Despotovski-Chaovel, Blagoja (Debar, 1919 – Skopje, 7. ⅹ 1941) – Melerian worker, entitlement. In his hometown, he finished elementary school, and in search of employment he worked at the shipyard in Sremska Mitrovica (1937-1938), where he became a member of Urs trade unions. After returning to Skopje (1939) he worked in the Pyrotechnical Institute in Gjorce Petrov. As a member of the CPY (since 1940), in the sake of political action, the monopoly workers, after the order of the MK of the CPY crossed work in the tobacco monopoly in Skopje. Due to that activity was arrested (25. ⅱ 1941 – 6. ⅳ 1941). He participated in the counseling of the Skopje Organization of CP (Kozle, 22. ⅵ 1941), which is unanimously determined to start preparations for the armed struggle. Soon afterwards it was illegalized and joined one of the Skopje diversion groups (July – 22. ⅷ 1941). He participated in the action for supplying explosives from the Radusa mine. He was a fighter of the first Skopje NOO (22. 1941) and a direct participant in the assassination of Bulgarian police agents Mane Murrak and Krume Pankov-Kros, and he died. Lit.: Boro Krsevski, were, killed, Skopje, 1969, 52; Aleksandar Spasovski, Skopje NOP Squad, Belgrade, 1971; Miter inadeeski, Chronology of Skopje. The workers and the National Liberation Movement 1939-1945, a book of second, Skopje, 1974, 22, 43, 53, 60, 64, 70-71 and 75; Cross health, not to be forgotten. Monuments and memorial marks from a new in Skopje, Skopje, 1982, 35, 40-41, 49-50 and 148-149. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕСПОТОВСКИ-ШОВЕЉ, Благоја