Debar – City in the western part of the Republic of Macedonia (14,561 h.). It is located in the Debar valley, southwest of Mount Deshat, at an altitude of 700 m. It covers an area of 360 ha. The climate is changed continental with an average annual air temperature of 11.8 ° C and an average annual amount of precipitation of 890 mm. Through D. It passes a regional road that connects the northeast with Mavrovo and Gostivar, and to the south with Struga. Debar as a settlement existed at the time of the Romans under Name Dabrua. For the first time it is mentioned in a Charter of Vasily ⅱ of 1019 As a place belonging to the Bitola bishop. In the Middle Ages is a significant center in Western Macedonia. In the first half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Ami Buhe noticed that there were 4,200 h., 64 shops, mosque and Caran Saraj, trade and craftsmanship was developed, and Debarski were known as excellent builders of churches, carpenters and painters. The neighborhood was mixed with Macedonian and Muslim population. In 1900 The count of the population in the city is largely 15,000 h .. After the First World War, when the border towards Albania, D. He started functionally and populated to decline, so in 1931. It lived 7,198 h. Due to the specific peripheral geographical city of Debar with the Debar Lake, he and after World War II, many of the Second World War, remained only as a center of its immediate surroundings. However, the ethnic structure in the city is quite changed. Today from 14,561 h., Macedonians are 1,059 h., Albanians 10,768 h., Turks 1,415 h., Roma 1,079 h., And others 245 h. D. is a municipal center. The municipality covers an area of 14,567 ha, there are 18 settlements with 19,542 h. Most of the population is employed in the textile industry, which is present in the city, then in the Minence and in agriculture. There is a gymnasium, health center, home of culture, seismological station and other institutions. Near the city there are baths Banjiste and Kosovarka bath and artificial lake Spilje, and in the southeastern footer of Deshat is the municipality for plaster. Lit.: John F. Trifunoski, Debar, “Messenger Ethnography Institute San”, Kne. And-ⅲ, Belgrade, 1957; Census of the population, households and apartments in the Republic of Macedonia, 2002, ⅹ, Skopje, 2004. Al. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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