Zdravkovska, Smilka Penkova (Skopje, 14. 1947) – Mathematician, editor in the magazine “Matchamatacal Reviews”, the United States (1980). She graduated in Moscow (1969), and received his PhD at the University of Manchester (1973) with the topic “topic objects in the theory of homotopy”. Featured as an associate professor (1978) at the Faculty of Mathematics. He published scientific papers in the field of topology, theory of categories and history of mathematics. Deserving of the development of topology in the Republic of Macedonia. Lit.: PMF 1946-2006, Monograph, Skopje, 2006; Buy no. 299 / ’78. N. C. Dragisa Zdravkovski
Archives: Glossary
Zdravkovski, Cane.
Zdravkovski, Cane (Aleksandar) (Vranes, Bitola, 2. ⅵ 1936) – Professor of Macedonian Language and Literature, writer (storyteller, novelist and drama author) and literary critic. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy (history of the literature of the peoples of the SFRY and Macedonian language) in Skopje (1962) and received his doctorate on the topic “The life of Ivan Toto” (1980). He is a member of the DPM (1971). He was a high school professor and adviser to the Pedagogical Institute in Skopje. He is the author of several books – novels, short stories, monographs, literary and theater criticism. BIB.: Monographs – Ivan Toto (1984); Romanians – stain (1968), chain (1972), HERA (1980), firearms (1984), Consular city (1987), Stella (1991), Crazy Pasterel (1992), Ataturk Prophet (1993), black gold To (2000); plays – narcissy (1983); Short stories – Release (1970), blurred waters (1999); Theater criticism – Dramatics (1973), scenic views (1998); Manuals – Matura (1996), Methodology of Literature Teaching (1997), Public Literature in Teaching (1998); Literary essays and criticism – Dramatics (1973), Narrators (1973), the great fire (1979), the novel as obsession (1987), Macedonian novelists (1992), the novel in teaching (1993), the growth of the Macedonian novel (1994), the drama In teaching (1994), twenty novelists (1995), the short story in teaching (1995) and scenic views (1998). S. Ml. Health Center (Polyclinic) “Jane Sandanski”
Zdravkovski, Dragisha
Zdravkovski, Dragisa (Sveti Nikole, 12. ⅹ 1952) – archaeologist. He graduated from the Art History Group and Archeology at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1979). Masters (2004) and PhD (2006) on topics of Neolithic in Macedonia at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Since 1981 Works as a curator at the Museum of Macedonia, and in the period 2001-2002. He was also director of this institution. He explored the more prehistoric and ancient sites: Alin Dol, Tumba D. Palchiste, Tumba Stanche, Tumba Madzari, Aths, Stobi, etc. BIB.: About the boundaries of the An Isabelous cultural group in the Central Neolithic, “MAA”, 11, Skopje, 1990, 51-57; Nani Aspects Off Tezen Anzabegovo Tossural Group, Homagge to Milutin Garasanan, Belgrade, 2006, 99-110; The cult of the Great Mother in Neolithic of Macedonia, “Folia Arzhaeologica Balkanica”, 1, Skopje, 2006, 53-61. D. Z.
Zdravkovski, Zoran
Zdravkovski, Zoran (Bell-city, 16. 1953) – Full Professor (2001) of the PMF, Institute of Chemistry. He graduated (1975) as the best student of his generation and master’s degree (1982) in Skopje, and he received his Ph.D. (1989) in Ljubljana (Slovenia). He was a two-year postdoctoral stay in New Orleans (USA). He maintained teaching after several prezrenal healthmets in the field of inorganic chemistry and the application of computers in chemistry, and a long time taught medical chemistry for students from the Faculty of Medicine. The scientific work is from organic and quantum chemistry. The secretary is the covenant of chemists and technologists of Macedonia, and participated in the arrangement of the magazine “The Magazine of Chemists and the technologists of Macedonia”. Regional editor is the international magazine “Mokules”. Lit.: Natural and Mathematics Faculty – Skopje, 1946-1996, Skopje, 1996, 230; 60 years of natural-mathematical faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, 234-235. B. w. Cane Zdravkovski
Zef, Lush Marku
ZEF, Ljush Marku (Prizren, 1885 – Djakovica, 20. 1920) – Albanian, a member of the Macedonian Socialist and communist movement. Participant and organizer of the first celebration in Skopje since 1919. And on the strike of the railroads. In 1920 He was sent to Kosovo to agitate for selecting communist candidates in parliamentary elections. The pre-election rally in Djakovica was arrested after heavy torture was killed. On this occasion, the CPY organized protest demonstrations in Skopje and Belgrade. Lit.: Workers’ and communist movement in Macedonia, Skopje, 1970. O. Iv.
