Macedonian national minority in the Republic of Greece

The Macedonian national minority in the Republic of Greece – indigenous Macedonian population with local ethnic culture, an integral part of the Macedonian ethnic culture. The ancestors of this population in the province of Macedonia and its neighborhood are recorded in the early medieval under the names Draguzutites, Sagadati, Rynchini, Velegosites, Warnites, etc. The Macedonian population can be continuously monitored in Turkish medieval. After the wars in the beginning of ⅹⅹ c. (1912/13 and 1923) In the Greek state territory, about 51% of the total Macedonian ethnic territory was included. The persecution of the Macedonians from their centuries. In accordance with the idea of ​​creating a nation-state, Greece developed a methodology and practice for the Greeceizing all citizens through the system of penalties and the elimination of “unruly”. Macedonians in Greece belong to two Confessions: Orthodox Christianity and Islam (Protestantism and Union appear at the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c.). The Macedonian population with Islamic faith, the so-called. Pomaks, are concentrated mainly in the border area of ​​RGR. towards Thrace. Macedonians do not enjoy minority rights in RGR. Their political party “Rainbow” is a successful internal and foreign policy in the fight against Greek extreme nationalism. The Aegean part of Macedonia covers approximately half of the total Macedonian ethnic territory – 34,153 km². The boundaries of the territory of the Aegean part of Macedonia until 1913. There were also at the same time ethnographic boundaries. The northern border (1912) with RB (Pirin part of Macedonia) and RM cut ethnic Macedonia in half in an irregular horizontal direction. The eastern border is with Thrace and on that line covers the Macedonian region of the CCC, the gorge and the catchment of the R. Places in the Aegean Sea. The western border leads the mountain ridges of Mokra Mountain, Morava, Gramos and Pind and formed a water reservoir between the R. Bistrica on a part of the fight for a minority prime map of the Aegean part of Macedonia in RGR, within the borders after the Bucharest Contract East and the rivers flowing in the West (Devol, I will). The Pind starts the southern border and leads through the mountains Kambunk and Olympus, and it descends south of the r. Bistrica and lead to the Aegean Sea. From here to the east leads the seaside, it covers the Halkidic Peninsula and the island of Thasos and ends in the mouth of the r. Places. For the number of the Macedonian minority there is no accurate data, because the state is treated as “non-existent”. That state attitude can be officially monitored since 1912/13. Until today, although in 1920 Greece signed an agreement with the Society of Nations that committed itself to allow worthwhile civil rights and freedoms of minorities. According to Approximative calculations of “Rainbow” – the Party of Macedonians in Greece, about 200,000 village population speaks or understands the Macedonian language. Macedonian spoken language represent: the Southwest group speeches – Korcian, the Kostur, the unchart and chestnury; The southern group speeches – Thessaloniki and the water and southeastern group – Ladadian and Russia. After 1912 Standardized Greek is in official use. The ancestors of modern Macedonians have adapted to the province of Macedonia and in its neighborhood and are recorded in the medieval Romeay / Byzantine sources under the tribal names Draguvitty (western / southwest of Thessaloniki), Stazitts (north of Thessaloniki), Sagadati (Around R. Bystrica), Rynchyni (of Halkidiki), Velegosits (in Thessaly), Wounty (in Epirus), etc. By ⅶ to ⅹⅴ c. Fully or partly were in the composition of the medieval Balkan states (Romean Empire, Bulgaria, Serbia), including in the Samuil’s kingdom. At the beginning of the Turkish period, they were part of the Rumeli Vilaet, and then by the end of the Turkish period in the composition of the Thessaloniki Vilet. The modus of administrative immutability More than four centuries under Turkish government positively influenced the preservation of the Macedonian ethnic character of the space and maintaining continuity with the ancient and old Slavic cultural matrix from the time of the medieval ancestors of the Macedonians in this area. In symbiosis with the old-occal population of Macedonia created its own recognizable ethnic identity in the domain of material, social and spiritual culture. The ethnic merger of Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia was built on the basis of their own ethnic culture, as well as association against the common enemy (Turkish, Greek or other foreign government, the Greek Church, etc.), which is confirmed by initiatives and massive participation in Impactic and rebellious shares, up to the Ilinden uprising and the events that followed after, including the latest related to the partisan movement in World War II. Disruption of interethnic relations emerged after the abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric and the involvement of the Macedonian population in the Greek church, with the service of Greek Church (1767). The beginnings of the persecution of the Macedonians from this part of Macedonia date from the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c., And it intensified immediately after the Ilinden uprising. The conspirators of European ideas for creating a state-nation developed a strategy for rebuilding classical ancient and elimination history. In contrast, the myth of ancient “Greek Macedonia” stood the reality of winning the natural wealth of Macedonia (fertile soils, rivers, lakes, mountains, forests, etc.). For this purpose, an Anderded armed actions against Macedonians are organized in 1904-1906. With the help of mercenaries from Crete and other places. Greek Astress (1904 & 1906) This dark period of Greek history is officially marked as the beginning of the so-called. “Macedonian struggle”. The anti-Macedonian struggle for territories was conducted under the pretext that the Macedonians should be punished because they became unbelievers, left the Greek Church and joined the Bulgarian Exarchate (1870). After the war horrors (1912/13 and 1923), Greece with European support managed to receive about 51% of the territory of ethnic Macedonia. In order to ensure the new territory, the ethnic cleansing of the majority Macedonian population began. As a result of the interstate agreements of Greece, Bulgaria and Turkey for “population exchange” (Ney, 1919 and Lausanne, 1923), the exodus of the Macedonian population from this part of Macedonia towards Bulgaria, towards other neighboring countries and Europe, the United States and Australia . The migration of the small Macedonian population towards Turkey and the entry members of the Greek Patriarcška Church (Gagauzi from Bulgaria, Orthodox from Asia Minor, from Eastern and West Thrace). Refugees from the Aegean part of Macedonia The ethnic cleansing of the Macedonians continued after the Second World War (1946-1949). In order to ensure that they will not return to their birthplace, Greece took away the citizenship of refugees. One number of refugees today live in the Republic of Macedonia. For those who remained in birth places, increased assimilation with illicit funds began. In the contemporary Greek state, the newly created myth is persisted that all citizens of Greece are ancestors of ancient Greeks. In addition to the ban on using other languages, followed by harsh fines and other similar orders, one of the more impressive procedures was the renaming of 1646 Macedonian toponyms and their replacement with “ancient”, which was immediately produced and “glorious ancient history”. In RGR. Minority rights are not guaranteed, except for the Turkish minority (such as Muslim). The Macedonian minority is marginalized in the field of economy, public administration, education, in the legislation, in political and public life, in the media, etc. The mentioned rights of the Macedonian can receive them if they appropriated Greek ethnic identity. Program is appropriated by the Macedonian ethnic culture and folklore of the Aegean Macedonians and are presented as Greek. A huge number of publications for the promotion of state policy on the negation of the Macedonian minority, especially with regard to ethnonym Macedonians. From the state policy of negation of the Macedonian minority, individuals Greek intellectuals and other progressive citizens, who disagree with the retrograde state attitudes and support the action of the political and other civil society associations of the Macedonian minority for affirmation of their ethnic and cultural identity. Minority ethnic groups in Greece begin to show signs of life in the last ten years. Among the first and bravest includes Macedonians. In addition to persecution and intimidation, Greece succeeded in persisting the Macedonian ethnic awareness of their own culture. Among the first reports of the struggle for recognition of the Macedonian identity include the resistance of Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias from Schabian, Meglenian. His opposition to the assimilation is expressed by public and through c. “Melenna” (Meglen) printed with several like-minded people in Greek. He is struggling for the cultural rights of the Macedonians and the church service in Macedonian language in those places where there is a Macedonian minority. Many times he was a blow to church and judicial power as “autonomist”, that is, separatist. When a group of younger Macedonian enthusiasts from Florina founded the organization “Movement for Balkan Prosperity” (1990), Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarkrias was a member of the Central Archimandrite Nikodim Tsarknias Council. Then he left the organization, but not the struggle for the rights of the Macedonians. The first organization forms a political branch named “Rainbow” (1994), which today is the most successful representative of the political struggle of the Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia for minority and civil rights and for free expression of their own ethnic identity, language, culture and folklore . In “Rainbow” also members of other ethnic origin (Greek, mixed). The leaders and differing the members of this legal party are linguistic in Greece by its activity by the Characters of the principles of the EU and the European countries from under the slaural standards for the Minorian Reva where the Civil Rights. The first to be a writer of the branch of the branch “Wine Water and Grain” was “Melena” that was formed renamed three times (“Dawn” – editions. To “New Dawn” – “Info Dora”). In an attitude to the Diffe 2000 Any magazine Rension of the “Loza” was raised. The party is the initial Mac, Bug., From the second congress of the political party of the MacedoniansRainbow” in the university of rich publishing activity, and thus strives to break the “Greek silence” in relation to the Macedonians. In public media (radio, television) there is still room for the cultural needs of the Macedonian and other minorities.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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