Anastasov, Ivan Gligorov (Kavadarci, 23. ⅶ 1908 – Skopje, 18. ⅻ 1979) – Univ. Professor, radiologist. Honey. f. He finished in a white city (1934), worked in the village. Drachevo (1935), and then in the hygienic Institute in Skopje. Specialization in Radiology begins in 1939. At the state hospital in Skopje, he ends in 1942/43 in Sofia as the first specialist-radiologist in Macedonia. Since 1944 is the Church of the RCG Odd. at the state hospital; From 1947 founder and VD Director of the Rentginology Institute, and from 1956 Primaryius. Organizes courses for RCG technicians, performing classology of honey. f. and organizes cooperation with other institutes in the SFRY. Since 1969 he is a correspondent member of the French Medical Association Section. Fig. M. P.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНАСТАСОВ, Иван Глигоров