Velika, Anton (Doncho) (village Dragostin, Neuracosko, Pirin part of Macedonia, 13. ⅴ 1912 – Sofia, 5. ⅴ 1975) (Pseuda Belomoski) – One of the first members of the MLK in Sofia (1938-1942) , vice president of MLK “Nikola Vaptsharov” (1945- 1948) and the MLK students from Pirin Macedonia (1950-1951), a prose writer (in Bulgarian), publicist and journalist. Upon completion of elementary education (1929), he enrolled at the Varna Military School (1933), but for health reasons he leaves (1934) and, as a printing worker in Kyustendil and then in Sofia (1934), it is early in VMRO ( OB) and participate in the printing of its legal and illegal releases (1935-1936). It becomes a member of the literary circle “Hristo Botev” and issue a joint Select from his literary creations “First Braddy” (1937). As an activist of RMS and after a member of the CPB (1938) and anti-fascist DECP, after the renewal of MLK in Sofia (1938) publishes more stories and reports in the progressive stamp. After the war is a regular contributor in the body of the Macedonian National Committee “Macedonian Flag” (1945-1946), then some time is the president of the Municipal Court in Neurocrop (1947), and becomes a professional journalist in Sofia c. “Trud”, where it remains until retirement (1948-1958). In addition to the published prose, it remains the text “pages of my biography” (1972). BIB.: Pages of my resume. Redition, preface and translation Vasil Tocinovski, Skopje, 1997. Lit: Vasil Tocinovski, three circles Gjorgi Abadiev, Asen Shurov-Chrovov, Anton Verynik-Belomoski, Skopje, 1997, 152-253; The same, Krusteta Anton Verykov-Belomoski, Clock: “Macedonian scientific-literary comrades and his continuity until the founding of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. Attachments from the scientific gathering … “, Manu, 1997; The same, excitement after the word, IML, Skopje, 2000, 230-254. Bl. R.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕЛИКОВ, Антон