Vanov, Dimitria

Vanov, Dimitrija (Skopje, 18. IX 1934) – Architect. He graduated from the architectural department at the Faculty of Technical Faculty in Skopje (1959). Master degree at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade (1978). The entire working experience is developed at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje, where he obtained the title of a regular professor of the subject draft geometry. In addition to the pedagogical work, he also dealt with scientific research work in the field of draft geometry and published more papers, and also dealt with architectural-urban design. He participated in several anonymous architectural competition competitions. It was also developed by a number of urban and architectural projects, most of which were realized. BIB.: Hair perspective on rotary surfaces, an annual volume of the Architectural Faculty of Architecture, 8, Skopje, 1969, 61-65; Making a lcaromenine perspective withdrawn through the axis of the transformation of the mongem projections, Proceedings of the Architectural Faculty of Architecture, 9-10, Skopje, 1972, 111-116; Determination of the contour of the rotary surfaces in the Mongovo projections for parallel and central design, Proceedings of the Faculty of Architecture, 3, Skopje 1979, 117-126. Cr. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВАНОВ, Димитрија

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