REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. In November 1943 At the second session of Awnj, in an egg, the Macedonian people for the first time in its contemporary history was recognized as a separate state-owned nation and Macedonia, as a separate Macedonia within the borders of Europe Federal Unit, enters into the composition of the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia. At the first session of ASNOM (2944), the Vardar part of Macedonia was declared the Republic and it becomes an equal federal republic in the composition of Yugoslavia under the name Democratic Federal Macedonia. The Presidium of the National Assembly renamed the People’s Republic of Macedonia (1946), and from 1965 to 1991. It is the name of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia. In 1991 A referendum is proclaimed an independent state under the name Republic of Macedonia, which in 1993. is recognized as 181we Member State of the United Nations. Geographical position. RM is a South European state. It is located in the central part of the Balkan Peninsula and is a characteristic Balkan country. However, its entire territory is facing and gravitated to the Mediterranean basin. Such South European, Central Balkan and Mediterranean position, provides significant advantages and benefits. The Mediterranean component has an emphasized influence not only on the natural characteristics of Macedonia, but also its civilizational flows. Thus, this influence, especially Josip Broz Tito reads the abstract of the second session of Awnoy (1943) the decision for the federal arrangement of Yugoslavia adopted at the second session of Awnoy (29. 1943) but manifested through the climate, then through the plant and animal world , agrarian production, the type of settlements and houses, and through the way of living people. Territorial, RM is located between 40º 51 ’16 “and 42º 2 21” North latitude and 20º 27 “32” and 23º 02 “East geographical length. The geographical width difference is 1º 31 ’05, “and the geographical length difference 2º 34′ 40”. In recent years, in addition to the term South European, the term Southeastern European state, the Western Balkan state, etc., is also used. In addition, besides Mediterranean, the state significantly strengthens the continental dimension of its position. The favorable geoprometable position of the Republic of Macedonia Despite certain limitations, enables the creation of infrastructure systems, in particular construction of quality roads, which connect its entire territory with the external environment. Limits and size. The Republic of Macedonia as an independent state in the north is bordered by the Republic of Serbia and Kosovo, in the east with the Republic of Bulgaria, south with the Republic of Greece and west with R Albania. The total length of the four borders is 850 km. The length of the dryness limit is 786 km, and the water 64 km. Borders, except the north, are withdrawn mainly with the Bucharest Peace Accord (1913). The western border towards Albania stretches in the direction north – south in length of 191 km. It starts on Mount Korab at the Gota of Kota 2,092 m, leading the ruples of Korab, Deshat and Krchin, where he descends to the village. Spas in the Debar valley and goes out on r. Black drim. Hence, it climbs on the Jablanica mountain, leads its highest parts and through the precipent Cafa San south of the village. Rudor is going out on the shores of Ohrid Lake. Hence, cut Ohrid Lake and west of the monasterySt. Naum “turns to the east and through the southern part of the mountain Galicica descends to the village. Horse in Prespa Lake, which ends south of the island of Great City. The Macedonian-Albanian border is largely natural, but in terms of the population, it is not ethnic, because from both sides, the mixed population lives Macedonians and Albanians. Border crossings: Blato, Kafasan, St. Naum and Stenje. The Macedonian-Greek border is 262 km long. In the West starts the border crossing Kafasan towards R Albania border crossing Bogorodica towards R Greece border crossing Deve Bair towards R Bulgaria Bulgaria The border crossing Tabanovce on the Republic of Serbia border crossing Jazince on R Kosovo south of the island of Great City of Prespa Lake, then leads through the southern mountain Baba, from where, between the villages Dragos and Equinner, descends to Pelagonia. It passes between Bitola and Lerin Field and climbs on Mount Nidze. He then leads the highest parts of Nidze, Kozjak and Kozuf, from which it descends south of Gevgelija in the Gevgelija valley, cutting the Vardar River, climbing the low mountain Kara Balia from where it descends on the southern coast of Dojran Lake. From here, the border turns north, climbs the Calar Cesel Tepe on the mountain Belasica. It then directs east and leads after the crest of this mountain, where it ends on the elevation 1.180 m. It is not natural, and not even ethnic, because of the