Methodius, St.

Methodius, St. (Thessaloniki, between 810-815 – Velgrad, Moravia, 6. 885) & monastic name (secularly is not witnessed) to the Byzantine Archon and Slavic Enlightener, Moravian Archbishop and literary Deper. The eldest son, born in a reputable family of Dragar Lion and Mary from Thessaloniki. The most secular source for him is the spacious (Panonian) life, written by St. Clement of Ohrid. It is presented as clever, brave and strong since youth. At the age of 20 set for Archont (Trustee) of Slavic Principality. One is not in Macedonia, in the Strumica-Bregalnik region (and that he translated the law on trial of people in Slavic with St. Methodius, the deacons of the southern wall in the church in Kurbinovo (ⅹⅰⅰ c.) Greek letter), and Others – in Bitinia, West Asia Asia to Bosphorus, where there were numerous Slavic ski families imported by Thessaloniki. After a 10-year administrative-military service, he withdrew in a monastery of Mount Olympus (Asia Minor) and monked. More details for him are known for 861, when he joined his brother Constantine philosopher in the Hazar’s mission. There is represented as a helper to the younger brother, but probably had other important diplomatic obligations. After returning from Hazaria Emperor Michael ⅲ and Patriarch Photius proposed an Archbishopian act, but he refused; He accepted to be just an abbot of the polychron monastery with 70 monks, among which there were probably Slavs. He often stayed his brother Constantine. It is rightly assumed that the first Slavic script was created there, from the migrated Slavs there they chose their disciples. The most important work, in common with Bra, is the Enlightenment Moravian Mission of General Slavic and European significance. He was solemnly sent by the Byzantine emperor and the patriarch, brothers and students, translations of the most important religious books, were joyfully welcomed by the Velikoreva Knez Rastislav. He gave them good working conditions and soon prepared a new offspring for doing worship. But Rastislav, in 864 victorious by GERM. King Ludwig, did not have the opportunity to protect the Slavic worship of the German clergy with Latin. After three years, the brothers planned to return, but reserved by the prince Koceel remained in Panonia for another year and they prepared Slavic staff. St. Cyril and St. Methodius, medieval miniature in 867 In Byzantium, major changes in the dynasty and church peak occurred, instead of Constantinople, the brothers set off by the relics of St. Clement Roman in Rome to seek the Pope’s permission for the Slov. Worship. In Rome, he was ceremonious by Pope Adrian, but the consent was waiting for a long time. After the death of St. Cyril in Rome (869), Methodius remained alone to manage the Slavic mission. In 870 he returned to Panonia, but Koceel demanded that Pope Methodius should be ordained an archbishop, in order to arrange an independent church. Methodius again goes to Rome and returns as Archbishop Panonian, but meets a bitter reaction from the Bavarian clergy from Salzburg, under whose jurisdiction was Panonia. Methodius was caught, judged, harassed and closed two and a half years. After the intervention of the new Pope John ⅷ was released, but in Panonia did not return, and went to Moravia and worked under highly difficult conditions. In 879 he was strictly forbidden to serve the Slavic, so the third time goes to Rome to justice. According to 13 g. The mg, in 881 He went to Constantinople and after he left two of his disciples (priest and deacon) and religious books, he returned to Moravia. After the third trip to Rome Methodius, it is given to literary work. Together with two students, the rapidly translated by the end the old covenant, the nomokanotes the harvest. He died on April 6th. ST. 885; He was Open in Latin, Greek and Slavic and buried in the Great Church in Velgrad. Lit.: S. B. Bern, Constantine Philosopher and Mefodi; P. Dinov, Slavyhankoÿ Enlightenerï Mefodi, Sofia 1985; F. C. Marshe, the language of the Slov. First direction Methodius, Cyrillo-method. (St. Slov.) Period and K.-M. tradition in Macedonia., Skopje 1988, 71-76; Czhoshinitary Among Tez Slaves, Roma 1988; S. Nikolova, Methodius, K.-m. Is ⅱ, S.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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