
Macedonians – Slavic people in an ethnic, cultural and national sense living in the Republic of Macedonia, on the territory of ethnic Macedonia and diaspora. Self-appointment of the nation Macedonians means using the right to express the sense of cultural in particularity in relation to neighboring and all other nations. The contemporary Macedonian state is constituted as a DFM / NRM / SRM within Yugoslavia (since 1944). Apart from Macedonians in the Republic of Macedonia and neighboring countries, another OK. 700,000 people reported as ethnic Macedonians in the diaspora (2004). They have their ethnic feelings, political, civil and religious associations and constantly affirm the Macedonian ethnic identity. To the Balkan Wars, the Macedonians lived on the territory of the historical ethnocultural Macedonia, which was 6,798 km². Today Macedonians live in the Republic of Macedonia. and Gora, both in RS and Kosovo, in part of the ethnic landscape. The boundaries of the territory of ethnic Macedonia until 1913 were at the same time ethnographic boundaries. The continuity of Macedonian ethnic borders can also be established by early medieval sources, when instead of the name Macedonia, the Macedonian landscapes are named “Warehouse” – the country of Slavs (Theophane). The current Northern Border of Greece with the RB (Pirin part of Macedonia) and RM is withdrawn in 1913. And improperly horizontally cut ethnic Macedonia in half. Cuts parts of the Strumica-Places, the brights, the Bogdanian, Vardar, Kostur and other Macedonian ethnic areas of the detriment of the Macedonian people. Macedonia’s ethnic borders can be followed starting from the eastern border with Thrace and the mouth of the r. Places, from where it climbs to the western parts of the rhodopes and moves north beside Mount Rila, cut R.. Struma over Blagoevgrad (Gorna Juma) and goes after the water reservoir of the Osogovo Mountains and other lower mountains located on the west side to the low water reservoir between the rivers Vardar and Morava in Presevo. The border on moves after the waterfalls of Skopska Crna Gora, cut R. Lepenec in Kacanik and climbs after the water reservoir of Shar Planina. From here, the western border leads through the mountain Korab to the River Crn Drim and after the water reservoir between the Ohrid and Prespa Lake, on the one hand, and the Korcian valley, on the other. Then the boundary of the mountains Gramos and Pind. Here begins the southern border and moves along the southern water supply of R. Bistrica and in the direction of the East reaches the Thessaloniki Bay, covering the Halkidic Peninsula, the island of Thasos and ends in the mouth of the R. Places. According to the data from the last census in the Republic of Macedonia (2002), from the total number of 2,022,547, 1,297,981 or 64.18% reported as ethnic Macedonians. The number of Macedonians in neighboring countries (RGR, RB and RA) is not known, because in census lists there is no possibility of declaring the Macedonian minority. According to the approximative calculations of the Party of Macedonians in Greece “Rainbow”, about 200,000 village population speaks or understands the Macedonian language. The highest concentration of the Macedonian minority is in Lerin, Vodensky and Kostur Region. By contrast, in the census in Greece (2001) only 962 immigrants from “FYROM” are mentioned. The highest concentration of the Macedonian minority in the RB has in the Pirin part of Macedonia showing the censuses of 1946 and 1956. (Over 70%), as well as in the 1992 census, when 10,800 people reported as ethnic Macedonians – despite all the pressures of the state for their negation. By contrast, in the Census in RB (2001), 5,071 Macedonians, less than the census in Austria (2001) – 5.145. It is visible that RGR and RB do not apply European minority rights standards and free statement of state censuses. According to the latest census in Ra (1989), only 4,697 ethnic Macedonians are listed, and refer only to the small Prespa area, where Macedonians enjoy territorially limited minority rights. According to the calculations of Macedonian parties and civic associations from Albania, those 4,697 amount to only 5% of the approximate number of OK. 200,000 ethnic Macedonians in Albania, who did not have the opportunity to declare because of a lack of special graphs