
Amphol – a significant ancient city in the field of Bisalthia, the mouth of the r. Strimate. It is housed in a fruitful plane and a significant strategic position. It was founded as an Athens colony, which Philip will win in 357. BC The city becomes one of the most important Macedonian ports of the Aegean Sea, the Center for Exploitation of Pengale Mines (for Gold and Silver) and Trace Center. Under Roman rule (from 148 BC) is the capital of the First Macedonian Obestel, and after receiving Christianity is an episcopal seat. Noted in Roman Itainerias and in Tabula Pouchegerian as the intersection of Via Egnatia. It remains a significant city until the end of antiquity. The city is known as one of the first episcopal seats, whom in ⅰ c. AD The Christian mission visits the apostle Paul. Lit.: Demoscience ⅱ, Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; Diodorus SICSulis, 12 Wells., Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; Strubbo: Geogrophers, 8 Wells., Harvard Universitis Press, 1960; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. A. Shook.


Amuri – Details of the bridal cap. Made by stacking colorful beads, knitting and sweating, long ok. 37 cm. Fig. F.

Amyhay, Yehuda

Amyhay, Jehuda (Sehuda Amitshai) (Würzburg, Germany, 2. ⅳ 1924 – Jerusalem, 1. ⅹ 2000) – One of the first Israeli poets wrote his poetry in Hebrew. He published 13 books of Poetry in Hebrew, a dozen elections in English (four of which were issued bilingual), then two novah, of which the novel did from this time, not from this place (1963) is one of the most read in Israel, one collection of short stories , three books for children and a collection of plays. His poetic books experience huge circuits. It is over twenty world languages. Winner Yehuda Amyhaj is of many awards for literature (Israel), and becomes a first poet from abroad who received the “literary lion” award (New York Library), as well as the Golden Wreath of the SVP (1995). BIB.: Songs (1948-1962), Jerusalem, 1963; Poetry, SVP, Struga, 1995. Lit: Z. Anchevski, the poetic archeology of Amyhay, poetry, SVP, Struga, 1995. P. Gil.


Amzabegovo -. Contemporary village settlement in Ovchepolic valley. In Macedonian and Balkan archaeological literature, he is also present under the names Anzabegovo and Anta because of the results of the research at the site of Barut in its Atar. It is about material and other artifacts of a multifaceted Neolithic settlement, according to which the time and cultural determination of the elder Neolith is carried out in Eastern Macedonia. C. S.

An aged river

An aged river – left tributary of the river. Vardar. Springs from the west side of the PL. Belasica, at a height of 1,260 m, and plum in Vardar at a height of 58 m. It is 28.6 km, has a total decline of 1,202 m, and the average decline is 42.03 ‰. At a height of 550 m on the right side it receives the waters of the largest karen source in the basin. The total area of ​​the catchment of 168.0 km. In the source part, the river has mountain, and in the lower part of the flat character. Anima River Lit.: Golden Gashevski, basic hydrographic properties of the main tributaries of Vardar in SR Macedonia, “Geographic reviews”, REC. 17, Skopje, 1979; Aleksandar Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2002. Dr. C. Vasil Antevski-dren

An eviction of the Turks from Macedonia

The eviction of the Turks from Macedonia (1912-). At the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. The Turkish population in Macedonia (according to one statistics) was 22.14% or 499. 304 inhabitants. When the armies of the federal Balkan states occupied Macedonia (1912), it was massively expelled or moved before their occurrence of a large part of the Turkish population. With the Lozan Convention (30. ⅰ 1923) between Greece and Turkey for the mandatory exchange of minorities from the Aegean part of Macedonia, the Turkish population from Western Thrace was forced. Turkey with Yugoslavia signed an agreement (1938) for eviction of the Turkish population from Macedonia and the Kosovo-MetoH region. After the war (1941-1945), the Turks from the NR / SRM continued. FNRJ and Turkey have signed two protocol (5. ⅰ 1850 and 31. ⅶ 1954) and agreement (13. 1956) with an indemnity protocol for expelled Turks. The massive eviction of the Turks from the Pirin part of Macedonia occurred under pressure from the regime of Todor Zhivkov for their Bulgarization. Lit.: Stoyan Acisovski, ethnic changes in Macedonia (1913-1995), Skopje, 2000; Macedonia in international agreements, 1 (1913-1940), Skopje, 2006. M. Min.

