
Monopoly – market structure, in which one single enterprise (seller) creates the total offer in the economic sector and has a strong impact on the amount of the price of good or service. The power of the monopoly affects the amount of the price is far greater if for the sake or service of the monopoly there is no adequate substitution – a product or service that satisfy the top-down the same need. Contrary to the commercial, there is a natural monopoly. The natural monopoly is typical of those economic sectors that require large capital investments, benefits from economies from scale (due to mass production, fixed unit costs are small) and hence socially unprecedable more enterprises to perform the activity in the sector. In such a case, the Government) provides exclusive law One single enterprise to perform the activity in the sector, with which, the de FACTO, creates a natural monopoly. A typical example of such a monopoly is one rail, one electric power or gas pipeline, etc. The market structure of the Republic of Macedonia, as a small country, according to the criterion – the number of participants created by the offer in certain sectors, shows relatively high monopolization. Some analyzes for Macedonia (refer to the second half of the nineties) confirmed the existence of a private monopoly in eight sectors (production of oil derivatives, production of skin and fur, processing of rubber, production of fodder, etc.) and existence of Natural mono-gender, also in eight sectors (rail, electric power, postal and telecommunication services, etc.). However, the strength of the monopolies (and the commercial and natural) are relativized if other criteria includes: the possibility of substitution of goods and services, the elasticity of demand, import competition, deregulation, privatization and entry of new economic entities in the activity , establishment of government antitrust policy and regulation of natural monopolies, etc. The damages from the existence of monopolies in Macedonia, as well as in any other economy, are numerous: losses from the limitation of production by monopolies, making consumers (citizens and businesses) pay high prices, loss of poor monopolies, losses from the query Renta (Bribery of regulators), losses from the reduction of the competitiveness and efficiency of the total economy, etc., due to which the government’s involvement in limiting the economic force of private and natural monopolies is necessary: ​​(c. State regulation of the economic sectors and the protection commission of competition). Not .: D. Novicevski, from perfect competition to monopoly – some aspects of the business concentration in the Macedonian economy, “Younga”, at the Faculty of Economics – Skopje, Skopje, 2001. Eugenio Montale

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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