other side in the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Macedonian population lives. Border crossings: Medzitlija, Gevgelija, Virgin and Star Dojran. The Macedonian-Bulgarian border is 165 km long. From Belasica, she first descends into the Kljka gorge, where he cuts the River Strumica, then leads through an Ograzden, the Maleshevo Mountains, Mountains Vlain and Kadiica, descends on the crossings and black stone, from which it climbs on the mountain Osogovo to its highest peak Ruen (2,252 m). From him, through the transition, Deve Bair continues north to the top nettle, where the eastern border ends. From a natural-geographical point of view, Bulgaria’s border is completely mountainous. It is not ethnic, the Macedonian population lives in both sides. Border crossings: Novo Selo, Delcevo and Deve Bair. The northern border, towards the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Kosovo, is 232 km long. It starts at the top nettle (1,315 m) and continues in the west along the levy of the mountains: Bilino, German and Kozjak, descends to the monastery “St. Prohor Pitski “in the valley of the r. Pchini. Hence it passes through the central part of Mount Run and descends to the Kumanovo Press. Then he continues to Skopska Crna Gora, climbing at the beginning of the lake mountain, where the border begins to the Republic of Kosovo, which through a copy (1,490 m) descends into the Kacagenka Gorge. It spends r. Lepenec, makes a bow towards Macedonia and between the villages of Gracane and Krivica directed north, S “to the top Ljuboten (2,499 m) of Shar Planina. Then, it is oriented towards the west and leads the highest parts of Shar Planina, S “to Mount Korab. This border is basically natural and is largely ethnic, with the exception of the section in the area of ​​Gora, in which the Gorani live, whose mother tongue is Macedonian. Border crossings: Jazince, Volkovo, Blace, Tabanovce, Sopot and Pelince. Within the listed borders, the Republic of Macedonia covers an area of ​​25,713 km². It belongs to the group of small states. In the direction east-west the largest distance between the two borders is 213.6 km, and in the north-south direction, 145 km. It is included in the group of states that have a collected form (such as Romania, Hungary, Poland, etc.). According to the size of the territory, in 2000 It was 152, and according to the number of population 149 state in the world. Natural characteristics – The relief structure of the Republic of Macedonia consists of mountains (Korab – 2,764 m, Shar Planina – 2,747 m, grandmother – 2,601 m, Jakupica – 2.540 m, Osogovo – 2,252 m, Belasica – 2,029 m, etc.), valleys (Pelagonia – 22 4,000 km, Ovce Pole – 2,162 km, 2 Skopje valley – 1,924 km, after2 log – 1,475 km, etc.), Gorven – 21.5 km, Taorski – 31.0 km, Demirkapia – 19.5 km , Scoutivan – 80.0 km, Drimkolska – 28 km, etc.) and other smaller relief forms (volcanic, karst, glacial, flaviar, etc.). The largest part of its TE2 Current, 11.044 km or 43.0%, is mountainous land, the hilly Te2 Reni occupy 9,769 km or 38.0%, while on the plains of 4,900 km or 19.0%. More than 30 types of soils occur on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia. The most widespread brown forest soils (729,618 ha), followed by the deluvial (133,717 ha) and alluvial soils (126,207 ha). Out of the royal wealth, there are the reserves of lead-zinc ores, about 45 million tons, which are exploited in the Mines Zletovo, Sasa and Toranica. Then there are iron ores with total reserves of about 150 million tonnes concentrated in Timidi and Demir Hisar, so the copper ores in Bucim, chromine ores, etc. Coal has in many valley, and it is exploited in the mines Suvodol, Oslomej, leiseline and Ratevski widths. The non-metallic raw materials have marble, cement lapse, clays, etc. In the Republic of Macedonia there are three climate types: edited Mediterranean, moderate continental and mountain climate. Time is very variable, there are dry and rainy periods, in some years mild, and in other cold winters. The total water wealth in the Republic of Macedonia is estimated at around 26 MI3 Liadi m. The hydrographic network consists of mainly rivers (Vardar – 388 km, fever – 138 km, Pchinja – 135 km, Bregalnica – 225 km, Crna Reka – 207 km, black drim and Strumica) and lakes (Ohrid, Prespa and Dojransk). The plant life consists of representatives from the Mediterranean and the Eurosby crop area. Forests, which exist over 3,500 higher plants, cover 953,000 ha or 37% of the territory of the state. Fauna is Mediterranean and Middle European. From the spinal fauna there are 55 fish species, 80 species of mammals and 330 bird species. Lit.: Mitko Panov, Geography of SR Macedonia, and natural and socioogographic characteristics, Skopje, 1976; Aleksandar Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2002. Al. ST.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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