Anaerobic fungi

Anaerobic fungi – microorganisms living in the absence of oxygen set aside from ruminant rumor in the Republic of Macedonia. Anaerobic fungas in the world are isolated in at least 19 countries of numerous pre-cruel and ultimately fermenting herbigaric mammals. The initial results of research shows that in our country there are anaerobic fungi as an integral part of the normal microflora of the ruminants. Using anaerobic techniques are isolated as mixed, so clean, accentular crops from anaerobic fungi. Thirty isolates of clean crops are obtained. With this, our country joins the list of countries in which the presence of anaerobic fungi is discovered. Ⅹ. K.

Anaerobic laginar system

Anaerobic laginar system. The first anaerobic laginar system in Macedonia for the treatment of wastewater from livestock production is built by the pig farm located near the village of Ranenka, Skopje. The system consists of four earthen lagoons: one anaerobic, two optional anaerobic and one accumulation. The construction of the system resolves the problem of pollution. The degree of wastewater purification is greater than 85%. This system achieves high production and biogas. Average is produced around 0.218 m 3 / pig / day biogas, ie average annual production of 0.41 32 m / m biogas. Ⅹ. K.


ANANIJ (Constantinople, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c.) – Ohrid Archbishop (May-June 1763). As a hieromonk, he was Great Protolingel on the Constantinople Patriarchate. After the death of Archbishop Jeremie, his election for Ohrid Archbishop was imposed by the Patriarch of Joaniki, and enthroned in the Constantinople church “St. Georgi. ” But Ohridans refused to receive him and was immediately dismissed. Lit.: Ivan Snarar, Histor® of the Ohrid Archbishops, T. 2. From the Paduation $ under the Turks to the Nizhn University (1394-1767), Sophie®, 1931; Slavko Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989. S. Ml.

Anarchist groups and organizations in Macedonia

Anarchist groups and organizations in Macedonia – groups and circles that arose before the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Under the influence of anarchism from Western Europe and Nihilism and anarchism from Russia. In 1898 Geneva returned to Macedonia Petar Manjukov and Slave Merdzanov and formed anarchist circles in Thessaloniki of Students from the Thessaloniki Exarchical High School, and in Skopje from among the students at the Exarchical Pedagogical School. The Skopje anarchist circle spread the ideas of anarchism with a conspiracy dispersal of the material titled “The alphabet of anarchist learning”. Before the Ilinden Uprising, the group of revolutionaries of the individual struggle was known as “Gemidzi”, who carried out the Thessaloniki assassinations (28. ⅳ – 1. ⅴ 1903). Conspirational Socialist Anarchist Circle in Thessaloniki (1911-1912) under the name International Balkan Revolutionary Association “Red Brothers” issued his lithography newspaper “School”. Organized groups were in Kukush, Strumica, Kumanovo and Kratovo. For the issue of Macedonia, “Open Scripture” (1911) to the Government and the press in Cashar-City, Sofia, Belgrade and Athens. In the temporary representative office of the former VMRO (1919), a group of supporters of anarchist-bolshevial ​​ideas was presented. In 1946 In the NRM, a conspiring group was discovered, with its own leadership, which itself was called anarchists. Lit.: Petar Manjukov, the ancestors of the storm. Memoir, 1, Skopje, 1997; Manol Pandevski, Socialist-anarchist circle. Red Brothers in Macedonia in 1911-1912; -, the workers’ movement in Macedonia until 1929, Skopje, 1971; Mihajlo Minoski, Advice Yugoslavia and the Macedonian national question (1943-1946), Skopje, 2000. K. Min. St. Anastasius (Spaso) Radovis


Anastas – family from Krushevo dealing with a zograft during ⅹⅰⅹ c. The oldest known is Anastasian Hristov, whose signed icons in the church “St. The Virgin “in the village. White Church of Krushevo date from 1826. Signing in Greek and Church Slavic language, Anastasius’s icons are followed by the 60s of ⅹⅰⅹ c., Especially in Gevgelija, Kavadarechko and western Macedonia. The literature is named as Atanas. His sons Vangel, Costa (Kostadin) and Nikola Anastas are one of the most fertile painters in the renewed or newly built churches from the second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Equally work on the wall painting and icon painting, usually all together or separately. Their signatures meet in the churches in Prilep, Demirhisar, Krusevo, Kavadarov, but also in the territory of today’s Greece. These painters paint quickly, hence the quantity of works, without artistic ambitions, are at the level of craft fulfillment. Lit.: A. Vasiliev, Bulgarian Vishosno Masters, Sofia, 1965, 278-279; K. Balabanov, Krusevo and Krusevo, Krusevo, 1978, 311-313; A. Nikolovski, records and expert documentation of religious buildings in Krushevo region, “cultural heritage”, 14-15, Skopje, 1990, 135-136; Cv. Grozdanov, the art and culture of ⅹⅰⅹ century in western Macedonia, Skopje, 2004; C. Popovska-Corobar, icons from the Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2004, 324. V. P.-

Anastasius â…°.