Zefarovich, Christophor
Zhufarovich, Christopher (Dojran, the end of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ – Moscow 18. IX 1753) – monk, merchant and printer, painter, iconic and bacroresec. He worked in Belgrade, after the monasteries of Karlova Metropolis and Vienna. In 1741 In Vienna, he published the book “Stamatography” in Slavic language. It presents portraits Christopher Zhufarovich: the South Slavic, the Macedonian coat of arms of saints and rulers and coats of Slavic countries, among them the coat of arms of Macedonia. That Bacroorizal and engraved many icons after the order of merchants from southwest and southern Macedonia. He was a pilgrimage in Jerusalem and left a description of the holy city. Lit.: Petar Kolendic, Petrarus and Netigi Bacrojes, “Magical Historical Societies U Novo Saddu”, Kj. 4, St. 1, Sremski Karlovci, 1931; Dr. Aleksandar Matkovski, coasts of Macedonia, (Attachment to the Macedonian Heraldry), Skopje, 1970. M. Zdr.
Zefarovich, Teresa Mary
Zhufarovich, Teresa Maria (the end of the ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ and the beginning of the ⅹⅰⅹ century) – composer from the Family Zefarovich, who, about 1760. From Dojran they migrate to Vienna. He studied music, probably with the Austrian composer Johan Nomus Houkle. It publishes (1799) in Vienna, the act six Italian Arieth OP. 1, for vocal and piano, a creation that testifies to the high technical-composition mastery of this author. B. ORT. Christopher Zefarovic: Stamatography
Zekerya, Nexati
Zekerya, Nexhati (Zekeraza, Necklates) (Skopje, 1923-1988) – poet, storyteller, writer for children, translator and literary critic of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He obtained higher education, was a short time teacher, worked as a journalist, editor of the Turkish children’s SP. “Shavinich,” “Tonjuk”. One mandate was the editor-in-chief of c. “Birik” in Skopje. For many years he was a fellow of c. “Tan” and editor of the SP. “Kush” in Pristina. He has published books in the field of literature for children who have been translated into several languages. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1951. Bib.: Lyric, 1950; School bout, 1952; Where I am, 1953; Bulb, 1954; Children from our street, 1961; Love, 1965; Children from the old street, 1966; Children from the new street, 1967; Variations of Lorca, 1977; Romeo and Juliet from our street, 1968; Orhan and Seville, 1982; Thirty sonnets, 1989. Lit.: Abdjhalkdir Hazber, Macedonian Kolklerenin Edens, 2001. A. Ag.
Zekir, Ramiz.
Zekir, Ramiz (Ohrid, 24. Xi – 1933) – kayaker, along with lips Doko. Were members of the VK “Crnik” in Ohrid. In Ohrid (1948) participated with the success of the championships of Yugoslavia in a kayak-two-seater (K-2) of peaceful waters; They won the first place of 1000 m (1952), three first seats at 500, 1000 and 10 000 m, and in Q4 of 500m second place (1953). He won the first place in K-1 at 500 m (1950). In team competition, they won: Second (1950 and 1952), first (1954) and three third seats (1948, 1949 and 1953). They performed for the representation of Yugoslavia at the World Cup of Makon (France, 1954), and in Q4 won the ninth place. D. S.
