Adzievski, Costa (villages, Debar, 28. ⅹ 1943) – Historian, UNIV. Professor. He completed a history of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1968), Master’s Degree (1976) and PhD (1990) at the Department of Wantatology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. The Institute of History is selected in all titles. Teaches General Same-Costa Adzija Riya of the Old Ages (1978-1984), a general history of the Middle Ages (since 1984) and the history of the Balkan peoples – Middle Ages (since 1996). He was head of the Institute of History (2001-2005) and the Department of Ancient and Medieval History in Ini (1993-1999), Head of the Postgraduate Studies Council (1999-2001), editor-in-chief of the SP. “History” (1999-2004), a member of the Republic Pedagogical Council. He explores the medieval history of the Macedonian people. He is the author of a number of scientific and professional papers. B. Petr. Tome Adzievski, from the “Places” cycle (1993)
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АЏИЕВСКИ, Коста