Avramov, Nikola Jakemov (village Slatina, Ohrid, 1880 – Ruse, 1939) – Ohrid village Duke, a participant in the Ilinden Uprising. With his own Chief (of the village. Slatina) participated in the Ottoman garrison attack in the village of Sirula, Ohrid (Fighting of Sirul Rid of 20. ⅶ 1903). During the Balkan wars, he participated in IX Veles volunteering (Othentzena) company in the composition of the Bulgarian army. Exhibit. ILIT.: CDA, F. 1, OP. 1, A.e. 4, l. 8; “Ilós® Ilindený”, 3-4, Sophie®, 1936. Al. TR.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АВРАМОВ, Никола Јаковчев