Zeraic, Boshko Dusanov

Zeraic, Bosko Dusanov (Skopje, 21. 1928 – Skopje, 29. ⅵ 2007) – Surgeon-traumatologist. After the elementary school and the gymnasium (Skopje, 1948, with interruptions due to participation in the National Liberation), he finished honey. f. In Belgrade (1951-1956). Worked and specialized by surgery (Surgical Clinic, Belgrade, 1956-1962). Since 1962 he works in Skopje; He was the head of the Department of Traumatology at the Surgical Clinic in Skopje. After staying in London and Birmingen (1965), it develops contemporary traumatology and deals with problem-solving problems and injuries in the spinal column. M. cup.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ЖЕРАИЌ, Бошко Душанов

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