Competitiveness – The ability of firms, individual economic sectors or the economy as a whole successfully perform on foreign markets. The examinations and measurements of the competitive ability of the Macedonian economy taking into account the various determinants of the competitive ability of economies show unsatisfactory results. They can be summarized as follows: (1) The Macedonian economy shows export competitiveness in four clusters: materials and metals, food products and beverages, textiles and apparel and somewhat products for households and household equipment; (2) The export products in which the economy is experiencing export competitiveness, with small exceptions, with a low level of finalization and low value added content; (3) The quality of production factors that determine competitiveness is weak, as labor (over 70% of the country’s total exports of the country is the result of the use of low-mixed labor) as well as the created factors (economic infrastructure, scientific and research infrastructure, etc. ); (4) The low influx of foreign direct investment in the country (c. Foreign direct investment) is also evidence of the poor competitive ability of the Macedonian economy. Hence, in the report on the global competitiveness of the World Economic Forum of Geneva, the Republic of Macedonia is poorly quoted. According to the Index of Development Competitiveness, between 103 economies, the Republic of Macedonia is ranked 81st, according to the quality of the institutions of the institutions on the 93rd place, according to the 70th technology index, according to the index of business competitiveness in 82th place, etc. Good grades RM gets only a few indicators: Real Forex (Rank 6 of 102 economies), inflation rate (Rank 37 of 102 economies), number of phones Per Tseska (Rank 42 of 102 economies), the absence of discrimination on the market Labor and poor impact of disease AIDS on running the business. Raising the competitive ability of the Macedonian economy is a long-term process, and it assumes: Creating conditions for rapid development of the private sector and entrepreneurship and its partnership with the public and civil sector, strengthening the capacity of institutions and public administration and public administration and devising policies for policies for Support (support, not protection) of competitive firms. Not.: V. Uzunov, the challenge of European integration and competitiveness of the Macedonian economy, the challenges of the Macedonian economy, MANU, Skopje, 2004; NJORD ECOOOMIC Forums TPP Global Tompetyvesivese Report 2003 -2004, Odford Universitis Press, 2004. Lit.: V. Uzunov, strategy and policy of creating competitiveness of the Macedonian economy, Skopje, 2001. T. F. Margita to-Popovska
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