Greek-Macedonian links and relations

Greek-Macedonian links and relationships. Newer connections begin with the participation of Macedonians in the Greek Uprising (1821-1830). After the independence of Greece (1830), the foundations of the Great Policy directed towards the territory of Macedonia were set. Consulates in Thessaloniki and Bitola (1859) are opened. Greek aspirations for territorial enlargement are for the first time in the time of the eastern crisis, when the territory of Macedonia is proclaimed Greek, Orthodox residents for Greeks and starts an offensive for shopping through Constantinople Patriarchate, Greek schools, Greek diplomatic missions and various associations – Silogos. At the time of the eastern crisis in Athens, a committee for preparation and lifting uprising in Macedonia is established. Leonidas Vulgaris and other Macedonian Makers, in response to the convening of the European Commission for the preparation of reforms, in accordance with Article 23 of the Berlin Treaty, the National Assembly of Macedonia (2. 1880), which makes a decision on the formation of a temporary government of Macedonia “Unity” . The Ilinden uprising of the Greek government is degraded to the degree of robust action directed against the Greeks in Macedonia. From 1904 to 1908 Greece, using the good relations with Turkey, redirect propaganda complements with even more intensive sending of armed troops performing Pus-Toss in Macedonian villages, forcing the population that left the Greek Church again to return under its government and declare how Greek. Greece realizes territorial aspirations towards Macedonia during the Balkan Wars (1912-13), whose results are sanctioned by the Bucharest peace deal (10. ⅷ 1913). The First World War It provides a new territorial expansion for the account of Macedonia (before the wars there are 64,657 km of territory and 2,900,000, and after the First World War 120,000 km and 5.100,000 inhabitants). In 1919 Greece and Bulgaria conclude an agreement on “voluntary” eviction of the population from both countries as a basis for coercion on the Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia, mostly from Kukushko, Sisco and Drama. In their place colonizes Greek population, which drastically modifies the ethnic structure. Macedonians remain a majority in Kostur Region, Lerin and Voden, but subjected to national oppression, denationalization and assimilation by banning the use of the Macedonian language, changing the names of rivers, lakes, populated stations, enforcement measures and terror, closing, etc.. The international community reacts through the League of People Pressure for respecting certain rights in the field of education, that is, creating a primer in Macedonian language. Among the two world wars in Aegean Macedonia, there is a strong Macedonian national liberation movement on the side of anti-fascist forces. As a result of the civil war in 1949. There is a massive eviction of the Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia. After the dissolution of the SFRY and the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Macedonia, serious problems caused by the RG in relation to the Republic of Macedonia, officially, related mainly with the name of the Republic of Macedonia. In the first half of the nineties of ⅹⅹ c. Greece takes a series of activities internationally, even legally illegal (economic embargo towards the Republic of Macedonia, for example, as a form of pressure banned with the UN Charter), it works to prevent the process for wider international recognition of the Republic of Macedonia under the constitutional name, preventing The process of joining those international organizations (including non-governmental) in which the Republic of Macedonia will be admitted under the constitutional name, performs official interventions in the protocol of the work and naming international conferences (at government and non-governmental level) by insisting all present to $ Refer to the Republic of Macedonia under the reference “FYROM”, etc. Upon receipt of the Republic of Macedonia in the UN, the two countries, under the auspices of the UN, conduct talks to resolve the name dispute. The 13th IX 1995 In New York, the temporary consent for normalization of relations between the Republic of Macedonia and the WG, which establish diplomatic relations at the level of liaison offices. The Greek office opens on 13. ⅹ 1995 The first head of the office is Alexandros Malais. The first head of the Liaison Office of the Republic of Macedonia is Ljupco Arsovski. Normalizing political relations contributes to the accelerated development of economic relations, although the name dispute “is not yet solved and negotiations with” still stretch. The WG does not recognize the existence of the Macedonian minority (the Constitution recognizes only religious minorities) implied only the existence of the Muslim minority in Thrace (a term covered by Turks, Pombers and Roma). The number of Macedonians in Greece can very difficult to be determined (even approximately), due to a series of historical events leading to a mass exodus on the Macedonians in the Aegean part (according to some former estimates of 150,000 to 200,000) and the absence of any official data. Exhibition: Victor Gaber, for Macedonian diplomacy, Skopje, 2002; Risto Podrazarov, Greek policy towards Macedonia in the second half of the ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of the ⅹⅹ century, Skopje, 1973. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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