in censuses. The highest concentration of Macedonians in Albania is in the ethnic lands of Mala Prespa, Golo Brdo and Gora, as well as in the cities of Tirana, Kukes, Korcha, Podgradec. In the State Census in RS (2002) there are special grades for the Macedonians, as well as for Gorani, which is actually also Islamed ethnic Macedonians. According to census data, 25,847 people (0.35%) and 4,581 as Gorani (0.06%), a total of 30,428 Macedonians in Serbia, which does not correspond to the actual situation. Other data on the number of Macedonians in the countries of the former SFRY are: RH (2001) – 4.270; RBIH (2005) – 2.278; RSL (2002) – 3.972. Censuses in European countries can not be used in this regard, as the methodology of the “country of origin” applies. The intense migration of Macedonians (for economic and political reasons) contributed to the creation of numerous Macedonian colonies in the world, especially in overseas countries. According to the US Census (2002), after an average assessment there are 42,975 ethnic Macedonians or by upper assessment – 51,955; According to the Census in Canada (2001) – 31,265 and according to the Census of Australia (2001) – 81,899. Macedonian state institutions do not have accurate figures for ethnic Macedonians in the diaspora. It is operated with an approximate number of OK. 700,000 – According to data from MIA (2003). The ancestors of the Macedonians in the province of Macedonia and its neighborhood are recorded in the early medieval sources under the tribal names Strumans (according to the Republic of Struma), Smolies (according to the Republic of Spaces), Draguzzles (western / southwest of Thessaloniki), Stazitts (north of Thessaloniki) , Sagadati (Around R. Bystrica), Runhini (at Halkidik), Velegosits in Thessaly, Volunte in Epirus, etc. The Macedonian population of this area can be continuously monitored in the medieval period in the framework of the medieval Balkan states (eastern Roman Empire, First and the second Bulgarian Empire, Samuil Kingdom, Serbian Empire) and in Turkish medieval (ⅹⅴ – ⅹⅰⅹ – the beginning of ⅹⅹ c.). The modus of administrative immutability of over five centuries under the Turkish government positively influenced the preservation of the Macedonian ethnic character of the space and maintenance of the continuity with the ancient and old Slavic cultural matrix from the time of the medieval ancestors of the Macedonians in this area. Embroidery of Women’s Shirt “Vokkukjak” (v. Stracin, Kumanovo, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Steven sleeve from a female shirt (Kichevia, ⅹⅹ c.) Bridal embroidery “Soak” for head (village Locitsa, Bitola Field, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Embroidery of women’s shirt (Petrichko, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Macedonian People’s embroidery Visels from women’s shirt “Nine colors” (village Skopje Blathy, ⅹⅹ c.) Bridal embroidery “Soak” for head (Ohrid Pole, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Green sleeve , for an older woman (Prilep Pole, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Sleeve of a bridal shirt (Kostur, ⅹⅰⅹ c.) The embrace of a woman’s shirt “With a chain” (with. radio, Polog, ⅹⅹ c.) Women’s Shirt ( Cappa Field, ⅹⅹ c.) Steven sleeve from a bridal shirt with “Guvisa” (v. Macedonia created its own recognizable ethnic identity in the domain of material, social and spiritual culture. Easily recognizable verbal and non-verbal ethnic symbols of ethnic Macedonians by the middle of ⅹⅹ c. The dialects / speeches in the Macedonian language, musical folklore, female folk costumes and the special structure of the organized communities of Macedonian endogenic ethnic groups. The ethnic merger of the Macedonians was built on the basis of their own ethnic culture, as well as association against the common enemy (Turkish, Greek or other foreign government, the Greek church, etc.). This is confirmed by initiatives and massive participation in committee and uprising actions, until the Ilinden uprising and the events that followed, including the latest related to the partisan movement in World War II. The most critical period for ethnic Macedonians was ⅹⅰⅹ c., When the Ideas for creating a state-nation as a completely different society from the Turkish “Millet system” in view of the attitude towards the