Fifth Macedonian

Fifth Macedonian (Prilep) People’s Liberation Brigade. (The area of ​​Vlach cottages close to the village. Conscript, on Sq. Kozuv, 2. ⅷ – December 1944) – Military unit of New and Pom. It was formed by 750 fighters from Prilep, with the fighters of the first battalion “Mirce Acev” of the Second Macedonian Nawb and NOOP “Trajce Petkanovski”. Leading struggles at the villages Kapinovo, Bogomila (Veles, 12/13. Ⅷ), Birch (25. ⅷ) and leading (in Macedonian ship) The formation of the fifth Macedonian (Prilep) National Liberation Brigade – (Pl. Kozuv, 2. ⅷ 1944) And collapsed six bridges on the Veles-Gradsko road (6. ⅸ). After being placed under the command of the forty-ninth (Macedonian) division of Nova (10. ⅸ), fighting in released Prilep (11. ⅸ) until his re-occupying of the German forces (21. ⅸ). He continued the fighting in the villages of Stepans and Source (on the road Prilep-Veles, 23. ⅸ), in Copecarna Gumno and the villages of Gorno Koanari (Prilep, 1. J), Impections and Trictor (on the road Prilep-Bitola, 2-6. J ), Bukovo and Pretova Bridge (on Road Re-Saint-Ohrid, 13. J), at the Shemnica River (22. J), the villages of Glavovo, Grchec and Sushevo (on the road Skopje-Tetovo, 25. J), participating in the fighting For the release of Prilep (29. J – 2. ⅺ), Resen (5. ⅺ) and Ohrid (7. ⅺ), after which he occupied the Macedonian-Greek border of the Bitola-Prespa region (November 1944). Later they entered the composition of the eighth (Macedonian) division of the prince (25. ⅹⅰⅰ) as its second brigade, this time for securing the Macedonian-Albanian border. Lit.: Tashko Loccan, from the mouth of blood, in the heart of freedom, “Nova Makedonija”, Jjdi, 12175, Skopje, 14. ⅹⅰⅰ 1980, 5; Ljuben Georgievski-Ljupa, Ilindanske, from a major, “People’s Army”, Belgrade, 1981; Vlado Strezovski – Gjorgji Di-Movski-Laskov, 7th Macedonian Brigade and 49 Division of Nova, Bitola, 1987; Proceedings of memories and documents for the combat path of the fifth pla-Prilep, Skopje, 1998. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТТА МАКЕДОНСКА

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