Fauna of Macedonia – is relatively well explored, as according to the quality of the studies, as well as the coverage of individual taxonomic groups. According to the latest analyzes of the riches butterfly (Parnasusus Apollo) of the biodiversity of countries within the European continent, our country is ranked at the very top of the list of countries, which are significant centers of European diversity. The most striking feature of today’s fauna is the vast treasure of species, heterogeneity, that is, the presence of complexes of faunistic elements with different zogeographic origin and with a freshwater sponger juice of endemism. According to previous knowledge, in the fauna of Macedonia, a total of 9,567 taxa was registered (9,339 species and 228 subspecies), of which 674 taxa (602 species and 72 subspecies) are Macedonian endemics. The type of arthropod of organisms (arthropoda), as the most numerous representatives in the animal world, in our fauna are presented with the largest number of taxa (7,743), of which 7,574 species and 169 subspecies. Among better ganisms is the order of butterflies (adhesive) with a total of 2,295 taxa (2,261 species and 34 subspecies). The vertebrates are represented by a total of 536 taxa (506 species and 30 subspecies), including fish (scribes) with 58 autochthonous species, amphibians (ampchibia) with 15 species and 2 subspecies, false scorpers (reptilia) with 32 types and 8 subspecies , birds (AWS) with 319 species and 19 subspecies and mammals (mummalia) with 82 types and one subspecies. The highest degree of endemism occurs in the following taxonomic groups: freshwater sponges (posibility) – 60%; Aquantic snails (gastropoda Abuatica) – 74.5%; false scorpions (pseudosclepios) – 73%; Senocles (opilioes) – 47.5%; Isopodode crabs (hemoda) – 85%; AMIPIVE CRACKS (Amphipoda) – 81.4%; True centuries (diplode) – 37% and sharpcodes (Ostrazda) – 26%. In the vertebrates, the highest level of endemism occurs in fish (Pipes) – 34.5%, ie the total number of species (58), 20 species are Macedonian endemics. The rich and heterogeneous fauna, which is today encountered with us is the result of a real centuries long historical development, in whose genesis, besides the differentiation of autochthonous species, the penetration of settlers from other areas is a significant role. With the changes in climatic conditions across geological history, the species that once lived in this area, for the most part disappeared due to unfavorable conditions. Only a small part survived in certain habitats less exposed to changes, such as river gorges, deep lakes and caves. These species represent relics – the remains of the former fauna characterized by this area. In the geological period, Gorenant Tertiah (Neugen), in the Epocheta Miocene, (the studied on 23, and the first 23, and the PMF. Feni Industries “f 5 million years ago) On the territory of Macedonia, a tropical and subtropical climate prevailed. In the next geological epochete (5 to 1 million years ago), gradual cooling with a drier climate, leading to the enormous spread of grass ecosystems of type of today’s savani. Of these two epochs (Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene) on several localities in Macedonia (Skopje valley, Veles, Valandovo, Ovce Pole) The remains of fossil fauna, which was similar to the fauna, which is now encountered in Central Africa , such as fossil elephants, rhinos, giraffes, gazelles, antelopes, fossil horses, wild boars, Sabjector Tiger, monkey and two types of extinct beasts. On the slopes of Vodno, the remains of the remaining elephant ancient ancestone of today’s elephant (di Notchirium giantium), whose height of the body reached 4.5 m. In Pliocene, much of the territory of Macedonia was covered with two large lakes, the Aegean Lake, which was wided in most valleys, from Polog and Skopje valley north to Pelagonia and the Gevgelija valley in the south, including the current Dojran Lake, which is its last remnant. At the end of the Pliocene and the geological epoch Pleistene, a regressive period by lowering the level of the Aegean Basin, which caused the leakage of water and disaggregation of the Aegean Lake on several smaller lakes, which during the ice period remained in current valleys. In the southwestern part of Macedonia, there was a desaret lake, whose geological life continues the Ohrid and Prespa Lake, along with a partially preserved tertiary relict lake fauna, lakes that today are surface isolated. With the appearance of Geological Epoch Pleistocene, or ice time (1 million to 10,000 years ago), there is a drastic drop in the temperature in North and Central Europe, and even in the Balkan region, where all tertiary tropical elements disappeared. All of Northern Europe, most of the median EV-Donherium Giantium Ropa, as well as the higher zones of the mountains in southern Europe and in our country, were covered with ice even through the summer, for which there are numerous evidence, such as mountain cirs, morons and Ice Lakes. The northern faunal elements migrated to the south. At the same time, the tertiary narrative fauna from our high mountains descended into the lowlands, where it comes to mixing species originating in northern Europe with the latest species of our mountain fauna, as well as among the species of different mountain ridges. With certain oscillations during the interggrial phases of the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, the northern cooling of glacial fauna, S “Until 10,000 years ago, when due to a massive withdrawal of the north to the subarctic and arctic areas and high-mountain zones of our mountains . At the same time, the lowland belt gradually started to inhabit south, Mediterranean and eastern species, which affected the warm climate. The Mediterranean fauna along the valley of the Vardar River touched the Skopje valley, and many Mediterranean species have penetrated north just to Veles, Demir Kapija or even more. St. P. – V. Sid. Answering to participate in “FASHA”
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet