar, at the foot of Mount Krchin, at an altitude of 870 m. Debar is associated with an asphalt road. Thermomineral sources that have three, Preis2007 is M. H. Polenakovic. M. Paul. Banja Bansko Banjište, Debar bath ponned with deep depth. They are located in the field covered with fluvacious sediments and thermal desk. The total amount of water from the three sources is 90 l / SEC with a temperature between 36 ° and 39 ° C and radioactivity from 17 to 27 m. After chemical composition, the water belongs to the group of sulfur-carbonate, earthly-alkaline and muryatical waters. It contains dissolved gases, especially sulfurwood and carbon dioxide. They, together with high temperature and radioactivity, through bathing and drinking successfully treated several types of diseases such as rheumatic, gynecological and skin diseases, and inflammation of the respiratory organs. The two pools, which are now used, are built in the distant 1797, and the first contemporary hotel in 1925. Today, there are two hotels and 6 villas with a total capacity of 400 beds. Annually, about 10,000 visitors, who earn average 80,000 nights. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, Debar baths, Banjiste and Kosovare bath, “Geographic reviews”, kn. 8-9, Skopje, 1971. Al. ST.
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