Anastasius ⅰ. (ok. 430 – 518) – Byzantine emperor (491-518). He was a good administrator and reformer. Committed reforms in the monetary and in the tax system. He favored traders and craftsmen. He suffocated the rebellion in Constantinople (512) and Thrace (513). For the defense of Customs-city from the attacks of the barbarian tribes, he raised the so-called. A long wall (512), which stretched from Marmaren to the Black Sea. Lit.: C. Cerspeases, L’impertore Anastasio ⅰ (491-518), Rome, 1960. K. Ag.

Anastasius, Michael

Anastasius, Michael (Macedonian) (Neurush, 70s of ⅹⅴⅰⅰ c. – Moscow, 1725) – Society, Jeromonk. He studied medicine in Halle. Due to the knowledge of the Greek and Slavic language, between 1713 and 1715. He was An-giant in Moscow as the 5th member of the Bible Translation Commission in Russian. He was signed by: Anastasius Mitzhaelis Nausius Macedonius. Lit: Eduard Newther, Die Pflge der Zhste-Und Judgive Travel Inn Halle 18. Yahrhondart, Deutzche Academician Der Newschate Zu Berlin, VeroffliChengean Des Instation Für Slavistic H. H. Bielfeldt, but. 5, Berlin, 1954. M. Zdr. Vasko Anastasov

Anastasov-Surress, Ivan

Anastasov-Great, Ivan (Melnik, 1880 – 1905) – Drama Duke of TMORO. He was a teacher in the village. Illuminian, Petrik, where Goce Delchev included in the ranks of TMORO (1899) and acted as organizer of the organization in Petrichko, Porolian, Demir Hisar and Strumica. He was the Komit in several troops and took part in the Ilinden Uprising as the Duke of Chief in Drama. He died in a fight with the Ottoman army. He left memories of the revolutionary activity (1904). AM: Memories of Jane Sandanski, Sava Mihailov, Hristo Kuvasov, Ivan Anastasov-Great, Skopje, 1951; Materials for the historian of the Macedonian winning movement, REC. 7, Sophage, 1927; The conveyor movement in Macedonia and Ribli. Memories and Materials. S “Obside L. Meletic, t. 2, Sophie®, 1983 (phototype. Red.). S. Ml.

Anastasov, Gligor

Anastasov, Gligor (Kavadarci, 1877 – Sofia ,?) – Lawyer, MP. He graduated from the Exarchatic Primary School in Kavadarci, a high school in Thessaloniki, and the Faculty of Law in Zagreb (1902). He was a lawyer in Kavadarci and Skopje. After the First World War, the head of Kavadarci, MP in the National Assembly of the Kingdom of SCS (1920-1927) for the Tikvesh District, acted to form a Macedonian parliamentary group (1923). With D. Shalev and D. Iliev sent a petition to the Society of Nations in Geneva to protect the “Bulgarian minority in Yugoslavia” (1930) and emigrated to Bulgaria. Lit.: Revolutionary struggles in Tikvesh. Memories and materials, book 2, Skopje, 2001; Vojislav D. Kushevski, the Macedonian question in the Society of Peoples, Skopje, 2001. Z. Todd. Ivan Anastasov

Anastasov, Ivan Gligorov

Anastasov, Ivan Gligorov (Kavadarci, 23. ⅶ 1908 – Skopje, 18. ⅻ 1979) – Univ. Professor, radiologist. Honey. f. He finished in a white city (1934), worked in the village. Drachevo (1935), and then in the hygienic Institute in Skopje. Specialization in Radiology begins in 1939. At the state hospital in Skopje, he ends in 1942/43 in Sofia as the first specialist-radiologist in Macedonia. Since 1944 is the Church of the RCG Odd. at the state hospital; From 1947 founder and VD Director of the Rentginology Institute, and from 1956 Primaryius. Organizes courses for RCG technicians, performing classology of honey. f. and organizes cooperation with other institutes in the SFRY. Since 1969 he is a correspondent member of the French Medical Association Section. Fig. M. P.

Anastasov, Jordan.

