Hawthorn. (Condaugus L., Fam. Rosacade) – The genus covers about 1,500 types of the moderate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bulk shrub, rarely small trees, with flowers collected in dense, shielded sords. The fruit (glue) is one or more bosk. Decorative species, and the leaves and flowers of some of them are a very esteemed pharmaceutical raw material. The glogs studied S. Jackov, according to which are naturally represented: C. monogue JACK. (hawthorn, black hawthorn), with red glue with one bosk; C. Orientalis Palle. (White hawthorn, dog hawthorn), with dense and fierced leaves and red glogenes with 3-5 boson; C. Haldectic Catss. (White Thorn, Slane), Balkan endemite, whose red glams are 3-5 boscles. Newly discovered in the Republic of Macedonia are: C. Incana Dz.; C. Sericeea Dz.; C. CZALSCINA PETTM. Al. And.
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