Zelenikovo – village in Skopje. It is located in the Taor Gorge, on the right side of the r. Vardar, at an altitude of about 230 m. With Skopje is connected to a regional road and a rail line. There are 771 h. Of which 706 are Macedonians, and 61 h. are Roma. It is the seat of a municipality that covers an area of 17,695 ha, and there are 14 settlements in which there are 4,077 h. There is an eight-year school, a health station and a larger number of weekend houses. Al. ST.
Zelino – Village in Tetovo. It is located in the northern foot of Mount Suva Gora, on the right side of the r. Vardar, at an altitude of about 500 m. Through the village, the main road M-4 connects it to the West with Tetovo, and to the east with Skopje. It is inhabited by Albanians, whose number is 4.110 h. Zelino is the seat of a municipality that covers an area of 20,104 ha, there are 18 settlements with 24,390 h. There is an eight-year school and a health station. Al. ST.
Zendelia, Liljana
Zendel, Liljana (Stip, 1. ⅹ 1947) – Opera and Concert Solvan, Sopran, Copper of the Opera of the MNT. She graduated from the Faculty of Music Arts in Skopje (1973, Prof. K. Trpkov). It is a member of the Solid Company of the MNT (1975-2005) and the bearer of the dramatic and gladrum soprano fah with more significant performances: Aida, Leonora (Truskadur), Toska, Amelia (Ball under masks), Santuica (Cavalia Rusticina), Mimi (Boemes), Cho-Cho-San (Madame Betterflay), Gules (Ero of the WORLD), Margarita (Faust), Margood (Bride sold), Groese (B. Trajkov, Fashion). It was going to Canada, Poland, Italy, Turkey, the Czech Republic. F. M. Risto Zerdeski (Zerde) Zerdeski (Zerdeski), Risto (Prilep, 5. ⅷ 1906 – Zagreb, 1. ⅴ 1970) – Film actor, producer and cinom engineer. He finished the first school for film actors in Zagreb (1922), and in the same city (1927) he became co-producer on the feature film “They both” (R. Duke Berkesh), in which he plays two main male characters. After returning to Macedonia, he took the cinema of Manakievci in Bitola and the cinoming activity was dealt with the first postwar years. Il. P. Lush Marku.
Zepay, Hisni Nehas
Zippy, Hisni Nehas (Separa, Hisni Nehas) (v. Slupcane, Kumanovo, 19. 1954) – poet, prose, translator, literary critic, UNIV. Professor. He finished elementary education in the village. Opaale, and a gymnasium in Kumanovo. In 1977 He graduated from the Department of Albanian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. The postgraduate studies in the field of Albanian literature finished in Pristina, and received a PhD at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje (1994). Worked as an interpreter in the “Flaka is a yellowazerimith”. Since 1979 He works as an assistant, lecturer and professor of contemporary Albanian literature at the Department of Albanian Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He published several articles in the field of literature and essay. Member of the DPM (1979). Translated and presented in several anthologies of Albanian poetry and short stories in the country and abroad. BIB.: Algje (algae), poetry, 1973; Green songs, 1973; TSH thanks NGA Chew (greeting from the moon), poetry, 1975; Ⅴ Round, 1979; Gjuzshnight (crescent), poetry, 1980; Himeret is Humbura (diluted chimers), 1987; Gadshmate is guching (the scream of the ship), short stories, 1985; FLIZR Liriès (LIRARY Scriptures), short stories, 1987; SHI MBI Sphins (rain above Albania), poetry, 1997; Flurmy MBI SLUP (flight over Slupco), Roman, 1997; NS Fund TS Akoronite (in the bottom of Aheron), short stories, 1993; Ruga is a gaparus (the road of cancer), Roman, 1998; The Unasa is Humbur (the lost ring), prose, 2000; Narration in the Albanian novel (study) 1996; Literary parallels, essay, 1998; FLCRSIA PSR Fsions (literary for children), university textbook, 2000; Anthology of Albanian pure lyrics, a choice of Albanian poetry, 2002; Energy Negeasives (negative energy), short stories, 2006. A. P.
