Greek-Serbian Convention

Greek-Serbian Convention (1914) – to carry out the provision of the Union Treaty (19th ⅴ / 1. ⅵ 1913). Greece and Serbia signed a special convention for deviation part of Serbia’s Thessaloniki port of Serbia (10./23. Ⅴ 1914) for use for a period of 50 years. That space from the Thessaloniki port remained under the administration of the Greek authorities. The Greek government pledged to build installations and buildings needed for Serbian transit, establish and maintain direct telegraph and telephone connection with Serbia. On transit ships in the Thessaloniki port, which transported goods from and Serbia, they were given all rights and privileges as the ships of the most governed nation. For the transfer of goods after the railway, signing special protocols was envisaged; For the veterinary (for Serbian livestock) and for the customs service, the Regulation was an integral part of the Convention. Serbia $ was provided to give all privileges and convenience, and it was envisaged to be given to third countries that would arise from the creation of a free zone at the Thessaloniki port .: Macedonia in international agreements, and Skopje, 2006 . M. Min.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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