Austro-Hungarcurian Secret Convention (Budapest, 3/15. Ⅰ 1877) – Interstate agreement on the Balkan rule of the Ottoman Empire. It was agreed in case of Russia’s war against the Ottoman Empire and Territorial Change Austro-Hungary to occupy Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Russia to occupy boxes. In the Balkans, the creation of a Slavic scene or other major state excluded; Bulgaria, Albania and the other part of Rumelija (Macedonia) could become independent states, and Thessaly, part of Epirus and the island of Crete to unite with Greece. Constantinople with nearby territory, whose limits would be determined, could become a free city. Lit.: Macedonia in international agreements 1875-1919. Choice, editorial and comment Dr. Aleksandar Hristov and Dr. Yo-Van Donev, Skopje, 1994. M. Min.
Archives: Glossary
Automation and mechanization of technological processes in the wood industry in the Republic of Macedonia
Automation and mechanization of technological processes in the wood industry in the Republic of Macedonia – an integral part of the woodendustrial technologies. With them human labor is replaced by working on high productive machines, devices and control and management systems. As a result of this replacement, independent leakage of production operations and processes (without or with partial participation of man) is provided. The wood industry has its own specificities that have an impact on the type of technical means of automation and mechanization. Specific characteristics There are also the different types of woodendustrial production, which also have an impact when choosing the type of technical means and the type of systems that realize automation in specific production operations and processes. In the woodenustrial enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia there are semi-automated, automated and mechanized technological processes. Automation and mechanization are present equally in the production facilities of primary and final production. B. Il.
Automotive Brigade of New and Paus for Macedonia
Automotive Brigade of New and Paus for Macedonia (Skopje, XI 1944) – Military Unit of New and Paus for Macedonia. In the formative composition there were 70 trucks. It served all units in food supplies, ammunition, etc. C. ST. The first number of c. “Autonomy” (1898)
“Autonomous (Sofia, 1-16. Ⅷ 1903, st. He went out in Bulgarian and French. Was printed at Georgi A. Natharov, announced that every Saturday will come out, but only three numbers came out. The first issue is the title “before the revolution”, with Note: “Before the fateful events that take place in our homeland we will not talk. We leave on the events themselves to speak. If today, the organization is decided to come up with its own border sheet, it does to bring them in front of the world’s demands of the population struggling and protecting its work from those who want to slander it. ” In the same number of French, the “Declaration of the VMORO” was published, signed by the border representatives in Bulgaria Dr. Hristo Tatarchev and Hristo Matov. The second number of August 5, (ST. On July 20, in the evening at three o’clock in Turkish, according to the decision of the Central Revolutionary Committee, actions in the entire Bitola Vilaya began … President of the Bitola Varabin Staff is Dame Gruev, and members are: Pere Toshev, Boris Sarafov and A. Lozananchev … “The third and final number of 16 August is filled with testimonies on the course of the Ilinden Uprising. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 29-30. S. Ml. The first page of c. “Autonomous Macedonia” (1905)
Autonomous Macedonia
“Autonomous Macedonia (Sofia, 1 ⅻ 1920 – 26. ⅰ 1923) – a newspaper, a body of Macedonian emigration in Bulgaria, and from number 53 (15. 1921) A body of the Macedonian federal emigration in Bulgaria. He went out once a week, in Bulgarian. The first number was printed in the print press. “Right”, in a circulation of 2,500 copies, and later in other three printing companies. Editors were Ivan Snarar and Vladislav (Slavcho) Kovachev. A total of 97 numbers have been published. He aimed to unite Macedonians-immigrants and create a strong political organization that will again raise the Macedonian issue and his resolution peacefully. Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokron, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980, 309-312; Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 30-31. S. Ml. Highway Skopje & Tetovo
Average – ancient and medieval determination of the entrance of the R. Vardar in the Demir Kapija gorge. The main establishment was in Yuruk Kamen, the locality of Markov City, on the right bank of the Chille River. The fortifications had the surrounding rocky lands besides R. Vardar and Holder River. He was the seat of the independent of Goodomir Hrts (end of ⅹⅰⅰ c.) And Brow (1207-1214). Lit.: T. Tomoski, medieval cities in Macedonia between the rivers Vardar, Bregalnica and Lakavica. Macedonia over the centuries, Skopje, 1999. K. Ag. Map of the National Park “Mavrovo” spatial plans of national parks
Aviation in agriculture
Aviation in agriculture – Dating dates back to 1962, when two planes from the brand “Chemgerak”, owned by RP “Agrochemization” – Skopje. The private airline “Bonier” was established as an aircraft and aircraft (1996). During 2004, the company had 13 airplanes of type An-2 and with its own airport in Sveti Nikole. A number of aircraft operates on foreign markets (Bulgaria and Serbia in the Balkans; Sudan and Algeria in Africa). Basic activities in the field of agricultural production are: sowing cereals from an airplane, primary fertilization and nourishment with artificial fertilizers, spraying of agricultural crops with insecticides, herbicides and foliar diet; In the field of forestry: spraying forest surfaces against pests, extinguishing forest fires, modification of time: causing artificial rain, gradobit protection, dispersal clouds and fog. Dr. Gyosh.