Zofora. (SOMA JAPER L., FAM. FABACE) – High, deciduous wood from East Asia (China and Korea). The branches until the third year are green, the leaves complex, odd passage, similar to the acacia. The flowers are yellowish-white, collected in terminal, bratestyle sords (honey). The fruits are yellow-green legumes, filled with a sticky table. Decorative and honeymadous species, very honored in our parks. Al. And. Tomo Sophronian
Zeraic, Boshko Dusanov
Zeraic, Bosko Dusanov (Skopje, 21. 1928 – Skopje, 29. ⅵ 2007) – Surgeon-traumatologist. After the elementary school and the gymnasium (Skopje, 1948, with interruptions due to participation in the National Liberation), he finished honey. f. In Belgrade (1951-1956). Worked and specialized by surgery (Surgical Clinic, Belgrade, 1956-1962). Since 1962 he works in Skopje; He was the head of the Department of Traumatology at the Surgical Clinic in Skopje. After staying in London and Birmingen (1965), it develops contemporary traumatology and deals with problem-solving problems and injuries in the spinal column. M. cup.
Zerogigo – district in the northern part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is an old name for the Kumanovo valley. It is located in the river basin. Pchinja between the Kozjak Mountains on the east and Skopska Crna Gora in the west. In the southeast towards Ovce Pole and the southwest towards the Skopje valley, the area is open, and such is the case in the north. It is evoked in the tectonic road, by lowering along the length of the meridian direction. Relief is wavy and the Romanian and the Nagorian plateau is separated. The eastern slopes of Skopska Crna Gora are known as Karadak, the hilly terrain between Pchinja and Kriva River is called Sreedurek, and the mountain end between Kozye River and River Pchinja Kozaya. It covers an area of 1,315 km². Through Zhegigo leads the International Road E-75, which connects the area with the Valley Valley to the north and the Skopje valley in the southwest. Here, the main road M-2 is separated, which in the east connects it with the Slavic valley, as well as the regional road which settlement located on the high hill of basaltic rock with volcanic origin. The oldest settlement of the acropolis originates from the eneolithic. The remains of the Roman period in the subchief of the hill, as well as from the early Christian period, confirmed by fragments of ceramic vessels and building material, located in the center of the acropolis, surrounded by a turret. The Ranovan Basilica was located here with a necropolis in the immediate vicinity. The site is investigated on a smaller scale, and the findings speak of the high status of the local population. Litt.: B. Georgievski, Kosterska rock – Zhegeligovski Kamen, in: Archaeological map of the Republic of Macedonia, ⅱ, Skopje, 1996, 213-215. L. Ⅹ.
Zernovski, Cyril
Zernovski, Cyril (Debar, 21. 1897 – Skopje, 28. ⅻ 1972) – City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (1961 to Cyril Zernovski retirement in 1967) after the subjects Funduation, Geomechanics and organization of construction work, one of the founders of the Faculty of Technical Faculty in Skopje. He studied in Sofia, Graz and Zagreb, where he graduated from the Technical Faculty. Before the Second World War, he led a private design bureau, through which numerous facilities were realized, and was the chairman of the Skopje Engineering Chamber (1937-41). He participated in the NOB, and after the liberation, he was director of the Skopje Department of Railways, “Probiro” and Assistant Minister of Construction (1947-49), followed by the newly established technical faculty, which was and Dean (1950-52). It was strongly influenced by the post-war development of the Macedonian construction, especially in the field of construction of engineering facilities, especially hydrotechnical and transport. L. T.
Zernovski, Damjan.
Zernovski, Damjan (Skopje, 12. Xi 1934) – Dipl. City. Ing., order. Prof. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Skopje (since 1989) after the group of subjects organization, technology and economics of construction, the first president of the Macedonian Project Management Association. Worked on scientific research projects and published the books: “Network Planning Technique in Construction” (1982) and “Project Management” (1993). He was active in the applied and in the scientific research activity. L. T.