ethnic and religious structure of the population. From the first phase – the literary pholoscornic and propaganda conducted by Serbs, Bulgarians and Greeks in their home territory and on the territory of Macedonia, turned to the realization of the idea of ​​military-political actions and with the help of Russian and European mentors, until the formation of the first Modern Balkan states – Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria. Macedonians made an attempt to create their own state with the act of the reflector (1876) and the Kresna Uprising (1878/9), and especially with the Ilinden Uprising (1903). After the defeat of the Ilinden Uprising, Macedonian sufferations followed by raw penalties by the Turkish government. The heavy days continued in the wars of neighboring Balkan states – Serbia, Greece and Bulgaria for “release”, that is, for the division of Macedonia (1912-1923). The result of the war neighboring countries, with the help of its foreign mentors, calculated it in such a way that the Macedonians were declared “homeless people”. Without his own state and left on “conscience” of those who were interested solely for their interests, the Macedonians experienced, along with Macedonian territory, be divided into four parts: Greek, Bulgarian, Serbian and Albanian. After the withdrawal of new borders, intensive programs have begun to destroy the Macedonian feeling and assimilate Macedonians in the cultural spheres of neighboring peoples, which was the continuation of the starting action in ⅹⅰⅹ c. These processes mostly suffered Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia, as the largest population of about 51% of the ethnic territory of Macedonia. Here the persecution of the Macedonians, from their centuries, lasted about 38 years (1912-1950) and was realized in 6 directions: Bulgaria, Turkey, NRM and FNRJ, overseas countries, Europe and the USSR with the countries of the eastern bloc. In accordance with the idea of ​​nation, the states in which the Macedonian people were divided by the methodology and practice for Greeceization – Bulgarization – Serbization – Albanization through systems of penalties and elimination of “unruly” Macedonians. The contemporary state-nation of the Macedonians after the Second World War (1944) had the status of a republic of the Joint State DFJ / FNRJ / SFRY. Constituted on the territory of the former Serbian Vardar Banovina at the time of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the NRM / SRM did not enjoy full autonomy in resolving its own national issues. All the reports of stronger patriotism were proclaimed harmful nationalism, and the actors were punished or marginalized. In the events related to the Informbiro (1948/49), the biggest damage suffered the NRM given the closure of the borders and the change of the attitude towards the Macedonians in the neighboring countries. However, in those conditions, for a period of about half a century in the NRM / SRM, a strong affirmation of ethnic Macedonians and Macedonian culture in the country and the world. Once already acquired rights and benefits are difficult to cancel. The Macedonian ethnic identity is affirmed by the Macedonian Diaspora, where in countries with developed democracy freely declare themselves as ethnic Macedonians. Macedonian language represent: Western Macedonian call and folk speeches in that part; southeastern Macedonian caller and speeches in that part and northern Macedonian speeches; On the basis of Misirkov’s codification (1903), the standardized Macedonian language (1945) is based on the central speeches of the Western Macedonian caller. Negative consequences for the Macedonian language caused Bulgaria’s action for Bulgarian spiritual supremacy in Macedonia that began standardization in the Bulgarian language. US Protestant Missionaries, who worked for Bulgarian interests mainly on the space of Eastern / Southeast Macedonia, in the 30s and 40s of ⅹⅰⅹ c. They created the first standardized Bulgarian letter, and on the basis of the Bulgarian language they chose the dialect from Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, not that of the authentic northern Bulgarian territories. Therefore after 1844 The affirmation of today’s Bulgarian literary language begins – based on the Eastern Bogarian dialogue. According to religion, Macedonians