Aviation in the Republic of Macedonia
Aviation in the Republic of Macedonia. The first aeracies were established in Skopje (1923), Stip, Kocani and Radovis (1925), and in Gevgelija, Kavadarci, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Debar, Gostivar, Tetovo, Bitola (after 1928). The aeralk in Skopje procured several planes (from 1925-1937). Aeromitins were maintained by cities (since 1926). A model workshop was created under the leadership of Ljubomir Testev (1936) and the Sailing School (1937), and there are also Courses for motor pilots (from 1939). The first jump with parachute was performed by Aleksandar Trajkovic in Skopje (1936). After the liberation, an aviation company in Skopje (1945) headed by Xhelal Chinara was established. The activity of the model workshop, the sailing school and the clubs in Bitola, Kumanovo, Stip, Veles and Prilep was also established, and the Sailing Union at the helm with Blaze Troshanovski (1946) was renewed. The Air Force Union of Macedonia is admitted to membership of the International Aviation Federation (FAA, 1993). More than 80,000 members passed through organizations, of which 24,000 were trained for air and rocket modeling, more than 5,000 skydivers, 3,200 sailors and 800 motor pilots. Some of them achieved top results on domestic and international competitions. Lit.: Aleksandar Achkovski, history of aviation, Skopje, 1996. D. S.
Avodovic, Alia
Avadovic, Alia (village Since Since Since Skopsko, 1912 – Camp Banjica, September 1941) – Communist Dean. He finished elementary school in his native village and Medresa in Skopje, where he joined the progressive youth movement. As a student at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and a member of the Progressive Student Movement, he was persecuted by the Serbian police, and in a party burst was arrested (in late 1934) and sentenced as a communist under the Law on Protection of the State. He supported the sentence in the prison in Sremska Mitrovica, where he gained a rich revolutionary experience. After leaving prison, due to disturbed health, he stayed in hospital and sanatorium for some time, but continued with the communist activity in his native village and the surrounding area. In Sinzelic, he also established a group of activists (1939), engaged in the village self-help and in folk aid for the participants in working strikes in Skopje. After the fascist occupation, due to the anti-fascist activity was arrested (6. 1941), conducted at the Banjica camp and with a group of prisoners Shot from Gestapo. Before shooting, several prisoners were returned from the shooting range, when the issue of gestures for allocating the Communists, replied: “There are no other communists here except Boro Todorovic and me.” Lit.: They were killed, Skopje, 1969, 22-23; Tyo Milosevski, memories of the NOB, Archive of Skopje, 1975, 10; Cross health, not to be forgotten, Skopje, 1982, 65-66. S. Ml.
Avramchev, Vladimir.
Avramchev, Vladimir (village Stojakovo, Gevgelija, 1. IX 1939) – Keramic. He studied at the Academy of Applied Art in a white city, department ceramics. It creates plastic associative forms with witty solutions and imaginations of fiction, ranging between applied and fine arts. He exhibited independently and collective exhibitions in Skopje and stage. He is the winner of several Macedonian and foreign awards and recognitions. Lit.: Vladimir Velickovski, Vladimir Avramchev, Skopje, 2004. Al. Cv.
Avramoski, Peter.
Avramoski, Peter (v. Tashmarunta, Struga, 11. ⅶ 1945) – Construction technician, historian, museologist, poet and publicist. He finished elementary school in the native village and in the village. Labunista (Struga), A secondary technical school (construction department) in Struga (1964), after which he worked as a construction technician. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy (Group History) in Skopje (1972). Until retiring worked as a curator-historian at the National Museum “Dr. Nikola Nezlobinski” in Struga (1983-2001). How curator prepared 11 thematic exhibitions for the past of Struga and Struga. He participated in 12 scientific gatherings, 6 monographs, one poem and a dozen more significant scientific articles (mainly from the cultural past of Struga and Struga). BIB: Brothers Miladinovci, Struga, 1992; Chronic book of the church “St. George” in Struga, Struga, 1996; I thought the book of the Church of the church “St. John the Baptist”, Struga, 1998; Unforgettable and honoring, Struga, 2000; Word for immortal (poem), Struga, 2002; Giants from Struga, Struga, 2002; Vranista, Struga 2005. S. Ml. Vladimir Avramchev, from Metamorphosis cycle
Avramov, Cruise
Avramov, Krsto (village Tresonce, 1866 – Skopje, 1939) – Zograf, the son of Avram Dichov from the village. Tresonce. He studied from his father and worked with him until 1890. From the few data about his activity, he is known about the churches “St. Ascension “in the village. Source and “St. Trinity “in the village. Boynica, both in the ID, and for several parts in northwestern Bulgaria. Lit.: A. Vasiliev, Bulgarian Vishosno Masters, Sofia, 1965, 189-190.V. P.-
Avramov, Nicholas.