Anastasov, Jordan (Kavadarci, 1893 – Sofia, 10. ⅹ 1976) – Members of Moof and VMRO (OB). He finished elementary school in Kavadarci, and third class spiritual seminary in Constantinople (1912). After the First World War, he was a member of the Interim Commission of the Macedonian Emigration and Moof. After the denem, the turn in Bulgaria emigrated to Paris (1923), he was co-operated for a member of the Central of the Central (1927) and a member of the Bureau of VMRO (1929). After the Second World War he was a member of the Macedonian Scientific Institute and the main and responsible editor of the SP. “Makedonska Miss” l “(1945). He published historical-publicistic papers. Exhibit. ILIT: Archive of the Ministry of Common works, Sofia, OB-105232, Tom ⅲ, l. 38-39; Revolutionary struggles in the Tikvesh. Memories and materials, book 1, Skopje, 2001; Angel Dinev, political killings in Bulgaria, Skopje, 1983; Jordan Anastasov, “Sandanski. Biographic Archk, Sofia, 1966. Z. Todd. Anastasov, Peter Kostov

Anastasov, Rhodow

Anastasov, Rodoljub (Skopje, 25. ⅱ 1935) – Painter, professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts, one of the first representatives of the Enforcer in our country. He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade (1962). Due to verbal delict was imprisoned on Naked Swotes (1963-1965). He was a member of the Juni International Group. He independently exhibited in Skopje, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, Zagreb, Paris. His works were presented in many countries in the world. After the fashion of the 60ths (composition, 1959, Skopje Tignak, 1967), works works in the spirit of photorealism and surrealism. He created several cycles (man and heaven, man and time, 1975-1978). Since 1978 works on a man and space cycle. Lit.: Vladimir Velichkovski, Rodoljub Anastasov, Skopje, 1995. L. N. Ivan Anastasovg

Anastasov, Vasco

Anastasov, Vasco (Kavadarci, 15. ⅴ 1926) – one of the founders of Macedonian journalism. In the autumn of 1942 It regulates the illegal information “newsletter” and radio newspaper for the Tikvesh area. In the period 1945-1955 Journalist of “Nova Makedonija” and Radio Skopje. He graduated from the General and Diplomatic Faculty in Belgrade. Permanent correspondent of “Nova Makedonija” for the Middle East in Istanbul (1953/54). From 1955 to 1983 Director and chief editor of the weekly “Tribune”. Publicist papers: “New life” (1951), “Travels after Turkish fields (1955),” After the traces of Nisardeen Odj “(1956),” Where China is “(1981). B. P. F.

Anastasovski, Peter.

Anastasovski, Peter (Skopje, 16. Xi 1930 – Skopje, 26. ⅹ 2004) – Physicist, Order. Prof. (1979) of Tech.-Matt. f. He graduated (1959) and Phmirst (1965) on the PMF with the theme “Ferrite Microwave Lens with variable focal distance and the Dopplier effect with a virtual source of electromagnetic radiation”. He specialized in the Swedish firm Erikson and the University of Sheffield. The PMF introduced the subject electronics. He taught for high frequency plasma, lasers and their application at the University of Newcastle and Chico, California. He is the author of: “Thehoes of Magnetititz and Nelectritz Susceptibilites Fort Optimal Freelyzieves” and “Lujuum Mass Tsorrs Tompattentine Ljuntum Fueled Thees” (with T. M. Benson), New Neens Publicism, Neny Strak, 1990; “Superstemal Relativis Relate to Nuzlener Forms and Strupes”, Tossutural Life, Skopje, 1998 and “philosophy or nonticism”, Macedonian book, Skopje, 1989. As the first president of the Energy Committee of SRM (1979-1982) organized his work and It influenced the development of Macedonia in that regard. He was an advisor at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Vinca (Serbia) and Dean of Tech.-Matt. f. In Skopje (1973-75). Lit.: 60 Years Natural and Mathematical Faculty – Skopje, Skopje, 2006, p. 196. V. Ur.


AnausaroRoman travel station, observed on the Pöttinger Map (ⅲ-IV c.). It was at a distance of ⅻ Roman miles from the Aquas station, on the section of the Roman road, which led from Skupi for Serdica. It is located near Kumanovo villages Pchinja or goodness. Lit.: T. Tomoski, Attachment for reconstruction of tabula Pautinguinean on the section Skupi-Stobi, “Living Antica”, XI, 1, Skopje, 1961. K. Ag.

Anchev, Eftim

Anchev, Eftim (27. ⅲ 1945) – Enthomologist, UNIV. Professor. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1968) and received a doctorate at the Faculty of Agriculture in Novi Sad (1980) in the field of agricultural entomology. He was first agronomist at the Agricultural Institute in Skopje (1968-1970), followed by an assistant at the Faculty of Agriculture. After the doctors, he was director of the Institute for Plant Protection (1980-1982) and Vice-Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Agriculture (1982-1986), and then he was elected full entromology professor (1990). He was minister in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (4 IX 1992 – 20. ⅻ 1994). He is a number of scientific and professional papers on various diseases and pests of fruit crops, oil rape, mass appearance of locusts, the use of pesticides and environmental protection. S. Ml. Tihomir Anchev.