Zhegeligovski stone
Zhelvo, expatatory charity fraternity
“Zhelvo”, expatatory charity brotherhood (Toronto, Canada, 1907) – Society of Macedonians originally from the village of Zhelev (Lerin). All-Gasho Loading Brotherhood “Zhelevo” was founded on 1. ⅹ 1921. The activity of the company takes place in the Zheletian home (from 1948). Fig. N.- Dimitar Zelesarov Icelovarov, Dimitar Hristov (Veles, 1900 – Skopje, 6. ⅷ 1979) – Professor of St. F., a specialist in dental prosthetics. Habilitated in 1959 He is the author of the textbooks: “Dental Protptics and Datper”, “Knowledge of the Instruments”, “Dental Protptics and Place”: crowns, bridges and ceramics, “” knowledge of instruments and some dentists “,” Anatomo-morphological atlas of human teeth “,” Dental Technology “and” Dental Prosthetics “. E. M.
Zia, Berisha.
Zia, Berisha (Skopje, 13. IX 1932 – Skopje, 1992) – Actor in the Albanian drama of 1959, one of the founders of the nations of the nationalities in Skopje. A prominent interpreter of the main roles, holder of the activity of Albania from Skopje earthquake (1963) drama. Roles: Hadzi Zamfir (“Zombirova zone”); Hadji Tom (“Kostana”); Miter (“Money is Outgoing”); Ib (“Three Saints”); Arso (“Storbjahodos”); Ayi Trajko (“Runaway”); Comrade with purse (“great water”). R. ST.
Zinzifov, Rajko
Zinzifov, Rajko (Xenophon) Jovanov (Veles, 15. 1839 – Moscow, 15. 1877) – Macedonian poet from the circle of Miladinov’s students. It originates from Vlach settlers from Albania and Southern Macedonia in Veles (his father is Moscopole, and his mother from Neurs). It is adapted to a Macedonian environmental environment and however, it becomes a teacher throughout Macedonia, spreading education and educational in a national language. As an assistant teacher of Dimitrija Miladinov, he taught in Prilep and Kukush and his help went to Russia of studies. He was educated in Odessa (Spiritual Seminary), where he met the first-ranking rebirth Georgi Sava Rakovski. Under his suggestion, he changed him (more channel) the name of Xenophone in Rajko. In Moscow, the historic-philosophile faculty ends and remains working as Greek language professor in secondary schools. Develops rich publicist activity in Russian, announcing during 1863. Steviter with songs of a kind of Macedonian-Bulgarian language and translations from Russian, Ukrainian and Czech language. Conspirator is about creating a joint Macedonian-Bulgarian language and in the immediate literary practice (in poetry and rendition) demonstrates those ideas, while publicist realizes in Russian. He was under strongly directly influenced the founder of the new Ukrainian literature Taras Shevchenko, whose verses continuously translated them. Separate books Poetry publishes in Russia (Moscow) and Romania (Brail). In Moscow it moves mainly in the Slopophilian circles. It is very close to the families of the Workersky Brothers, and with their help, he started the release and arrangement of the magazine “Brato Labor” (along with Konstantin Miladinov and Bulgarian literatures Ljuben Karavelov, Našo Bonchev and found Gerov). On the pages of this magazine Print their own poetry and prose works and translations, including the short story “Kunning”. In “Brother Labor” publishes his translations from the poetry of Taras Shevchenko. He hardly managed to regulate the existence, leading a self-life, most often as an alcohol addict, obsessed with the illusion that he will succeed in returning to the homeland. Such personal tragic will speak in a confident way in his impulsive lyrics, in which nostalgic tones and gloomy settings are pulsate. During 1866 there is a short time in Macedonia, leaving live testimonies in its publicality. Shortly returns to Russia, receiving Russian citizenship, but constantly preoccupied with thought and worries about the homeland. During 1867 (May) he took part in the Senaven Congress in Moscow, where he performs with euphoric Word and recitations of his own verses. During 1870 Attends to Braila (Romania) of the Annual Assembly of the Bulgarian Bookholder, with whose help it publishes its poem “bloody shirt”. Briefly with the animators of the Slavophile in Russia (Brothers Akskak, P. In this periodical, it also publishes its well-known biography for the Miladinovci brothers, published immediately after their debtor in the Constantinople dungeons. Creates a rich publicist opus in Russian, penetrated mainly with the ideas of Slavophe. Immediately before the Great Russian-Turkish War (1877/78) for the needs of the Russian army prepares a “commirer” throughout Macedonia and a short Macedonian-Russian vocabulary. In addition to Macedonian, the famous at that time works – “Word for the Hankenev” campaign “(ancient manuscript) and” Kravascova’s manuscript “from Vaclav Hank, as well as translation into the Russian language of the” Orphee song “, allegedly found in Macedonia from Stefan Verkovic, For whose authenticity he advocated before the Russian public. His poums reveal the disturbed soul of a young and poor student from Macedonia, whom the fate threw the uncertainties of the immigrant life in Russia. In the difficult moments of such a life adventure, the author through confessional tones, calls the memories of the distant childhood, so through nostalgic sounds and through the bitterness of the more self-observations he condemns the moment of self-deception. Pressed in the clamp of a chaotic language experiment, this poetic Word suffers obviously from a lack of stylish perfection and original purity of the lyrical immediacy, but manages to establish a lively touch and with the modern Macedonian reader, whose interest in itself is notoreable, unenisted and permanent. BIB.: Novalkan Sbita, Moscow, 1863; Krarva shirt, poem, Brail, 1870; Publicism, and-ⅱ, Sofia, 1964; Selected creations. He arrived Gane Todorovski, Skopje, 1981. Lit.: Ivan Dorovski, Rajko Zinzifov. The elevation of Rusky and Ukrainian Literatî to the ego key. Brno, 1988; Gane Todorovski, the poet of Macedonian troubles – executances to the centenary of the death of Rajko Zinzifov. Preface to selected works by Rajko Zinzifov, Skopje, 1981, 9-27 – Notes (Macedonian literary science for Zinzifov, Chronology of the life and work of Rajko Zinzifov, a bibliography of the more important works of Rajko Zinzifov, more important literature for Rajko Zinzifov), 625- 654. D. T.
Zionist organizations in Macedonia
Zionist organizations in Macedonia (Bitola, 1923) – The first youth Jewish organization from Macedonia who subscribed in the SZTO Bi-La Organization “Hatehija” from Bitola (Nevola. 1923). After a year, all other Jewish youth associations have subsided. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Mark Tshen, Last Cerythes of the Sepharitz Tsummonites. Tez Yez OP Monastir 1839-1943, Nanj Strak, 2003. J. NAM. Tsipovski-Merdzhan, Todor
Zivkovic, Haji Nikola
Zivkovic, Hadzi Nikola (Voden, 1792 – Belgrade, 1870) – Protomistor. A court architect in Serbia, at the time of Knez, Milos known as Hadzi-Neumar. According to his projects or under his leadership, the Rain of Prince Milos was built in Kraguevac (1824); Knegovi Ljubica in Belgrade (1829-1831); The Kneich yard on the street “Milos Great” (1829-1836), demolished in the Second World War; Djumrukana – Customs House, barracks and women’s school, all in Belgrade, demolished in World War II. One of the most significant achievements is the knez of Knez on Topcider. Litt.: B. Whoiћ, Old City and Seoska Architecture U Serbia, Belgrade, 1940; I. Healthy, builders The most significant building U Story Benogradand, Home, ⅷ, Belgrade, 1969; K. Tomovski, Macedonian masters of builders in the nineteenth century, Skopje, 2006. Cr. T.