Moravian Mission

Moravian mission. Byzantine Mission conditioned by complex diplomatic, political and church interests. The Gravior Prince Rastislav wanted to get rid of the influence of the Germanlathic priesthood and the aggressive aspirations of the young German state, and asked for a teacher and bishop of Byzantium. Byzantine Emperor Mikhail ⅲ in the Moravian invitation watched a chance to impose the Byzantine cultural influence of a high-European state, which in the middle of ⅸ c. It began spreading its power and over other Slavic countries. By doing so, he hoped to reduce the influence of the German state, which began to use byzantium of Byzantium in Italy and the Balkans. In parallel with the political intentions of Byzantium for renewal of the old Roman Empire, the Patriarch of the Patriarch Photius wanted to expand his influence in Central Europe and reduce the influence of the Roman Pope, which at that time established diplomatic relations with a Balkan state (Bulgaria), a neighbor The Byzantium and there sent his priesthood. Preparation was prepared with a lethal. Letter and translations of the most abundant and confirmed missionary Constantine philosopher accompanied by his brother Metodia, proven as an excellent organizer and with a good knowledge of the Slavic language. M. m. In Moravia, it was variable happiness depending on the political situation. After the death of Constantine-Cyril in Rome (869), Methodius remained to manage the mission (c. Methodius). After his death in 885, even more severe days occurred, the disciples were prove, and in the place of his deputy, Archithep. Gorazd, from the Pope, was appointed Moravian Archbishop Vahing, an indignant opponent of Slavic literacy and worship. Despite all the obstacles and persecutions M. m. is the grandiose joint work of St. Cyril and Methodius. In the work they supplemented. The younger was strong in theory, and the elder in practical life. Their enlightenment work was comprehensive. It is a bridge connecting Is-Dimitar Condovski: “St. Cyril and Methodius “(1976) The park with the West, and their Learn-Stepliko area (between Vasta Zletovska Diocese. Morbors distracted the seeds that by-Veles, Stip and Negotino). VL. M. The whiskey diocese throughout the history of Seaya in Moravia. Managers-carried the names of the Bregalnica, the M. m., Brothers Konstantin-Cyril and Methodius in 1985 from the Vatican were declared patrons of Europe. Lit.: FR. Dvavony, Bdzantine Missons Among Tez Slavs, Nann Brunnjick, Nanes of Jersez, 1970; P. HR. Ilievski, the Enlightenment Mission of Sts. Methodius, Cyrus.-Methodiuska (St. Slov.) Period and Cyrillo-Methodius Tradition in Macedonia, MANU, 1988, 249-258; Bl. Ristovski, knowledge, MANU, 2001, 87-96. P. HR. Il.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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