
Milings – a large and belligerent Slavic tribe, inhabited by Peloponnese (ⅶ c.), First in Laconia, and later retreated to Mount Tiger. Together with the ponds there were 20 to 25 thousand people, and inhaled OK territory. 750 km 2. They saved independence to the soil. On ⅸ c., when they recognized the power of Byzantium, they paid a tax and gave 1,000 – 2,000 troops. Lifted uprisings but failed to restore independence. They gave them resistance to the latin, when they conquered Peloponnese (1248). Lit.: T. Living, southern Slavs under the Byzantine Vlaschu (600-1025), Belgrade, 2002. K. Ag.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МИЛИНЗИ

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