belong to Eastern European Christianity with the Macedonian People’s Religion (Syncretic Religious System with local Macedonian variants). In the Republic of Macedonia there are enclaves of East Catholic Christianity (Union -ⅹⅰⅹ / Staff. At ⅹⅹ c.), But also individuals from Western Catholic Christianity, with small religious communities of Protestantism. In the Republic of Macedonia, Muslims belong mainly to Sunni Islam, Dervish ranks (Sunni and Shiite-Sunni Islam). Macedonians do not enjoy minority rights and freedoms in RB and WG, and minimal rights use only in a small region in RA. Something higher standards of elementary ethnic rights provides Rs. In the independent countries of the former SFRY, as RSL (now EU member), RH, RCG and RBIH, Macedonians enjoy elementary minority rights. In developed democratic European countries and overseas countries – USA, Canada and Australia, Macedonians enjoy ethnic and civil rights. Until the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, there was a one-party state system at the level of SFRY that functioned in coordination with the special (communist) parties of the republics and provinces. After the dissolution of the joint state and the independence of the Republic of Macedonia (1991), a multi-party parliamentary system was introduced. Due to the half-life restriction of the national feelings of the nations in the SFRY, everywhere, and in the Republic of Macedonia, Dear Stojkovski, vice president of the organization “United Macedonians”, Toronto besides parties of civil political character, were formed several parties with ethnic and national character. There are several parties from both categories in Macedonia. Among the ten main and twelve smaller parties, VMROPMINE and SDSM (from large) and LDP, DOM, NSDP, DS, LP etc. are distinguished as characteristic of the ethnic Macedonians. (of the smaller). There are also a hundred associations of citizens. Ethnic Macedonians have a significant number of parties and associations in neighboring countries and diaspora, such as, for example: Organization of Macedonians in Albania; OMO-Ilinden – Political Party of Macedonians in Bulgaria; Rainbow – Political Party of Macedonians in Greece; United Macedonians – Association of Macedonians in Canada; World Macedonian Congress; Macedonians in the Netherlands; MACEDONIA CLASP OF TEE NUORD; World Macedonian Youth Congress; Macedonians in the Czech Republic; Movement for the human rights of Macedonians in Canada; Macedonian Patriotic / Political Organization for the United States and Canada – Fort Winter, Indiana, USA; Pearl Balkan – Canadian-Macedonian movement; Canadian-Macedonian business network; Macedonian Cultural Association in Ontario for the Lerin region; Association of Macedonians in the United Kingdom – London; Macedonian Alliance in Sweden – Gothenburg; Folklore Macedonian Society “Vardarka” – Maribor, Slovenia; Macedonian Alliance – Melbourne, Australia; Committee on Macedonian Human Rights for Melbourne, Victoria Ink.; Community of Macedonians in Switzerland; The Macedonian community’s page in Detroit, USA; United Macedonian diaspora, etc. Lit: Tsarnegi Report Off TePhe International Tsmision Into the Into Tezya Casuses and Condond of Thae Balkan Nasar, Nasashington, DC, 1914; Vladimir A. TSANOFF, Raport and Flource Off American Mirarijeries: Referering TePhe distribution of distribution of Valionalities Ing the Forta Provence OP Europen Turkans 1858-1918, Sofia, 1919; Macedonia as a natural and economic whole, Ini, Skopje, 1978; Stojan Kiselnovski, Aegean part of Macedonia (1913 – President of the World Macedonian Congress Todor Petrov du, Fields Zito – hills of blood, Skopje, 2002; Krste P. Misirkov, for the Macedonian works. Recorded Blaze Ristovski, Skopje, 2003; Mark Masover , The Balkans, Skopje, 2003; Dimitris LishSou, Greek anti-Macedonian struggle, 1, from Ilinden to Zagorican 1903-1905, Skopje, 2004, 2004, Gregori Mihaelidis, Salvathion Abroed: MACEDODON MIRPH NORTH American and TePe Making of Modern Machidonia 1870-1970, 2005 (manuscript of a defended doctoral dissertation at the University of Maryland – USA), HTTPS: // Represent.Udu/dtepa/Butteren/1903/2407/1/PUMD 2270.PDF. An. Macedonians in the Civil War In Spain

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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