Avramov, Nikola Jakemov (village Slatina, Ohrid, 1880 – Ruse, 1939) – Ohrid village Duke, a participant in the Ilinden Uprising. With his own Chief (of the village. Slatina) participated in the Ottoman garrison attack in the village of Sirula, Ohrid (Fighting of Sirul Rid of 20. ⅶ 1903). During the Balkan wars, he participated in IX Veles volunteering (Othentzena) company in the composition of the Bulgarian army. Exhibit. ILIT.: CDA, F. 1, OP. 1, A.e. 4, l. 8; “Ilós® Ilindený”, 3-4, Sophie®, 1936. Al. TR.
Avramov, Nikola Jakemov
Avramov, Nikola Jakemov (village Slatina, Ohrid, 1880 – Ruse, 1939) – Ohrid village Duke, a participant in the Ilinden Uprising. With his own Chief (of the village. Slatina) participated in the Ottoman garrison attack in the village of Sirula, Ohrid (Fighting of Sirul Rid of 20. ⅶ 1903). During the Balkan wars, he participated in IX Veles volunteering (Othentzena) company in the composition of the Bulgarian army. Exhibit. ILIT.: CDA, F. 1, OP. 1, A.e. 4, l. 8; “Ilós® Ilindený”, 3-4, Sophie®, 1936. Al. TR.
Avramov, Philip
Avramov, Philip (v. Osoj, Debar, 1814 – 1900) – Builder and carbar from the genus Filipovci from the village. Osoever. He is the son of Avram Dichov and along with his brother Vasil Avramov and with the sons produced ceilings, doles and returns to many homes, lodgings and monasteries in Macedonia and Serbia. Lit.: A. Vasiliev, Bulgarian Vestrogen Masters, Sofia, 1965, 247. V. P.- Borka Avramova, Mountain Man (1962)
Avramov, Stephen
Avramov, Stefan (Chirpan, Bulgaria, 1884 – Sofia, 28. IX 1953) – Publicist, historian and activist of the Macedonian revolutionary movement. He finished high school and taught in Ohrid and Bitola (1903-1907). Since 1902 He joined in TMORO. He participated in the fighting with Serbian propaganda in Nitrogen (Veles) and Poreche. After the First World War, he was active in the Ilinden organization, later her president (1944-1947). He is the author of the papers for the revolutionary movement in Macedonia. Lit.: Almanac on the Bulgarian National Movement Follow 1878, Sofia, 2005. Z. Todd.
Avramov, Vasil.
Avramov, Vasil (v. Osoj, Debar, 1812 – 1903) – Builder and carbar from the genus Filipovci from the village. Osoever. He is the son of Avram Dichov, who collaborated with Petre Filipovich Garkata and Dimitar Stanishev in the performance of the iconostasis in the Bigorski Monastery and Skopje. There is no more precise data on its activity. Lit.: A. Vasiliev, Bulgarian Vestrogen Masters, Sofia, 1965, 247. V. P.-
Avramova, Borka
Avramova, Borka (Tetovo, 9. 1924 – Zagreb, 25. ⅲ 1993) – Sculptor. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb (1953). By 1960 acted in Skopje, where in 1954 She had an independent exhibition, the first of the Macedonian sculptor. Exposed portraits with ethnographic features, but with modern form and without classical anatomical proportions (Shiptar, 1954). M. B.-P.
