
Polog – valley in the northwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia. After its occasion, it is a tectonic valley, lowered along the units between the mountains: Shar Planina, Suva Gora, Thirsty and Bukovic. It stretches in the direction of SI-JZ. The length of the Polog valley is about 40 km, and the average width is 6.5 km. The smallest width is between the village. Pirox and s. Radio 5.2 km. This narrowing is the border between Upper Polog – Gostivar Part and Lower Polog – Tetovo section. The valley covers an area of ​​1,475 km², and is at an altitude between 300 m and 2,774 m. The flat part covers an area of ​​33.200 ha, stretching between 400 and 600 m asg. with an average altitude of 500 m. The plain part of the valley is gradually descending from Gostivar (520 m) for Jegunovce-Raotince (385 m), as well as the foot of Shar Planina towards Suva Gora and thirsty. On all sides is closed with high mountains, with the exception to the eastern framework, where after the valley of Vardar, through the Derven Gorge and the Model Valley, Tetovo Suvilica is associated with the Skopje valley. In Polog is the source and the upper course of the River “Polog”, an expited company (Windsor, Canada, 1981) – Society of Macedonians from Tetovo. Oriented on organizing cultural manifestations and sports activities. The company formed a sports club “Teteks” (1983), which competed in the subjunised league. Fig. N.-

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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