Vegetational Areas of the Republic of Macedonia

Vegetational areas of the Republic of Macedonia – General notion of any synchorological unit. J. Brownblanulow (1923) distinguishes 4 categories of vegetation areas: 1. The vegetation region is the largest synchorological category. It is characterized by a number of climatic phytocenoses and endemism of higher rank (families, sections and genera). The registration is divided into provinces. 2. The province is distinguished by at least one climazonal phytocenosis and endemism from the type and gender rank. It is divided into sectors. 3. The sector is a vegetation area without its climazonal phytocenoses, but with its own endemic species. He is divided into districts. 4. District is a vegetation area that does not have its own phytocenoses and does not have its relict endemic species. In Macedonia, the following vegetation areas or regions are represented: 1. The Mediterranean region extends along the Mediterranean Sea and the valleys of the rivers penetrate deeper into the mainland. In Macedonia is represented by two provinces: – The Aegean province is a Thracian sector with a zone widespread as. TSCCEFERI-PERSPANTOM Orientalis. The Migdon District is especially distinguished in the Dojran region, where there is a significant occurrence of as. Tsocferro-Luertum Franeto and Demirkapia District, where AS appears. Vezencanioschio-Fagetum and AS. Tsarpino Beatuli-Bujo-Fagetum. – The Adriatic province is the black -sized sector. Characteristic is as. Suchio-abrazinifolie, with the species: Obsuzunalis, Salvia Ophficinalis, Petacea Petrahea, Dioscoea Balitanica. From this sector, a drainage distract with Azulus Histzstanum and Platus Orientalis can be set aside. 2. The Eurosibir-North American Region, in which all oak, beech, pines, scratches, as well as coast and floodless phytocenosis. In Macedonia, they all belong to the Mesais province. In this province, flat-centered forests (AS Lovietum Frainetum Cerrris) and the forests of the beech (Fagus Moisiuca) are spread. The Mesais province in the Republic of Macedonia can be broken down to: Mariovski, Maleshevo-Osogovski, Stromon, Porecian, Western Macedonian and Dardan Sector. – The Mariovo sector covers the Nidze mountain range – Kozuf along the Macedonian-Greek border. More distribution can be distinguished: a. District of the coward River, with white pine forests in the subalpic belt; b. The dragon district with relict forests of black and white pine; c. Sudci District with old beech-Eal forests; d. District two ears with relict forests of as. Tsoloro-Rarbonifoliae and AS. Fagetum submeditaterranump. – The Maleshevo-Osogovo sector stands out from other sectors with widespread. Luzululo-Fagetum and degraded flatbreaker forests without CER and without Ella. Only locally meet genulous forests. You can separate the District Red River with AS. Fago-acéréretum Haldectic and District Planenitsa with a forest of irrespinypholia. – The stremic sector covers the mountains of Belasica, Ograzden, Plachkovica and Elenica. Can be distinguished: a. Belasic district – with the occurrence of Tajus Bats, elech inobsifolium, in the subalpine belt alnnus Viridis, VI-TIS IDAE; b. The Monospitovo District is located around Monospitovo Blato. Characteristic is as. Pe-Ri-Ripilo-Alnetum glutenous with Oblanda Regalis, Platus Orientalis, Frasini Pallisae and the Westhilea Pinna; c. District Zrnovska Reka (role) – with the appearance of Tsorus Tsolute, Kestana Sativa, and is widely distributed and Luzululo Fagetum; d. District Cham Chiflik (Strumica) – characteristic of AS. TSCCIFERIFERSHIFTOM Orientalis and AS. Pitinosum palpasian. – The peer sector – it occupies the Poretime Valley and the Canyon of the River Treska. The west of the river is spread silicate walls and forests from the flatletter and from a sword chestnut, and the eastern carbonate walls with relict forests from Pinus Palcasiane, Luersuzus Trojanean and Fagus Moisiaca are distributed. The Studencica River – the Western Macedonian sector – covers the Pelagonia, Prespa and Kicevo valley, Debarca, then the areas of the Studencica River and Jama (Bistra). It is a zone of luertum-phrinnet cerris, and the oak CER forms a belt above the flat zone. – Dardan sector – characteristic of forests from Buka, Ella and spruce. Differ: a. Radial District with AC. Acestus band-fagetum abode Ljuertiemum Pubescentis, and from individual species are significant Ramondia Serbica and Frajinin Evicezi. b. Gornovarar District with forests from Bubh chestnut and Goron. 3. Aral-Caspian region, Sarmatian province – characteristic of steppe vegetation. In Macedonia can be distinguished: – Peonic sector – in Ovce Pole and Tikvesh. Characteristic with: AS. Astragalo Moriitum, Eurotium Ceratoides, Epportito Prunetum Power. – Desaresic sector – of Galicica with Stythi Mediterranean. 4. Alpine-High Governor Region – with herbaceous communities and relic species that grow on the tops of the mountains in the Alpine belt. They belong to the Highland Province. It can be broken down at: – Corin sector with AS. Linario-Valeriananetum Beticci. – Sharp sector: a. Ljuboten District with AS. TRIFOLIO NORS-CUSTRICTEOM; b. District Orlovets-black peak with AS. SIVERSIO-OGESTUM AGAGE, AS. Yassions of Curvuletum. It is broken down to: – Bistrain sector with AS. Erratiananto-ozropetum. – Karan Sector with AS. Dialnichi Jakupzunzing-Eliamentum and the types of doddron, butolielium, alielegia aurea. – Pelister Sector with AS. Dialnahi Mastervia-Festicus, As. Motatory-Customs Food and AC. Lino-Reduretum. – The Kajmakchakalan Sector with the endemic type of Diancus Kaimacalanjas. R. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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