Copodes (Typapoda) – Sublord vindiction Organisms from the class of converter (strutzea) that inhabit the seas, with more than 2,500 types of copper and land waters with about 2,000 species. In peaceful ground leads, they develop massively and give a basic hallmark of zooplankton in lakes, marshes, wetlands, and in smaller ephemeral waters, playing a significant role in the nutrition chain, because they feed small microscopic organisms, and serve as food for fish and amphibians. These are petty organisms, whose body length does not exceed 1-2 mm, whose body is clearly divided into thorax and abdomen. In the middle of the front of the head, a single eye was located with a limited red or black, and hence the most famous genus of the coppodes “CSCPS” received the name, alluding to the Girl Kyclop from Greek mythology, whose only eye was placed on the middle of the forehead. In land waters on the European continent, about 500 species registered, while in Macedonia the total number is 140 species, which belong to three rows. The order cyclonoid shrimp (SSCPOID) is represented by 60 species, of which 10 are Macedonian endemics. The order of harpacticoid shrimp (harratory) with 50 species, 6 of which are endemic and re-dot calanoid shrimp (Calanoid) with 30 species, among which is not registered endemic forms. Lit.: T. Petkovski, Fauna of Macedonia C, Cautanoid (Trowzea, Tsapoda), Natural History Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 1983; T. Petkovski, Beutrag Zur Kennnas der Yugoslavian Castzhen, “ACTA Mus. Maced. SCI. Nat. “, 2 (1), Skopje, 1954, 1-32; P. A. Meglittszch, invertebrate zoologist, Odford, 1972; J. Illyes, Limely-Full Europaea. A Zhechist of TeHe Animal Inhabiting European Inland Nenland Nenland, News of ACCSUNTS OF TERIR Distribunion and Eccessoza (Eccessoza Protozo), Stukegart / Nevc / Amsterdam, 1978. St. P. – V. Sid. Page from Cyrillic manuscript Kopitarov Trip (ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c.)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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