
Locusts (saltatoria) – the formular insects. They have strongly developed back legs, obese and default, adapted for jumping, after which they received the name (Saltare Late. = Jumps). The front wings are chitinized and the leather, and the rear is thin and folded under the front. The oral apparatus is adapted for nibbling. In most species, females have a long legal legal body for taking eggs in a country, and males produce a characteristic sound of the black. The world is known over 20,000 species. In Macedonia, the green grasshopper, Forest Popple (NonMobius Czlvestis Bosz) and the Roovet (Glclalalpa Glerslalalpa L.). Lit.: S. Matvey, Orthopteroida (Insase), Tshavagus Faunne Yugoslavia, ACAD. SCI. Art. Slov., Lyubljanna, 1967, ⅲ / 6: 1-47; Vladimir Rowz, Branislava Mihailova, Biodelysitis off Mac Edldonia Fromm I Vinj Point Off Zyther Faunisti. Participidion Nander’s UNDERPOYCT: Classes Inspit, MACEDONIAN Museum of Natural Historz – Ministry of Otch, Final Report, Skopje, 1999, 23-30; Group of authors, TSUNS Stade Fort Biodelysitis off the Republic of Macedonia (FIRST VATHONAL REPORT), Ministry of Environment and Phase Planing, Skopje, 2003. V. T. K. – M. Cr. Marija Skalovsmirchov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис СКАКУЛЦИ

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