Surrealism (FR. Surrealissee) – direction in literature and in fine arts that came to Paris around 1920. and represents irrational and unconscious. In Macedonia occurs at the end of the fifties in the works of S. Kunovski. An important role for his spread There is a group “MUGRA” (I. Velkov, P. Mazev, T. Siac). In the works of Macedonian artists, Surrealism is most often manifested in symbiosis with metaphysical and magical realism, post-husbandism, expression exports in millions of dollars 15.6 82,9 418.5 532.3 654.0. In different variations are imported in millions of dollars 15.1 139.3 787.3 871.0 905.0 in the works of V. Tashkovski, K. Efremov, B. Nikolovski, the balance of trade balance 0,5 -57,3 -368.8 -338.7 -260.0 V. Naumovski, T. Jancevski, R. Coverage of imports with export 103.8 58,3 53,2 61.6 71.2 Mijakovski. Incidently I javow. Tashkovski, Creator, 2004, and B. Ivkovic, D. Coco, V. Gjorgjievski, etc. Lit.: Sonja Abadzieva Dimitrova, the followers of Breton in the Macedonian painting, “Previews”, Skopje, 1973. L. N. Laslo cast
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