Avramovski, Dimitar Pandilov
Avramovski, Dimitar Pandilov (village Tresonce, 1. ⅲ 1899 – Skopje, 26. ⅶ 1963) – Painter, one of the most important founders of the Macedonian modern art and the most eminent representative of Impressionism. It originated from a famous zograf family. He graduated (1924) of the State Hearing Academy in Sofia (Bulgaria). By D. P. Avramovski, harvesting, oil on canvas (1935) 1927 to 1928. He stayed in Paris and Montpellier. By 1945 He lived in Bulgaria (village Hajredin), and then returned to Macedonia and worked as an artistic pedagogue in Skopje. He arrived the first solo exhibition of a Macedonian modern painter in Skopje (1926). Independently exhibited in Kyprija (1926), Skopje (1956, 1962), Montpellier (1928), Sofia (1930, 1934, 1937). He had the largest retrospective in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje (1983). Worked oils, watercolors and drawings, and genre decided for landscapes, dead natures, portraits, acts. Initially, he followed academism with mild realistic appointments, and later he decided on impressionism with elements of expressionism, in places with action moves. In this spirit, his most significant acts dominated by the pastoral, the poetics of the space, light, the optimistic serenity of the atmosphere (besides water, 1925, harvest, 1926; Act, 1928; Load train, 1950; 1951; Harvest 1954). Lit.: Cvetan Grozdanov, Dimitar Pandilov, “Projects”, Year. C, no. 1, Skopje, 1963, 59; Elena Masan Chukic, Dimitar Pandilov (Catalog), Art Gallery, Skopje, 1966; Sonja Abadzieva-Dimitrova, Dimitar Avramovski Pandilov, Skopje, 1984. S. AB.-
Avramovski, Dragutin Guute
Avramovski, Dragutin Guest (Kumanovo, 11. 1931 – Skopje, 12. IX 1986) – Painter, graphic, scenographer, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. He graduated from the Academy of Applied Arts in Zagreb (1955). He had a retrospective exhibition in Skopje (Museum of Contemporary Art, 2002). Guute left a significant mark within the environment and the lyrical abstraction in painting and graphics (composition, 1959; Goth-Ski Cathedral, 1961; Study no. 27, 1962). Z. Al.-b. Risto Avramovski.
Avramovski, Risto.
Avramovski, Risto (village Selce, Struga, 20. ⅷ 1943 – Skopje, 8. ⅶ 2007) – Composer. Composition learned in Skopje (Vlastimir Nikolovski) and in Belgrade (Enrico Joseph). One of the most prominent Macedonian composers in the last three decades. He is the author of over one hundred works of all musical genres. She wrote movie music, music for theater plays as well as for radiographers and television series. He also dealt with publicistics, publishing expert texts and music reviews. His work arises mainly from the spiritual spaces of Macedonia. Musical language was moderate and the author almost did not engage in experiments, typical of music from the second half of ⅹⅹ c. The works of A. They were performed in many countries in the world, and most of them were recorded in MRT Music production. He is a member of the covenant of the composers of Macedonia, on several occasions his president and secretary. For many years, he led the days of Macedonian music, and he was chairman of the Board of the Festival Ohrid Summer. In 2006 been elected as a regular member of MANU. Part: bibliipony, for a siphonic orchestra (1970); Psychophony ⅰ (1972) and psychophony ⅱ (1974) for chamber orchestra; Concert for Piano and Orchestra (1990); 8 symphonies; Oratories: Macedonia, 1968; Litigation, 1977; Two operas: Bolen Dojchin (1982), Lydia from Macedonia (2001); orchestral compositions (Harmosin – Cursed Byzantine (2002), etc.); Tuba Mary, Voice and Orchestra (2005); Balkan Ski Requiem (2005). M. Cole. Peter Avramoski
AVTOBUSKI PRETPRIJATIJA I AVTOBUSKI STANICZI. Prvoto pretprijatie za javen prevoz go formirale brakjata Popovikj od Skopje (1925), a podoczna vo Bitola e formirano pretprijatieto „Jug“ (1932). Na 2. Ⅻ 1944 g. Visit W3Schools Visit W3Schools.
AVZIU, Servet (village Mala Recica, Tetovo, 1. ⅹ 1946) – Political Dice, journalist and businessmen. Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1969). He was a member of the Agriculture Secretary in the Executive Council of the Assembly of the Municipality of Tetovo and Director of the Center for the Promotion of Individual Agriculture in Tetovo. For some time, he was a journalist in RTV Skopje and Head of the OP “Serbian Commerce” – Skopje in Tetovo, and then (as a candidate of PDP-NDP) Minister without a portfolical in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia. S. Ml. Aviation in agriculture
Axius (Azios) – The ancient name of the r. Vardar, mentioned by more ancient literary sources: Herodotus, Thucydide, Pliny, etc. The earliest is mentioned at the time of the Trojan War as “a river that wide flow” (Hom., Ⅱ.I844-850). Strabon (Strab. 7, 327, 329) tells that A. It springs from the Augian Region, which are Paione tribe. The river distributed the old area of Paionia and then entered Macedonia in the Amfaxida area. Between 168 and 148 The Roman administration divides both of the four Mersidi; The second remains in the east, and the third of the west of the river. Lit.: F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities of Roman Age, Skopje, 1957, 58-62. C. B.-R.