Zekerya, Nexati

Zekerya, Nexhati (Zekeraza, Necklates) (Skopje, 1923-1988) – poet, storyteller, writer for children, translator and literary critic of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He obtained higher education, was a short time teacher, worked as a journalist, editor of the Turkish children’s SP. “Shavinich,” “Tonjuk”. One mandate was the editor-in-chief of c. “Birik” in Skopje. For many years he was a fellow of c. “Tan” and editor of the SP. “Kush” in Pristina. He has published books in the field of literature for children who have been translated into several languages. He is a member of the Macedonian DPM since 1951. Bib.: Lyric, 1950; School bout, 1952; Where I am, 1953; Bulb, 1954; Children from our street, 1961; Love, 1965; Children from the old street, 1966; Children from the new street, 1967; Variations of Lorca, 1977; Romeo and Juliet from our street, 1968; Orhan and Seville, 1982; Thirty sonnets, 1989. Lit.: Abdjhalkdir Hazber, Macedonian Kolklerenin Edens, 2001. A. Ag.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЗЕКЕРИЈА, Неџати

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