ANANIJ (Constantinople, ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ c.) – Ohrid Archbishop (May-June 1763). As a hieromonk, he was Great Protolingel on the Constantinople Patriarchate. After the death of Archbishop Jeremie, his election for Ohrid Archbishop was imposed by the Patriarch of Joaniki, and enthroned in the Constantinople church “St. Georgi. ” But Ohridans refused to receive him and was immediately dismissed. Lit.: Ivan Snarar, Histor® of the Ohrid Archbishops, T. 2. From the Paduation $ under the Turks to the Nizhn University (1394-1767), Sophie®, 1931; Slavko Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНАНИЈ

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